August 2024

US. National Center to Reframe Aging partners with SAGE USA to enhance advocacy for LGBTQ+ elders

The National Center to Reframe Aging — which provides expertise in effective communication strategies surrounding aging issues — has established a strategic partnership with SAGE USA. This collaboration aims to educate SAGE leadership and the SAGE National Resource Center (NRC) on LGBTQ+ Aging on the principles of reframing aging. The National Center to Reframe Aging will be a strategic partner supporting the SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ in their efforts to reframe their education and advocacy communications on aging. The team will provide...

July 2024

Sexual Orientation and Financial Well-Being in the United States

By Christopher S. Carpenter, Kabir Dasgupta, Zofsha Merchant & Alexander Plum We study the relationship between financial well-being and sexual orientation in the United States using Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking (SHED) data for 2019-2022. We document that people who are lesbian, gay, and bisexual (or LGB) have significantly more difficulty managing financially than similarly situated heterosexual individuals—and this pre-dated the COVID-19 pandemic. Differences are found across a broad array of current and future financial well-being outcomes, including retirement...

Informe de progreso sobre la Década del Envejecimiento Saludable de las Naciones Unidas, 2021-2023

Por Década del Envejecimiento Saludable Este informe de progreso sobre la Década del Envejecimiento Saludable de las Naciones Unidas, 2021–2030 (la Década), elaborado por socios de las Naciones Unidas, proporciona comparaciones de 10 indicadores de progreso nacionales para la Década en 2020 y 2022. Se basa en las cuatro áreas de acción de la Década, y sus objetivos específicos. Libro completo aquí 

La edad en la pensión de vejez en el régimen de prima media para personas no binarias

Por Maureen Camila Corro Posada El presente artículo tiene como propósito evaluar la situación de las personas de género no binario en Colombia, pues a partir de la sentencia T-033 del 2022, la Corte Constitucional ha ordenado incluir el género no binario en los documentos de identificación. Esta decisión de la Corte conlleva una serie de consecuencias en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, en tanto existen derechos u obligaciones que dependen del género en Colombia, tales como acceder a la pensión...

June 2024

Hidden Figures: LGBT Health Inequalities in the UK

By LGBT Foundation  We believe in a fair and equal society where all lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people can achieve their full potential. Our work started in 1975 and we’ve been changing the lives of LGBT people ever since. Over the last five decades, we’ve provided information, services and support for LGBT people who’ve had nowhere else to turn. We’ve been at the forefront of the social and legal changes that mean LGBT people in the UK have more rights...

LGBT Equality Index. The most LGBT-Friendly Countries in the World.

By Equaldex  The LGBT legal index measures the current legal status of 13 different issues ranging from the legal status of homosexuality, same-sex marriage, transgender rights, LGBT discrimination protections, LGBT censorship laws, and more. Each topic is weighted differently (for example, if same-sex marriage is illegal in a region, it would have a much bigger impact on the score than not allowing LGBT people to serve in the military). Each topic is assigned a "total possible score" and a "score" is assigned...

Discrimination and Barriers to Well-Being: The State of the LGBTQI+ Community in 2022

By Caroline Medina & Lindsay Mahowald LGBTQI+ people and other “sexual and gender diverse”1 people experience structural and interpersonal discrimination that adversely affects their well-being and drives disparate outcomes across crucial areas of life.2 The current patchwork of nondiscrimination laws in states across the country and existing gaps in federal civil rights laws leave millions of LGBTQI+ people without protection from discrimination.3 The Biden-Harris administration, since the beginning of its tenure, has taken numerous actions across executive agencies to bolster nondiscrimination protections in...

LGBTQ+ people still face discrimination and economic inequality. These policies could help.

By Emma Ockerman LGBTQ+ people have long been subjected to economic inequality, including higher poverty rates, a greater likelihood of experiencing homelessness, and lower median earnings. Though economic policies that would broadly uplift low-income people and workers in the U.S. — including access to better-paying jobs, a higher minimum wage, paid family and medical leave, paid sick days, child-care support, and quality healthcare — would similarly benefit LGBTQ+ people who might lack such resources, experts and advocates say, LGBTQ+ people face the additional burden of...

Empresas mexicanas, con baja participación en inclusión para la comunidad LGBT+

Crear ambientes de trabajo inclusivos y diversos es una premisa cada vez más necesaria y aunque el mercado mexicano muestra avances en este tenor, la participación de las empresas nacionales sigue siendo menor frente a las de origen extranjero. Sólo 25 por ciento de las organizaciones voltean a ver a este grupo de talento, señala la consultora ManpowerGroup; en tanto, cerca de 100 mil personas de la comunidad están en búsqueda de empleo. “Las organizaciones que tomen en serio la alianza y la igualdad de oportunidades para los empleados...

1 de cada 3 peruanos no contrataría a una persona LGBT

Hoy se conmemora el Día Internacional del Orgullo LGBT. Al 2023, más de 1 millón 700.000 peruanos se identifican con una orientación sexual no heterosexual. La discriminación y el no reconocimiento de sus derechos fundamentales —vida, integridad, identidad, salud, trabajo y educación— son los principales problemas que deben enfrentar, considerando que no existe un marco normativo concreto que los respalde, según la Defensoría del Pueblo. Dichas taras sociales reveladas por la encuestadora repercuten en la economía. El 30% de los...