February 2024

US. Diversity kept in mind, but not a priority, among pension plans in manager hires

When hiring money managers, U.S. pension funds say they have one thing to make clear: It is their fiduciary duty to prioritize firms that can generate strong returns and mitigate risks. But there are ways that funds make their selection while promoting diversity, regardless of whether they have formal policies for hiring minority- and women-owned programs. Aside from encouraging inclusiveness within the asset management industry, considering the identity of a firm's ownership in hiring practices can help allocators create a broad...

US. For some pension funds, active investing is once again attractive

Passive investing has been a dominant trend in recent years, but some large U.S. pension funds are seeing more opportunities ramping up in active management. In some ways, the trend is surprising. Low-fee index funds — particularly those focused on the efficient large-cap segment of the U.S. stock market — have historically outperformed their actively managed counterparts over the mid to long term. The track record and cost efficiency of passive products have made them a great success: In 2023,...

US. Shell Closes $4.9B Pension Risk Transfer With Prudential

Prudential Financial Inc. announced on Wednesday it had closed a $4.9 billion pension risk transfer deal with Shell USA Inc. The transaction would be the first major pension risk transfer in the U.S. this year, following record years for the pension risk transfer market in 2022 and 2023.  “Prudential is honored to help continue meeting the retirement security needs of Shell’s retirees,” said Alexandra Hyten, head of institutional retirement strategies at Prudential, in a statement. “We are confident that our commitment...

US. Public Pensions Are Mixing Risky Investments with Unrealistic Predictions

More than 20 million Americans are covered by state and local government pensions. Unlike the 401(k) plans found in the private sector, these “defined benefit” plans promise to pay retirees a set amount of money every month for the rest of their lives. For most public workers, these generous programs are a cornerstone of their financial security; for many, they’re one of the main attractions of government jobs. Yet the plans, by their own reckoning, are underfunded to the tune...

January 2024

US. What’s the average 401(k) balance by age?

The amount of money you’ll need to retire comfortably depends on several factors, such as where you plan to live and how much you plan to spend. But experts say it’s important to save for the future now — especially because one of the main advantages of 401(k) workplace retirement plans is that your money benefits from compound returns, growing via the financial markets over time. “The sooner 401(k) participants start to save, the more realistic their retirement goals will...

Public Pension Funding Index January 2024

By Rebecca A. Sielman & Richard L. Gordon  Two consecutive months of positive market performance in November and December 2023 pushed the funded status of the 100 largest U.S. public pension plans to its highest point of 2023. The plans’ estimated funded status increased from 72.4% as of October 31, 2023, to 75.9% as of November 30, 2023, and further increased to 78.2% as of December 31, 2023, as measured by the Milliman 100 Public Pension Funding Index (PPFI). Get the...

Funding ratio of largest U.S. public pension plans hits 78.2% at year-end – Milliman

The overall estimated funding ratio of the 100 largest U.S. public pension plans reached 78.2% at the end of December, the highest level of 2023, according to the Milliman 100 Public Pension Funding index. After three straight months of declines due to negative market returns in August through October, the estimated ratio rose for the second straight month in December. As of Nov. 30, the estimated ratio has risen to 75.9% from 72.4% at the end of October. The late-year rally...

Estados Unidos se prepara para un año de jubilaciones récord ¿Qué aconsejan los expertos?

El 2024 será un año récord en materia de jubilación en Estados Unidos, cuando en promedio 11,000 estadounidenses al día lleguen a los 65 años de edad hasta diciembre. Según un informe de la Alianza para la Renta Vitalicia, aproximadamente 4.1 millones de estadounidenses alcanzarán la edad de jubilación este año y se mantendrá esta tendencia hasta el 2027, constituyendo la mayor oleada de ciudadanos en edad de retiro en la historia del país. Este fenómeno, descrito por especialistas como el “pico...

Money managers divided over Chinese equities

Global money managers are split as to whether buy signals are flashing for China stocks right now, even as they agree the equity market does look cheap. The gap between Chinese company market capitalizations and the U.S. stock market was $42.5 trillion as of market close Jan. 23, based on Pensions & Investments' calculations using Bloomberg data. Bloomberg reported Jan. 23 that Chinese stocks have lost more than $6.3 trillion in value from a February 2021 peak, vs. a $5.3 trillion...

US. IRS Announces Modest Changes To Retirement Plan Contribution Limits

In response to the current inflationary environment, the Internal Revenue Service announced a modest increase in the maximum contribution limits for 401(k)s and Individual Retirement Accounts for 2024. This year, 401(k) savers can contribute a maximum of $23,000, marking an increase of over 2% from the $22,500 limit set for 2023. The new contribution limit, effective from January 1, 2024, applies to 401(k) plans, along with 403(b) plans, most 457 plans, and the Thrift Savings Plan for federal employees. Despite being less...