UK. More universities join USS strike

The University and College Union has secured the support of yet more institutions in its campaign for strike action over member benefit cuts in the Universities Superannuation Scheme.

The UCU balloted its members in November over strike action in response to proposals agreed between the USS trustee and Universities UK, the group representing 340 USS employers, over the scheme’s controversial 2020 valuation.

The union has argued that the agreement, which includes covenant support measures that UUK says are necessary to stave off “ruinous” contribution rate hikes, will entail cuts to member benefits of as much as 35 per cent, though both UUK and the USS trustee have disputed this figure.

More than three-quarters (76 per cent) of members balloted backed strike action on a 56 per cent turnout, while 88 per cent backed action short of a strike. However, the union failed to secure a mandate in 31 of the 68 institutions where ballots took place, and it pledged it would re-ballot those where turnout did not reach the 50 per cent threshold required for strike action.

It was announced on Tuesday that re-balloting saw a further 12 universities vote in favour of joining industrial action, which is in response to pay and conditions as well as pensions.

Of the 12, the UCU noted that six now have a mandate over pay and conditions, five over pay, with one voting to join action over USS pensions only. Some branches already had a mandate for action in one of the two disputes.

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