July 2022

Getting Older But Not Poorer

By David Amaglobeli, Era Dabla-Norris & Vitor Gaspar Unless you live in France, you might not think recent mass strikes over the proposed pension reforms in that country have anything to do with you. But given how fast demographics are changing around the world, that would be a mistake. If you live in Europe and your parents are getting ready to retire at the age of 65 (the statutory retirement age in many countries), you should know that today there are,...

Old Age Pensions and Social Security Today: Need to Introduce ‘Time Bank’ for the Unmet Social Needs of the Elderly in Uganda

By Kibs Boaz Muhanguzi World over, many programs have been put in place to ensure reasonable welfare and relevance of the elderly senior citizens in the community. Out of these diverse programs, pensions and social security fund, and Social Assistance Grants for the Elderly (SAGE) are common. Of recent, the introduction of time banks; a non-financial, barter system of exchange, with the aim of ensuring access to the unmet social needs of the elderly people in the community has emerged....

June 2022

Aging People, Aging Places: Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges of Growing Older in Canada

By Maxwell Hartt, Samantha Biglieri, Mark W. Rosenberg & Sarah E. Nelson How well do the places where we live support the wellbeing of older adults? The Canadian population is growing older and is reshaping the nation’s economic, social and cultural future. However, the built and social environments of many communities, neighbourhoods and cities have not been designed to help Canadians age well. Bringing together academic research, practitioner reflections and personal narratives from older adults across Canada, this cutting-edge text...

Priorities for social security. Trends, challenges and solutions

By Issa The International Social Security Association (ISSA) draws its value, strength and dynamism from a global membership of national institutions that administer the main social security programmes of their countries. This gives the Association a unique and privileged vantage point from which to analyse key policy issues and emerging challenges in social security, and the many innovative responses and creative solutions to these. For its 2020–2022 Programme and Budget, the ISSA defined four priority areas to be addressed during the...

May 2022

Labor Migration in Asia. COVID-19 Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Responses

By ADBI Institute, OECD & ILO International migration is a difficult megatrend to predict. Yesterday, the COVID-19 pandemic; today, the Ukrainian refugee crisis; these have had and will have unpredictable long-lasting impacts on the international cross-border movements of tourists and migrant workers. After two years of a global pandemic, the world is still in the midst of a disruption of migration patterns. The cascade of border closures and the wild swings in economic activity upended predictions about labor migration. Deployment...

April 2022

The Causal Effects of Place on Health and Longevity

The Causal Effects of Place on Health and Longevity

By Tatyana Deryugina & David Molitor Life expectancy varies substantially across local regions within a country, raising conjectures that place of residence affects health. However, population sorting and other confounders make it difficult to disentangle the effects of place on health from other geographic differences in life expectancy. Recent studies have overcome such challenges to demonstrate that place of residence substantially influences health and mortality. Whether policies that encourage people to move to places that are better for their health...

Retirement Savings Policy: Past, Present, and Future (The Alexandra Lajoux Corporate Governance)

By Michael P. P. Barry Retirement Savings Policy reviews the basic policies that govern retirement savings plans, and their real world application, focusing on the key issues of finance, taxation, fiduciary conduct, and employee choice. The discussion is framed around the three fundamental challenges confronting employers and employees today – the pension legacy, the 401(k) revolution, and the pressure, from policymakers, regulators, opinion leaders, and individuals, for changes that will put retirement security within reach of all Americans. With more...

Wealth After Work Innovative Reforms to Expand Retirement Security

Wealth After Work Innovative Reforms to Expand Retirement Security

By William G. Gale, J. Mark Iwry, & David C. John Pensions and retirement saving plans have helped millions of households build financial security. But tens of millions of people have been left behind, without access to these wealth accumulation vehicles. For many others, the plans they have do not ensure financial security in retirement. The problems that underlie these failures can be addressed. This book proposes concrete, practical ways to make dependable retirement income accessible for all Americans—not just those...

Changes in Retirement Savings during the COVID Pandemic

Changes in Retirement Savings during the COVID Pandemic

By Elena Derby, Lucas Goodman, Kathleen Mackie, & Jacob Mortenson This paper documents changes in retirement saving patterns at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. We construct a large panel of U.S. tax data, including tens of millions of person-year observations, and measure retirement savings contributions and withdrawals. We use these data to document several important changes in retirement savings patterns during the pandemic years relative to the years preceding the pandemic or the Great Recession. First, unlike during the...

Silver Hues : Building Age-Ready Cities

By Das Maitreyi Bordia, Yuko Arai,  Terri B. Chapman  & Jain Vibhu Cities and countries the world over are at the cusp of epochal global trends whose impacts are likely to be more intense and more far-reaching than those of similar trends in the past. The simultaneity of the demographic transition, deepening urbanization, a technological revolution, frequent shocks brought on by health and climate emergencies, mean that one will need to plan for an older and more urban future. This...