June 2019

Climate Impact Pledge: Tackling the climate emergency

By Meryam Omi Public concern about the danger posed by climate change has reached unprecedented levels. More than a million students have walked out of classes worldwide, while protests have been held across dozens of countries, to call for swift action from governments1. This is no fad. The world is truly in the midst of a climate emergency, which could have drastic consequences for markets, companies and, therefore, our clients’ assets. With the UN warning that there is little over...

Impacto del gobierno corporativo en la rentabilidad de los bancos del Perú

Por Rene Cornejo, José Dávila, Peggy Benavente, Diony Carbajal, Carolina Eche La crisis financiera del 2007 puede verse como un colapso del gobierno corporativo (GC), lo que sugiere que los directores no comprendieron de manera adecuada los riesgos financieros. Pero las fallas del GC no solo se relacionaron con la crisis. Desde hacía algunos años habían ocurrido escándalos corporativos que mostraron debilidades de gobernabilidad debidas a mecanismos de control inadecuados e ineficaces, a la inadecuada función de supervisión de los...

February 2019

Sustainable, Responsible, Impact Investing Made Easy 2019: a Practical Guide for the socially conscious investor

Por Bill HollidaySocially Responsible Investments provide you with the chance to vote with your investments and influence our world. Sustainable, Responsible, Impact Investing (SRI) is a rapidly growing area of investment. It is outpacing the overall rate of general investment growth.SRI allows investors the ability to have investments in line with their values. It provides another tool to address important issues. SRI provides a way to support organizations and issues while earning a competitive return. As an example, if someone...