February 2020

Millennial Generation: Information on the Economic Status of Millennial Households Compared to Previous Generations

By Charles A. Jeszeck, Michael J. Collins, Jessica Rider, Kathleen McQueeney, Layla Moughari Recent research indicates that, across three key measures, economic mobility in the United States is limited. Specifically, the Millennial generation (those born between 1982 and 2000) might not have the same opportunity as previous generations had to fare better economically than their parents. According to studies GAO reviewed, the share of people making more money than their parents at the same age (absolute mobility) has declined...

Retirement Planning: Why millennials need to start saving early

The young cohort of Indian population - Millennials - must realize the evolving scenario and appreciate the importance of saving early for a better post-retirement life. Globalization, innovation, advances in science and technology — our world is changing rapidly amid these developments. Many of these trends are so impactful that they can be considered megatrends. Changes brought about by such magnitude are already shaping societal constructs, how people lead their daily lives, plan for their future, and, ultimately, prepare...

November 2019

Why millennials should care about government pensions even if they don’t have one

Public pensions are not exactly a burning issue for millennials. In their minds, they won’t be retiring for decades, and pensions won’t affect their lives anytime soon. That line of thinking couldn’t be further from the truth. There’s currently a public pension crisis that doesn’t just affect retired government employees, but also young people in the workforce — both in terms of their future retirement plans and current salaries. Millennials, tune in. Most local and state retirement plans use...

Young people are saving more for retirement than Boomers and Generation X — and this is why

Young people are saving more than previous generations, according to a study, flipping the historical trend that saw older savers put the most money aside towards retirement. This was the stunning finding of a global survey of more than 25,000 investors across 32 countries, by asset manager Schroders. The study revealed those aged between 18 and 37 – Generation Z and millennials, though the study groups them all as millennials – are saving nearly 16% of their annual income...

October 2019

Don’t Save for Retirement: A Millennial’s Guide to Financial Freedom

By Daniel Ameduri Baby boomers are always giving millennials advice on the importance of saving for retirement. But Daniel Ameduri says that the results are in for the retirement experiment of the last 75 years and they’re really bad. When he was twenty-seven years old, Daniel was on the brink of bankruptcy. A decade later, he’s a multi-millionaire, having taught himself about economics, investing, and other money matters that he never learned at school or at home. The expert...

México. Seis consejos para asegurar un retiro digno entre millennials

Ahorrar en su Afore y alcanzar una pensión digna son temas difÍciles de cumplir para los millennials mexicanos; quienes desconocen las herramientas financieras que existen para vivir una vejez sin sobresaltos económicos. La Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro” (CONSAR) reveló que 83% de dichos jóvenes “les interesa su jubilación”; mientras que 57% considera que las Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Afore) son “una prestación importante”. Sin embargo, más 50% carecen de las nociones básicas...

August 2019

Millennials en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿trabajar o estudiar?

Por Rafael Novella, Andrea Repetto, Carolina Robino, Graciana Rucci La voz de los jóvenes en el centro de gravedad Probablemente, sería acertado decir que cada nueva generación de jóvenes se siente incomprendida por la anterior. Explicar qué mueve a las nuevas generaciones, el porqué de sus decisiones, motivaciones y aspiraciones obliga a adentrarse en un bosque de tópicos, clichés e imágenes preconcebidas. Pero, en el caso de los actuales millennials, a esta incomprensión se suma un horizonte muy diferente...

August 2018

México. Pobres, viejos y enfermos

México actualmente es un país de jóvenes donde las edades de más de 40 millones de mexicanos oscilan entre los 12 y 35 años, hay aproximadamente 10 millones de personas mayores de 65 años y estas personas que llegan a la edad de retiro se ven beneficiadas con las políticas de ahorro para el retiro implementadas en la década de los 90s pero aun así no es suficiente. La viabilidad financiera del IMSS está asegurada según el gobierno del presidente...