October 2020

UK. The Pensions Regulator issues guidance on £170bn pension ‘superfunds’

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has published new guidance for trustees and employers on transferring to defined benefit (DB) ‘superfunds’, as PwC research suggests up to one million pension scheme members and £170bn of assets could take this route over the next decade DB superfunds offer a way for employers to consolidate existing schemes, by replacing the sponsoring employer with a capital-backed vehicle or a special purpose vehicle (SPV). They create a large retirement savings fund which includes different company...

UK. COVID-19 will bring forward the date when the pensions triple lock is unpicked

Today’s figures from the ONS show that inflation in the year to September was just 0.5%. September is usually particularly important as the increase in prices over the year to that point is conventionally used in calculating how benefits and state pensions are to be uprated in the following April. Read also UK. The Pensions Regulator issues guidance on £170bn pension ‘superfunds’ For the basic state pension and the new state pension current Government policy is triple lock indexation, which means that payments...

Mexico. López Obrador faces pension funds’ ire with commissions cut plan

Plans by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to force fund managers to cut their fees as part of a pension reform have prompted threats of litigation. Read also Chile’s pension funds join global gold ETP rush Private pension funds would have to cut their commissions almost in half to 0.54 percent, from 0.92 percent, according to a bill sent to Congress in September, which is expected to be approved in both chambers in the next weeks. Read also COVID-19...

UK. What the amendment to the Pension Schemes Bill could mean in the battle against fraud

During the maelstrom of seven months of Covid-19, we’ve grown used to hearing about a select number of reoccurring concerns, one of which is the menace of pensions fraud. Although pensions fraud is not a new phenomenon, there has been growing concern that the environment of uncertainty created by the global pandemic is enabling ruthless scammers even more freedom to wreak their misery. Barely a week has gone by without there being a round of headlines relating to the...

India. Regulator Plans To Hike Fee Charged By NPS Fund Managers

Fund managers of the National Pension Scheme will soon be able to charge a higher fund management fee. Read also Canada. Commission on Aging to hear about COVID-19 impact on elderly at Oct. 21 meeting A committee, comprising members of the Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority as well as representatives of the mutual fund industry, is finalising a proposal for a new fee structure for the fund managers of the NPS, Supratim Bandyopadhyay, chairman at the regulator, said at...

OECD tells UK: Ditch pensions triple lock

The British government is being urged to abandon its pensions “triple lock” or face growing pressure on the public purse. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) said in a report published on Wednesday that the practice of indexing annual pension increases to the maximum of earnings growth, interest rates or 2.5% would put growing pressure on the UK at a time when public debt is already above £2tn ($2.6tn). Read also Half of UK pension funds seek...

Portuguese schemes now required to report ESG investment

A new law has been introduced for Portuguese occupational pension funds requiring them to prepare a statement of investment policy principles detailing their approach to risk and to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. The law, which took effect last August, said the statement must include the methodology for assessing investment risk; risk management processes applied; and the asset allocation strategy followed, taking into consideration the type and duration of pension liabilities, as well as ESG factors. The statement...

Canada. The Minister of Finance tables Bill 68 to allow the establishment of target benefit pension plans

Minister of Finance Eric Girard today tabled in the National Assembly Bill 68, the Act mainly to allow the establishment of target benefit pension plans (TBPP). In addition to offering Québec workers an additional savings option, the bill satisfies the needs of employers and employees, especially from the standpoint of sharing financial risks. A target benefit pension plan includes the characteristics of a defined-benefit pension plan and a defined contribution plan: the plan guarantees participants the payment of an...

UK. Pension bill amendment to give trustees power to halt transfers

Trustees of pensions schemes could soon be getting more powers to halt suspicious pension transfers, according to the Pension Scams Industry Group. Read also More sponsors in U.K. embrace outsourcing The group said an amendment restricting the statutory right to a transfer is to be tabled to the pension schemes bill by two MPs, in an attempt to combat pension scams. Read also Ireland. State’s pension scheme for public servants ‘more sustainable’ It had proposed the amendment in its submission to...

US. Trump Plan Would Restrict Retirement Plans from Sustainable Investments: Viewpoint

Interest in sustainable investing is soaring, as more people become convinced that making a positive impact can be profitable as well as good for the planet and society. Unfortunately, the Labor Department doesn’t think these investments belong in your 401(k). In June, the federal regulator proposed a rule that would restrict workplace retirement plans from investments that include environmental, social and governance considerations. Popularly known as ESG or socially responsible investing, this approach considers the sustainability of a company’s...