October 2017

Longevity Risk and Capital Markets: The 2015-16 Update

By David P. Blake (The Pensions Institute), Nicole El Karoui (Ecole Polytechnique), Richard D. MacMinn (National Chengchi University) & Stéphane Loisel (University of Lyon) This Special Issue of Insurance: Mathematics and Economics contains 16 contributions to the academic literature all dealing with longevity risk and capital markets. Draft versions of the papers were presented at Longevity 11: The Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference that was held in Lyon, France on 8-9 September 2015. It was hosted...

Endowment vs Pension Returns

By Michael Karris (EndowBridge Capital) Does the Endowment Model still work? Judging by large endowments’ steady outperformance of a 70% global stock /30% US bond index, THE ANSWER IS YES. Versus a 60% US stock / 40% US bond index, the answer is not as clear cut. Even so, the Endowment Model still adds value for a long-term portfolio that uses alternative assets, especially venture capital. The lucrative illiquidity premium has generated superior returns for U.S. endowments versus other investors, especially through...

July 2017

Optimal Longevity Risk Transfer and Investment Strategies

By Samuel H. Cox (University of Manitoba), Yijia Lin (University of Nebraska) & Sheen Liu (Washington State University) Given the rising cost of maintaining defined benefit (DB) pensions, there has been a surge of activities in recent years by DB plan sponsors to transfer their pension risk through strategies such as buy-ins and buy-outs. As buy-in and buy-out transaction pipelines grow, insurers actively participating in the buy-in and buy-out markets are exposed to significant longevity risk embedded in pension schemes....

March 2017

Towards an Equitable and Sustainable Points System: A Proposal for Pension Reform in Belgium

By Erik Schokkaert (Catholic University of Leuven), Pierre Devolder (Catholic University of Louvain), Jean Hindriks (University of London) & Frank Vandenbroucke (University of Amsterdam) We describe the points system that has been proposed by the Belgian Commission for Pension Reform 2020-2040. Intragenerational equity can be realised in a flexible and transparent way through the allocation of points within a cohort. The intergenerational distribution is determined by fixing the value of a point for the newly retired and a sustainability parameter...

Redistribution Effect and Pension Choice: Theory and Evidence

By Hulai Zhang (Peking University) This paper mainly focuses on two issues, the factors influencing pension choice and the redistribution effect of the pension system in China. Our model studies the trade-offs of relative financial benefits and risks provided by various plans, as well as the accessibility to specific pension plans and accessibility to information on pensions. The features examined include individual features such as hukou, gender and education, family features like marital status and work features like job types....

Life-Cycle Consumption, Investment, and Voluntary Retirement with Cointegration between the Stock and Labor Markets

By Min Dai, Shan Huang & Seyoung Park (National University of Singapore) We present an optimal life-cycle consumption, investment, and voluntary retirement model for a borrowing and short sale constrained investor who faces cointegration between the stock and labor markets. With reasonable parameter values, there exists a target wealth-to-income ratio under which the investor does not participate in the stock market at all, whereas above which the investor increases the proportion of financial wealth invested in the stock market as...

February 2017

Why Do Firms Offer Risky Defined Benefit Pension Plans?

By David A. Love, Paul A. Smith, & David Wilcox Even risky pension sponsors could offer essentially riskless pension promises by contributing a sufficient level of resources to their pension trust funds and by investing those resources in fixed-income securities designed to deliver their payoffs just as pension obligations are coming due. However, almost no firm has chosen to fund its plan in this manner. We study the optimal funding choice for plan sponsors by developing a simple model of...

Should Risky Firms Offer Risk-Free DB Pensions?

By David A. Love, Paul A. Smith, & David Wilcox We develop a simple model of pension financing to study the effects of pension risk on shareholder value. In the model, firms minimize costs, total compensation must clear the labor market, and a government pension insurer guarantees a portion of promised benefits. We find that in the absence of mispriced pension insurance, the optimal pension strategy under most specifications is to immunize all sources of market risk. Mispriced pension insurance,...

Finance and Labor: Perspectives on Risk, Inequality and Democracy

By Sanford M. Jacoby This paper considers the association between financial development and labor-market outcomes such as risk and inequality. The relationship is not straightforward, however. It is mediated by politics at the national and corporate levels. Politics spurs financial development, which sets in motion countervailing efforts to restrain the effect of finance on inequality and risk. The empirical analysis relies on historical, comparative, and contemporary evidence. Emphasis is given to recent events in the United States: the political origins...

Regulation and Supervision of Pension Funds in India

By S. P. Subedar Power Point Presentation. Occupational pension funds need to be regulated and supervised. A statutory role in the form of Scheme Actuary needs to be created for DB pensions.Adequate information need to be provided annually to the DC pension subscribers about the likely accumulation and pension pay out on their retirement. These measures would ensure that all pension issues are addressed in a holistic manner and cohesiveness is brought in regulation and supervision of pension business. (more…)