August 2023

Esto contiene el anteproyecto de ley de reforma a pensiones

La Comisión Interdisciplinaria que elaboró la propuesta de reforma al sistema de pensiones entregó este lunes 7 de agosto de 2023 el documento al Gobierno para que lo analice y determine cuál es el camino a seguir. Juan Pablo Ortiz, secretario jurídico de la Presidencia, fue el encargado de recibir el anteproyecto. “Es un proyecto que estábamos esperando y es de suma importancia, por cuanto el sistema de seguridad social está caduco y se requiere modernizarlo, no solo para quienes...

Reforma previsional: las líneas rojas de cada partido en la semana en que el gobierno quiere lograr un acuerdo

Esta podría ser una semana clave para la reforma previsional. La idea del gobierno es lograr un acuerdo antes del próximo 14 de agosto con los diputados oficialistas, la DC, Demócratas, y ojalá tratando de incorporar a parte de la oposición: Evópoli y RN. Los temas que se tratarán en este acuerdo serán la reorganización industrial y el destino del 6% de cotización adicional. Es por eso que la idea sería ingresar una indicación sustitutiva al proyecto donde estén reflejados...

El Sistema del Ahorro para el Retiro introducirá firma electrónica

La Comisión Nacional del Sistema del Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación (DOF) la creación de la Firma Electrónica SAR para “mitigar fraudes, usurpación de identidad y malas prácticas” en el Sistema del Ahorro para el Retiro (SAR). En otras palabras, la Firma Electrónica SARserá el mecanismo de autenticación de los trabajadores en cualquier trámite que hagan con su administradora de fondos para el retiro (afore) como son los retiros parciales por desempleo,...

Spotlight: New York City Pension Fund Returns for FY 2023

The Office of the New York City Comptroller serves as investment advisor, custodian and trustee for the five New York City public pension funds (collectively referred to as the New York City Retirement Systems, or NYCRS). Through the efforts of the Bureau of Asset Management (BAM), the Comptroller’s office works with the trustees of the five systems to manage over $250 billion in assets, which represents the retirement security that the City of New York has promised to more...

Por “High court: member ‘interests’ include future service benefits”

The High Court has ruled that a scheme rule restricting amendments that will affect members’ ‘interests’ applies to future service benefits, as well as benefits already accrued: BBC v BBC Pension Trust Limited. The amendment power in the BBC Pension Scheme is subject to a restriction that no alteration may ‘take effect as regards the Active Members whose interests are certified by the Actuary to be affected thereby’ unless certain conditions are complied with (designed to ensure that the relevant...

Care Economy and Gender-Transformative Social Protection in India and the G20 Countries

By taking a gender-transformative and a rights-based entitlement approach, this Policy Brief stresses the importance of investing in the care economy within the context of COVID-19 recovery plans, the G20 agenda of striving for just and equitable growth, and India’s Vision 2047. Ensuring greater gender equality in the distribution of paid and unpaid work can be socially transformative and enhance gross domestic product. This Brief explores inequality within the care economy in India, specifically focusing on the unpaid care...

Contributions to 401(k) Savings on the Rise; So Are Withdrawals

A study of more than 4 million 401(k) plans shows that workers are doing better at saving for retirement. However, in a signal of potential economic headwinds, more are also taking emergency withdrawals and borrowing from their accounts. The quarterly Bank of America Participant Pulse report shows that 401(k) balances are up an average of 9.6%, or $7,250, so far this year. However, the report also showed higher hardship withdrawals and account loans.1 “The data from our report tells two stories—one...

Democratic bill would require spousal consent for 401(k) distributions

Spousal consent would be required to start most distributions from 401(k) plans, under two companion bills sponsored by Democrats in Congress. The legislation aims to make defined-contribution plans more similar to traditional pensions in that regard. Unlike defined-benefit plans, DC plans aren’t legally required to make account holders get sign-off from a spouse when initiating payouts other than required minimum distributions or those made in the form of one of a few types of annuities, such as qualified joint and...

‘Smart financial move’ could see you boost your UK state pension

The state pension is linked to a person’s National Insurance record, meaning someone who has gaps could get less than the full amount. Checking for gaps, and filling them where possible, may be worthwhile in order to boost one’s income in retirement, an expert has warned. Mark Routen, head of tax at Hoxton Capital Management, told GB News: “Boosting your UK state pension by plugging gaps in your National Insurance record is a smart financial move that can provide you with...

DWP stops payments to thousands of people claiming State Pension while overseas

State Pension recipients have been warned over the risk of losing their payments if they move abroad. It comes after thousands of claimants saw their payments suddenly end. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) explained that this move was not down to any administrative errors by officials. Instead, it was due to those involved choosing to go and live overseas. People can choose to receive their State Pension abroad as long as they have paid enough UK National Insurance contributions...