December 2024

How would a U.S. government shutdown affect Social Security pensions?

Pensions are one of the major concerns of citizens around the world. From retirement, permanent disability or even in the tragic reality of receiving a widow’s benefit for the death of a spouse. Therefore, these retributions granted by the State are, without a doubt, one of the main reasons for society to pay taxes and enjoy an income that balances its purchasing power with increases in goods and services. Therefore, in the matter of the United States, despite hopes that a funding agreement would...

US Pension Plans Set to Increase Contributions in 2025

Approximately 58% of pension funds in the U.S.—including public, corporate and multi-employer plans—reported that their funded status increased in 2024, according to a survey of pension fund professionals commissioned by Ortec Finance. Approximately 30% of plans reported that their funding status is unchanged, while 12% said their funding status decreased this year. While funded status is generally increasing, more than two-thirds (68%) of respondents said they will or are likely to increase contributions this year. According to Ortec Finance, of the...

La edad de jubilación completa del Seguro Social en EEUU aumentará en 2025

La Administración del Seguro Social de Estados Unidos implementará un nuevo aumento en la edad de jubilación completa (FRA) a partir de 2025. Este cambio afectará principalmente a las personas nacidas en 1959, quienes deberán esperar hasta los 66 años y 10 meses para acceder a sus beneficios completos. La modificación es parte de una serie de incrementos graduales en la edad de jubilación, iniciados tras una reforma legislativa en 1983 con el objetivo de ajustar el sistema a la mayor esperanza de vida de los estadounidenses. La...

US. Indiana to Replace BlackRock in Pension Funds Due to ESG Investing Policies

The Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS) voted to replace BlackRock as a manager in its portfolio, due to the investment giant’s alleged use of ESG investment policies and its engagement using “an ESG focused agenda.” In a press release from Indiana State Treasurer Daniel Elliott, who also serves as a member of the INPRS Board of Trustees, Elliott said lauded the board’s decision to remove BlackRock, describing the firm as an “ESG violator.” Elliott said: “Today, I and other INPRS board members...

Should the U.S. Government Create a Nationwide Retirement Savings Plan?

Proposed legislation suggests that the U.S. government is interested in creating a federally sponsored retirement savings program. Under the Retirement Savings for Americans Act, private-sector employees without access to employer-sponsored savings options would automatically be enrolled in the program. Other proposals would also provide for matching contributions for lower- and middle-income employees. We asked two professors and authors of ALM’s Tax Facts with opposing political viewpoints to share their opinions about whether the United States should create a nationwide retirement savings plan at...

US Working To Help Retirees Locate ‘Lost’ Retirement Savings Starting in 2025 — What To Know

When it comes to personal finances, few things are as important as saving for retirement. Unfortunately, many Americans are behind on their saving goals – and some have abandoned their retirement accounts altogether. Research from Capitalize found that as of May 2023, there were roughly 29 million left-behind or forgotten 401(k) accounts holding approximately $1.65 trillion in assets. That figure represents about one-quarter of all 401(k) plan assets — and the U.S. government wants to do something about it. Last month, the Department...

A Checklist for Retiring in 2025

Only you can know if you're ready for a checklist for retiring in 2025. If you’re 60 or getting there, retirement is no longer a hazy concept in the distance. It’s a real deadline. In five or six years, or maybe just a year. Or six months. Or even six weeks. You are going to leave your full-time job, not for a new phase in a working career, but for a largely unknown future. Ideally, you’ve prepared financially and otherwise...

November Sees Another Gain in Corporate Pension Funded Status

The funded ratios of defined benefit corporate pension plans in the U.S. rose in November, with strong market returns offsetting a drop in discount rates, according to tracking by some of the country’s largest pension consultancies. Milliman Inc., which tracks 100 of the largest corporate pension plans through its monthly index, reported that funded ratios rose to 103.5% as of November 30, outdoing the end of October’s 103.2%. The average market gains of 1.88% lifted the value of the plan assets Milliman tracks...

Immigration and Waning US Labor Force Growth

The growth of the working age population born in the United States has been slowing since 2000, as increasing numbers of native-born workers have been reaching retirement age while smaller generations of young Americans enter their working years. Since 2020, the size of the population aged 18-65 that was born in the United States has actually shrunk. The decline has been most pronounced among non-college educated workers. Corresponding to this decrease in labor supply, unfilled job vacancies and labor...

How Far $750K Plus Social Security Goes in Retirement in Every US Region

A recent study by GOBankingRates broke down just how far $750,000 in combined savings and Social Security would last for someone’s retirement in each state of the union, considering such factors as housing markets, healthcare costs and varied cost of living expenses across America. Such a list, though, can be a bit overwhelming at first, especially for someone just in the beginning stages of planning their retirement, and where to experience it. With that in mind, GOBankingRates has condensed that deep-dive...