August 2020

ESG head exits €92bn Danish pension fund giant

PFA Asset Management’s head of ESG, Andreas Stang, has left the firm to join insurance and pension company Topdanmark. As part of his new role, Stang will take charge of responsible investments and ESG integration. Topdanmark said his appointment is part of its increasing focus on responsibility and sustainability. He has been head of ESG at PFA Asset Management for over four years. The group oversees DKK 688bn, which equates to around €92bn. Prior to that he was chairman...

G7 Pensions: ESG, SDGs, Green Growth and the Road to Camp David

By M. Nicolas J. Firzli The ‘COVID Crisis’ has accelerated the mainstreaming of SDG-driven investment, with pension board members (trustees) playing an increasingly active role across all asset classes, from Sacramento to Sydney: governments (debt) and CEOs (equity) are having to commit more seriously to pressing environmental, social and societal matters, or face the risk of abrupt divestment (Brazil, Facebook etc.). Beyond financial economics and investment policy, the advent of fiduciary capitalism will have a profound impact on the...

July 2020

UK pension scheme NEST tightens climate change policy

The move by the scheme, which invests the retirement savings of 9 million workers, is one of the most ambitious to date and comes as regulatory pressure builds for the industry to better manage climate-related risk. As well as the effects of climate change such as rising sea levels and more extreme weather, companies are at risk of costs associated with regulatory change and litigation linked to the transition to a low-carbon economy. "Just like coronavirus, climate change poses...

US. DOL’S ESG proposal would hurt retirement accounts

The Department of Labor lost an opportunity to encourage investors to support causes that they hold close to their hearts with a proposed rule regarding the investment choices they’re allowed in their retirement accounts. It’s a proposal that also could end up damaging Americans’ retirement security long-term if allowed to become part of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. The June 23 proposal reaffirmed standard thoughts on fiduciary responsibilities that suggest only financial risk and returns can be considered...

US considers restricting ESG in pensions

The US Department of Labor (DOL) is considering imposing strict rules on how pension funds invest, which could see the scope for ethical and responsible investing limited. The DOL has proposed an amendment to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act 1974 (ERISA) "to confirm that ERISA requires plan fiduciaries to select investments and investment courses of action based solely on financial considerations relevant to the risk adjusted economic value of a particular investment or investment course of action." The...

Climate activists take Swiss finance regulators to task

Environmental group Greenpeace has filed a formal protest against Switzerland’s financial regulators over their perceived failure to impose climate policy rules. The group called on the financial market watchdog body FINMA, the National Bank as well as the Occupational Pension Supervisory Commission to ensure that banks, insurance companies and pension funds stop financing projects worldwide which are harmful to the climate. These institutions contribute to greenhouse gas emissions of the Swiss finance industry and neglect their duty to protect...

UK. Pension funds covering £3trn pressured on fossil fuel investments and net-zero alignment

Called ‘Make My Money Matter’, the campaign’s overarching ambition is to fundamentally shift the way in which the UK’s £3trn pension pot is invested, uniting consumers, employers and policy to do so. Through a string of communications campaigns and events, the campaign will urge employers to align their pension with their missions and values, equipping staff with advice on engaging their employer, and executives with tools to measure whether their pension funds have a positive impact on the environment...

June 2020

US. DOL Proposal Will Chill ESG Corporate Pension Investing, Advocates Say

Advocates of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing have decried the US Department of Labor (DOL)’s newest proposal as poison for sustainable investments in pension plans. Read also 2 Danish pension funds chip into latest European green bond On Tuesday, the DOL proposed a rule that said company defined benefit (DB) retirement plans have a fiduciary duty to beneficiaries, not to social causes advanced through ESG investing that could reduce returns or increase risk. Read also The Mixed...

2 Danish pension funds chip into latest European green bond

ATP, Hilleroed, Denmark, invested an undisclosed amount in the latest €1 billion ($1.1 billion) climate awareness bond issued by the European Investment Bank, a spokesman for the 889.5 billion Danish kroner ($134 billion) fund confirmed. ATP has invested 26 billion kroner in green bonds to date. The fund does not disclose details about individual issuers, according to the spokesman. The 15-year CAB 2035 is an eligible green investment under the European Union's upcoming green bond standards, taxonomy and sustainability...

UK. Sustainable Investment And The Race to Zero Emissions During The Covid-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) threw the world's health, economic and financial systems into disarray, but the pandemic did little to distract the U.K. from the climate crisis. A recent survey by Ipsos shows two-thirds of Britons consider climate change to be as serious as the pandemic, and the majority support a green economic recovery. Their voices are not unheard, since leaders at all levels of society are strategizing ways to "build back better" for our planet. The UN's...