The Rising Age of Retirement and Life Expectancy
For many people retirement is something to look forward to, with it being a new stage to life with no work and endless opportunities.
Our Life Plan has predicted how old individuals will be when they retire up to 29 years into the future. They have looked into the rising age of retirement across 36 OECD countries, revealing that some workers can expect to be 82 when they retire.
The team has also predicted how long these individuals can expect to live, with life expectancy rising by an average of four years by 2050.
Retirement ages are expected to continue to rise
Koreans will be nearly 82 when they hit retirement age in 2050
As life expectancy continues to rise across the world, state retirement ages tend to follow the trend and increase. Research reveals that Koreans are expected to be the oldest workers in 2050, with the effective retirement age of the population being nearly 81.84, nearly 82 years of age.
New Zealanders will be the second oldest members of the OECD when they retire, at 80 years old. The retirement age for Kiwi’s is predicted to increase by 10 years across the 25 years between 2025 and 2050.
People living in Greece are expected to retire at just 57 years of age in 2050, one of only a few countries where effective retirement ages are set to decrease. Predictions show they will be retiring near the age of 60 in 2025 and this will have reduced to just over 57 in 2050.
Poland and France come in second and third, when it comes to the lowest predicted average retirement age in 2050 at 61.49 and 61.78 respectively. Individuals living in countries including Spain, Ireland and Mexico can all expect to enjoy retirement before hitting the age of 65 in 2050.
Source @OurLifePlan