June 2024

All Generations Agree These Are America’s Top 3 Retirement Savings Worries

As Americans contemplate their retirements and envision their golden years, a cascade of serious concerns and anxieties often accompanies these thoughts. Retirement planning is riddled with weighty financial decisions, and it’s common for individuals to grapple with these uncertainties. A recent survey conducted by GOBankingRates highlights some of the most significant worries Americans have about their retirement. Major Retirement Concerns 1. Running Out of Money A significant 59% of survey respondents fear the possibility of running out of money during retirement. This...

US. Milliman analysis: Competitive pension risk transfer costs inches down in May, from 100.9% to 100.7%

Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced the latest results of its Milliman Pension Buyout Index (MPBI). As the pension risk transfer (PRT) market continues to grow, it has become increasingly important to monitor the annuity market for plan sponsors that are considering transferring retiree pension obligations to an insurer. During May, the estimated cost to transfer retiree pension risk to an insurer in a competitive bidding process decreased slightly, from 100.9% of a plan’s accounting...

US. Public pension funding ratios roar back in May — Milliman

The overall estimated funding ratio of the 100 largest U.S. public pension plans bounced back in May thanks to strong investment returns for the month, according to the Milliman 100 Public Pension Funding index. The increase in the funding ratio to 79.4% as of May 31 from the estimate of 77.6% as of April 30 was primarily the result of positive market performance in May, almost completely reversing a weak April for investment returns. The estimated funding ratio at the...

US. Gen X is the least confident about retirement as ‘crunch time’ nears—and has done less to prepare than boomers or millennials

The cohort once derided as the “slacker generation” is about to start heading into retirement, and many Gen Xers aren’t feeling so optimistic about it after not doing as much to get ready. Only 62% of Gen Xers feel confident about “being able to financially support all the things they want to do in life,” according to Allianz Life Insurance’s 2024 annual retirement study. That’s well below baby boomers (82%) and millennials (77%). To be sure, the simple fact that Gen X...

Health Equity & LGBTQ+ Older Adults of Color. Engaging individuals, communities and organizations

By National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging This report highlights how state, local community organizations, funders and healthcare providers can make innovative impacts in health equity. We are living in a vastly different world than that of 2013, and this section highlights some of the present-day context within which we are doing this work. The United States is becoming older and more diverse. Yet, how we often talk about and intervene on issues related to diversity in aging continues to fall short...

3M to transfer pension-payment obligations for 23,000 U.S. retirees

3M to book a charge of nearly $1 billion as it transfers some of its pension obligations to Met Tower Life 3M Co. said Thursday it will transfer about $2.5 billion of its pension-payment obligations to Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Co. The consumer- and industrial-products company (MMM) said the transfer, which will affect the pension payments of about 23,000 U.S. retirees, won't change the amount of the monthly benefit payments. The only change is who is making the payments. 3M, which makes...

US. House Republicans accuse ESG-focused pension funds, other investors of antitrust violations

Partisan differences were clear at a House hearing June 12, when Republicans accused CalPERS, Arjuna Capital and other institutional investors that consider environmental, social and governance factors of violating antitrust laws. The hearing followed the release of an interim report on June 11, in which Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee said pension funds, asset managers, proxy-advisory firms and environmental groups are coordinating a “climate cartel” to force companies to‘“decarbonize” and “reach net zero.” “The climate cartel is engaged in anti-competitive collusion...

Funded Status of U.S. Corporate Pension Plans Continues to Improve in May

In May, the financial health of U.S. corporate pension plans experienced a marked improvement, continuing a positive trend seen over the past five months, according to a round-up of the country’s pension watchers. The main reasons for the positive funding trends in May across various corporate defined benefit plans included positive economic indicators, strategic investment approaches such as cash-flow-driven strategies and resilience in market performance despite lower interest rates. “May’s improvement is the fifth month in a row of funded ratio...

US. Un fondo de pensiones de California se opone a que Tesla pague a Musk 50,000 millones

El poderoso fondo de pensiones de los profesores de California (CalSTRS en inglés) reveló este lunes que votará contra la propuesta de otorgar al consejero delegado de Tesla, Elon Musk, un paquete de compensación valorado en más de 50,000 millones de dólares. En declaraciones a la cadena CNBC, el director de inversiones de CalSTRS, Chris Ailman, calificó el paquete, en forma de opciones sobre acciones de Tesla, acordado entre el consejo de administración de Tesla y Musk en 2018 como "ridículo". Ailman afirmó que el fondo ya se opuso al pago la primera vez que fue presentado en 2018 y que volverá a votar en contra...

AT&T Seeks Dismissal From Two Lawsuits Targeting PRT Deal with Athene

AT&T Inc. filed a motion to dismiss two lawsuits against the company Wednesday that accused both AT&T and its independent fiduciary, State Street Global Advisors Trust Co., of selecting a “risky” third-party insurance company—Athene Annuity and Life Company—to conduct its $8.05 billion pension risk transfer in May 2023. The retirees who filed the two lawsuits against AT&T claimed that selecting Athene was not a safe annuity choice for ERISA fiduciaries. But the company’s filing argued that AT&T did not make...