The gender pensions gap report 2024
By Joanne Segars, Lizzy Holliday & Laura Wilkinson
The gender pensions gap- the difference in pension savings wealth between men and women at retirement age – is
substantial. Allowing for typical working patterns, women’s pension wealth is a third (33%) less, relative to men. These figures are the result of a lifetime of reduced earnings potential, increased time out of the workforce and other contributory factors. To bridge this gap themselves, women would need to work an extra 19 years in full-time employment to build up the same level of pension savings as men. Based on qualifying for auto enrolment at the current age of 22, a girl would need to start earning at three years old to build up the same level of pension savings as a boy the same age. As a result, a girl born in 2020 is already on course for a smaller pension pot than a boy born in the same year.
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