July 2019

Selecting a Social Security Age to Balance Consumption and Risk

By Barry Cobb, Jeffrey Smith This paper uses Monte Carlo simulation to determine the maximum consumption given retirement at age 62, initial wealth, risk tolerance, and Social Security take decision. Coile et al. (2002) argue for a delay, because the payment increases 7% for each year. Focusing on maximizing the expected present value of benefits may be misguided. This paper shows that, conditional on retirement at age 62, initial consumption is always maximized by taking Social Security no later...

Welfare Effects of a Non-Contributory Old Age Pension: Experimental Evidence for Ekiti State, Nigeria

By Maria Laura Alzua, Natalia Cantet, Ana Dammert, Damilola Olajide Many countries in the developing world have implemented non-contributory old-age pensions. Evidence of the impact of such policies on the elderly in Sub-Saharan Africa is scarce, however. In this paper, we provide the first evidence from a randomized evaluation of an unconditional, non-contributory pension scheme targeted at the elderly in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Our findings show that treated beneficiaries self-reported better quality of life, more stable mental health, and...

June 2019

Social Programmes, Poverty Eradication and Labour Inclusion. Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean

By Lais Abramo, Simone Cecchini, Beatriz Morales Diverse social programmes — including conditional cash transfer programmes, labour and production inclusion programmes and social pensions — are being implemented in Latin American and Caribbean countries with the aim of ending poverty and reducing inequalities throughout the life cycle. This book offers an up-to-date analysis of these programmes and the way they relate to labour inclusion, and analyses ongoing debates regarding the possible incentives and disincentives they create in terms of...

Retire In-Home: A New Way to Use a Home to Guarantee Retirement Income

By Arun Muralidhar There is a growing retirement crisis and most of the focus has been on the fact that individuals are not saving enough for retirement, may not have access to pension schemes, and find it difficult to choose from a wide range of retirement products. One solution that has been considered is to improve access to Reverse Mortgages (RMs) so that individuals can convert their (possibly) single largest asset into a through-death income stream. However, current RMs are...

How Will Retirement Saving Change By 2050? Prospects for the Millennial Generation

By William G. Gale, Hilary Gelfond, Jason J. Fichtner We consider prospects for retirement saving for members of the millennial generation, who will be between ages 54 and 69 in 2050. Adequacy of retirement saving preparation among current and near-retirees is marked by significant heterogeneity, a characteristic that will likely hold for Millennials as well. In preparing for retirement, Millennials will have several advantages relative to previous generations, such as more education, longer working lives, and more flexible work arrangements,...

May 2019

Ensuring Retirement Security with Simple GLIDeS

By Adam Kobor, Arun Muralidhar There is a growing retirement crisis and most of the focus has been on the fact that individuals are not saving enough for retirement, may not have access to pension schemes, or are financially illiterate. More critically, assets/financial products available to investors, may not be appropriate for the typical individual saving for retirement. The goal of retirement is to try to guarantee a target level of income ideally from retirement till death. Current glide...

Borrowing to Save? The Impact of Automatic Enrollment on Debt

By John Beshears, James J. Choi, David Laibson, Brigitte C. Madrian, Bill Skimmyhorn Does automatic enrollment into retirement savings plans increase borrowing outside the plan? We study this question using a natural experiment created when the U.S. Army began automatically enrolling its newly hired civilian employees into the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) at a default contribution rate of 3% of income. We find that four years after hire, automatic enrollment causes no significant change in debt excluding auto loans...

Will the Financial Fragility of Retirees Increase?

By Steven A. Sass Retirees have long been considered financially fragile. The notion that they are ill-equipped to absorb financial shocks is captured in the traditional trope that they live on fixed incomes. Going forward, retirees will get much less income from fixed Social Security and employer pensions, and much more from savings in 401(k) plans and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). These savings give retirees greater flexibility to respond to shocks. But tapping into their nest eggs comes at...

March 2019

The phony retirement crisis

By Andrew Biggs Contrary to the alarms, household savings are growing. But government plans are underfunded. Lawmakers are taking action to deal with the “retirement crisis.” More than 200 House Democrats are sponsoring a bill to expand Social Security benefits, funded by a dramatic increase in taxes. California, Connecticut, Illinois and Oregon have established state-run retirement plans for private sector-workers, which many progressives hope will supplant 401(k)s. But there is no retirement crisis among either today’s retirees or tomorrow’s. Eight in 10...

Millennial Money Mindset: How to Win Finances and Influence Pensions

By Neil Doig The rules have changed. The baby boomer’s financial plan was easy. Finish university debt free, waltz into a job for life, buy an affordable house and finish the last day of work with a handshake, a carriage clock and a guaranteed income for life. Millennials need a new plan. We have lived through the financial crash of 2008, many are scared of losing all their money in the stock market, are getting next to nothing from saving,...