December 2017

The Household Savings Paradox

By Tobias Meyll (University of Giessen - Department of Financial Services), Thomas Pauls (Goethe University Frankfurt) & Andreas Walter (University of Giessen - Department of Financial Service) Using representative data from Germany, we reveal that more than 27.3% of the population not only restrains from participating in the stock market but also refuse to invest in contractual savings and retirement products. In fact, we find that these households rely on deposits only - an investment strategy usually related to negligible...

Investigating the Level of Financial Literacy of University Students

By Israel J. dos S. Felipe Sr. (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP)), Harrison Bachion Ceribeli Sr.( Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP)) & Lana, T. Q. (Energisa) Considering that the quality of financial decisions taken by individuals depends on their financial knowledge, abilities and attitudes, it is possible to state that the well-being of a population depends on how financially literate it is. In this context, the aim of this study was to measure the financial literacy level of...

The Power of Percentage: Quantitative Framing of Pension Income

By Henriette M. Prast (Tiburg University) & Federica Teppa (De Nederlandsche Bank) We investigate whether the quantitative frame used to communicate future pension income to plan members matters for perceived pension income adequacy. We allocate plan members randomly to one of four pension income framing conditions: annual pension income, monthly pension income, pension income as percentage of current income, pension income as decimal of current income. We find that expressing projected pension income as a percentage (decimal) of current income...