February 2017

Outcome Based Assessments for Private Pensions : A Handbook

By William Price, John Ashcroft and Michael Hafeman This report illustrates a new methodology to develop an Outcomes and Risk Based Supervision (ORBS) framework for funded pensions with a case study of Costa Rica. The approach was used in a FIRST funded project in Costa Rica with the regulator and supervisor of pensions SUPEN. The intention is to highlight an approach that may be useful in the region, and globally, to help agencies responsible for private pensions to focus on...

Pensions for Public-Sector Employees : Lessons from OECD Countries’ Experience

By Edward Whitehouse In 27 out of 34 OECD member countries, there is institutionally separate retirement-income provision for some or all public-sector workers. But the scope of these pension schemes varies significantly: from a modest top-up to the national pension arrangements (covering private-sector workers as well) to entirely independent retirement-income regimes. Average expenditure on these schemes amounts to about 1.5 percent of GDP, or nearly a quarter of total public pension spending. Public-sector pension reform is an issue of great...

Derechos sociales y prohibición de regresividad: el caso issste y su voto de minoría

By Fernando Silva y Emmanuel Rosales Tanto la doctrina académica como la jurisprudencial han reconocido la prohibición de regresividad de los derechos sociales. En términos muy generales, dicha norma "constitucional" implica que las leyes no deben empeorar la situación de regulación del derecho vigente, desde el punto de vista del alcance y amplitud del goce de los derechos sociales. En todo caso, la regresividad de una norma legal en materia de seguridad social determina una presunción de invalidez o de...