June 2024

Oportunidades, desafíos y retrocesos para la comunidad LGBTI en América Latina y el Caribe

Por Ayat Soliman, Julia Braunmiller & Phoebe Ishak La comunidad LGBTI en América Latina y el Caribe, como en muchas otras regiones, enfrenta numerosos desafíos que impiden su inclusión socioeconómica. Las personas LGBTI sufren peores resultados educativos debido a la discriminación, el acoso y, en ocasiones, la violencia en las escuelas. Fuente Banco Mundial Blogs 

UK. ‘Serious disparity’ around retirement savings of people identifying as LGBTQ+

One in four (25%) people who identify as LGBTQ+ are not saving for their retirement, a survey has found. The research was released by Scottish Widows to coincide with Pride Month in June. It also found that just under a fifth (18%) of people who do not identify as LGBTQ+ report they are saving nothing towards their retirement. People who are LGBTQ+ were also less likely in the survey to say that they have taken financial advice. One in nine (11%) people surveyed who identify as...

The Aging Experiences of LGBTQ Ethnic Minority Older Adults: A Systematic Review

By Jinwen Chen, Helen McLaren, Michelle Jones & Lida Shams In gerontological research and practice, an increasing amount of attention is being paid to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) older people and how their experiences differ from their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts. However, LGBTQ older adults themselves are not a homogenous group. Moreover, as the immigrant populations in industrialized nations age, the number of LGBTQ older adults from ethnic minority backgrounds will only grow. This systematic review hence...

Health Equity & LGBTQ+ Older Adults of Color. Engaging individuals, communities and organizations

By National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging This report highlights how state, local community organizations, funders and healthcare providers can make innovative impacts in health equity. We are living in a vastly different world than that of 2013, and this section highlights some of the present-day context within which we are doing this work. The United States is becoming older and more diverse. Yet, how we often talk about and intervene on issues related to diversity in aging continues to fall short...

Retirement Confidence Survey and the LGBTQ Community

By Craig Copeland (Employee Benefit Research Institute) & Lisa Greenwald (Greenwald Research) The Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS) was conducted for its 32nd year in 2022 to measure attitudes of American workers and retirees about issues surrounding retirement. For the first time, in 2022, the RCS included an oversample of LGBTQ Americans to allow for an analysis of the challenges that LGBTQ workers and retirees face in preparing for and living in retirement. Questions included in this year’s survey explore priorities...

Pioneering Safe & Inclusive LGBT Specific Retirement Accommodation. Exploring Models in the USA, UK, & Spain

By Liam Concannon With significant advances in equal rights for lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) citizens, achieved across the western world during the past few decades, one group that continues to be overlooked is LGBT elders. This article examines the unique discrimination and homophobia faced by older LGBT people living in nursing and residential care homes. It investigates ways in which these environments construct and perpetuate heteronormativity by addressing the needs of heterosexual residents, while at the same...

LGBTQ and finance

By Sanjukta Brahma, Konstantinos Gavriilidis, Vasileios Kallinterakis, Thanos Verousis & Mengyu Zhang Recent changes in workplace and corporate board diversity policies and a series of court rulings have signalled a fundamental change in the treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (henceforth LGBTQ) people in the corporate world. In this paper, we survey the burgeoning literature on the role of sexual orientation in finance. Studies show that there is a positive relationship between the adoption of LGBTQ-friendly policies and...

Encuesta sobre la salud mental de las juventudes LGBTQ+ en México

Por The Trevor Project La encuesta 2024 sobre la Salud Mental de las Juventudes LGBTQ+ en México es una iniciativa pionera liderada por The Trevor Project en colaboración con investigadorxs independientes, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y con la aprobación de un Comité de Revisión Institucional independiente en los Estados Unidos. Este esfuerzo revela, por primera vez en México, un análisis detallado del estado de la salud mental de las juventudes LGBTQ+ así como los factores de riesgo y protección que...

Comunidad LGBT: Una revisión de la realidad de la inclusión laboral en Colombia

Por Juan Guillermo Macías Sánchez La presente monografía tiene como objetivo general analizar el contexto legislativo y normativo relacionado con la inclusión laboral para el desarrollo comunitario de personas LGBT en las tres ciudades principales de Colombia. Bogotá, Medellín y Cali. Acorde a diversos estudios, se evidencian diferentes problemáticas hacia la comunidad LGBT, entre ellas, la vulneración de derechos y la falta de oportunidades en el contexto laboral, lo cual ha generado que la comunidad LGBT promueva acciones constantemente en...

Discriminación y violencia laboral contra personas LGBT+ en México

Por Adriana E. Ortega La discriminación por motivos de orientación e identidad sexual en México sigue siendo un problema cotidiano. De acuerdo con la Encuesta Nacional de Discriminación (Enadis) 2022, casi cuatro de cada diez personas mayores de edad con diversidad sexual y de género dijeron haber vivido algún incidente de discriminación en el último año —2021 a 2022—. Fuente Nexos