December 2018

The Effect of Work Disability on the Intention to Retire of Older Workers

By Danilo Cavapozzi (Ca Foscari University of Venice - Dipartimento di Economia; Netspar) & Chiara Dal Bianco (Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova) In this paper, we analyze the effect of work disability on the desire to retire as soon as possible of older workers. We exploit objective health indicators and anchoring vignettes to develop work disability measures enhancing the comparability across individuals of work disability self-assessments. Our results show that, even once controlling for individual fixed-effects, individuals...

October 2018

Statistical, Mapping and Digital Approaches in Healthcare

By Gilles Maignant,‎ Pascal Staccini Statistical, Mapping and Digital Approaches in Healthcare addresses all health territories, starting from the analysis of geographical data (health data, population data, health data systems and environmental data), to new health areas (Health 3.0), i.e. digital health territories. Specific tools are used to question environmental changes, such as health statistics, mapping, mathematical models, optimization models and serious games. Uniquely combines the approaches of mathematicians, geographers and physician to the analysis of health territories Presents views that...

August 2018

Graying of U.S. Bankruptcy: Fallout from Life in a Risk Society

By Deborah Thorne (University of Idaho), Pamela Foohey (Indiana University Maurer School of Law), Robert M. Lawless (University of Illinois College of Law) & Katherine M. Porter (University of California - Irvine School of Law) The social safety net for older Americans has been shrinking for the past couple decades. The risks associated with aging, reduced income, and increased healthcare costs, have been off-loaded onto older individuals. At the same time, older Americans are increasingly likely to file consumer bankruptcy,...