December 2024

Pulse Report. Afire International Investor Survey

By Afire International Investor Survey   As an extension of housing concerns in the US, trends in the insurance industry can sometimes serve as portents, or as evidence. At the junction between the global, environmental effects of climate change and the frequently counterintuitive logic of homeowners, renters, and consumers in the US, the question of insurance is best understood as an analogy. For example, earlier in 2024, AFIRE asked investors if they agreed or disagreed with the sentiment that the industry...

Private Equity for Pension Plans? Evaluating Private Equity Performance from an Investor’s Perspective

By Arthur Korteweg, Stavros Panageas & Anand Systla We evaluate private equity (PE) performance using investor-specific stochastic discount factors, and examine whether investors could benefit from changing their allocation to PE. Plans invest in PE funds with higher average risk-adjusted performance. This is mainly due to access to successful PE managers, not superior selection skill. Decomposing returns into risk-compensation and "alpha", we find that some plans obtain higher PE returns by taking more risk without earning higher, and in some cases earning lower,...

AllianzGI Approved for China Pension Firm Stake

The investment arm of Allianz has been approved to become the first foreign asset manager to own a stake in China’s pension insurance company. Allianz Global Investors has received regulatory approval for investment in a 2 percent stake in Guomin Pension & Insurance Company, according to a statement. This makes it the first foreign asset manager to own a stake in the pension insurer. AllianzGI has been approved to subscribe to around 228 million newly issued shares in Guomin Pension worth approximately...

Latin America Lags in Establishing Sovereign Funds, Report Finds

A recent report from the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds investigated why Latin America lags behind other emerging markets in developing sovereign wealth funds beyond stabilization funds. “It is striking that, in Latin America today, there are 12 sovereign wealth funds, nearly all of which are traditional stabilization funds,” the report stated. Unlike most sovereign wealth funds, stabilization funds can be drawn on by governments to reduce the impact of volatile revenue on the economy. Because the assets in the funds might...

OECD Pensions Outlook 2024: Improving Asset-backed Pensions for Better Retirement Outcomes and More Resilient Pension Systems

By Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Over the past two decades, asset-backed pensions have become a key pillar of retirement systems, with assets more than tripling to over USD 56 trillion in 2023. These pensions diversify resources for financing retirement and complement pay-as-you-go systems, enhancing resilience to economic shocks and demographic challenges. Their robust design, regulation, and supervision are important for delivering strong retirement outcomes. The 2024 OECD Pensions Outlook provides a valuable resource for policymakers, regulators, and stakeholders, providing comprehensive analysis...

UK. The case for pension scheme investment in Bitcoin

In this article, Sam Roberts, the director of investment consulting at the scheme's adviser, Cartwright, explains why he believes Bitcoin has now evolved from a niche digital asset into a mainstream investment opportunity… Remember what they said about the following … Facebook...? It will never take off... a passing trend… no long-term growth. The reality was it became one of the largest social media platforms worldwide, a multibillion-dollar company, and paved the way for social media as we know it. ...

November 2024

Pension Liquidity Risk

By Kristy Jansen, Sven Klingler, Angelo Ranaldo & Patty Duijm Pension funds rely on interest rate swaps to hedge the interest rate risk arising from their liabilities. Analyzing unique data on Dutch pension funds, we show that this hedging behavior exposes pension funds to liquidity risk due to margin calls, which can be as large as 15% of their total assets. Our analysis uncovers three key findings: (i) pension funds with tighter regulatory constraints use swaps more aggressively; (ii) in...

US PRT Market sees $14B in Volume in Q3

Following a record-breaking first half of 2024 for the U.S. pension risk transfer market, which closed at $26 billion through June 30, the third quarter also finished strong, according to Legal & General Retirement America’s November market update. The third quarter closed at an estimated $14 billion in total premium—a 35% increase from the third quarter of last year, which landed at $10.6 billion. A huge chunk of that total came from one deal: IBM’s $6 billion PRT with Prudential Insurance Co. of America in September...

New York City Pension Investments with MWBE Asset Managers Reach Record of $23.1 Billion for Fiscal Year 2024; Grew Nearly 40% During Comptroller Lander’s Tenure

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander released a report announcing that investments by the City’s five pension funds with minority- and women-owned asset management firms grew to $23.1 billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, an increase of $6.3 billion, or 37.5% since Lander took office. Assets under management by MWBE firms grew from $16.8 billion in FY22 (11.6% of actively-managed US assets), to $19.5 billion in (12.7%) in FY23, to $23.1 billion (13.3%) in FY24. Investment firms owned by people of color and...

Kodak looks to terminate US pensions, will gain over $500 million in finances

According to a filing with the SEC, Kodak said that it looks to cut its pension plan. The plan has increased significantly due to initial contributions and market performance. The SEC filing stated that Kodak looks to use the cash from the cut and sale of the plan, which would to offset its debt. The sale — which also includes the sale of “illiquid assets” — was to Mastercard Foundation, and Kodak would retrieve more than $500 million. Kodak confirmed with...