August 2024

US pension funds react to Republican probe of Climate Action 100+

Public pension funds in the US have pushed back against a Republican probe into the US members of Climate Action 100+, warning that climate engagement is consistent with their fiduciary responsibilities. At the end of July, Republican lawmakers on the House Judicial Committee sent a letter to more than 130 investor signatories – or recent ex-signatories – of CA100+, demanding information on actions they planned to take as part of the initiative, which Republicans call a “climate cartel”, as well...

Australian super fund titans back Prime Minister’s green manufacturing plan

Some of Australia’s super funds have for the first time backed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s plan to stimulate green manufacturing industries, saying it would unlock private capital to help cut emissions and reach climate targets, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. The Albanese government hopes to pass the Future Made in Australia bill, designed to stimulate domestic manufacturing and high-tech industry in a similar fashion to the U.S.’s Inflation Reduction Act, by the end of the year. The plan is...

UK. Savers warned of pensions impact on deforestation in Jane Goodall ad campaign

Jane Goodall and Genesis frontman Peter Gabriel have joined forces for a new ad campaign that warns UK savers of their pension investments’ hidden impact on global forests. The “Saving Jane” advert released on Wednesday shows an animated version of the zoologist saving up money in a pension pot to visit a tropical rainforest in Sumatra, Indonesia, only to discover the money was invested in companies destroying the natural world she wanted to protect. The film, which features a re-recording of...

July 2024

Climate Polarization and Green Investment

By Anders Anderson & David T. Robinson We build a nationally representative sample of retirement savers in Sweden to study how climate polarizaton affects individual investment decisions. After the record-breaking heat wave of 2018, respondents in regions with strong support for a right-wing, anti-climate party grow less concerned about climate change, while respondents outside these regions grow more concerned. Those growing more concerned rebalance their retirement portfolios toward climate-friendly mutual funds; those growing less concerned rebalance out of these funds,...

Inversión Sostenible, nuevo paradigma en las decisiones de inversión en Chile

Por Paulina Musalem Falaha Este trabajo presenta un análisis del rol de la sostenibilidad en los modelos de decisiones de inversión en Chile. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las percepciones de cómo los inversionistas institucionales consideran la sostenibilidad en sus porfolios de inversión y los principales desafíos que ello conlleva. Para lograrlo se utiliza una aproximación cualitativa a partir de 23 entrevistas semiestructuradas elegidas a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. Los datos muestran que el 79% de...

ESG Reporting: Estrategias, Retos y Oportunidades

Por Lorena Salgado El ESG Reporting se ha convertido en un componente crucial para el éxito y la reputación empresarial, por lo que en este artículo presentamos una guía esencial para entender el dinámico y creciente campo del reporte de sostenibilidad ambiental, social y de gobernanza (ESG). Exploraremos las estrategias efectivas para implementar un ESG Reporting significativo, los desafíos que las empresas enfrentan en este proceso, y las oportunidades que surgen al adoptar prácticas de reporte responsables y transparentes. A través de...

Fortalecimiento del Ecosistema de Inversión Sostenible en México

Por Pacto Global México La iniciativa de los Grupos de Trabajo Agenda 2030 son el resultado de un convenio de colaboración entre el Pacto Mundial México y el Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE). Dichos grupos fueron creados con el fin de compartir experiencias y avanzar más rápidamente hacia lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible; como dice el lema del Pacto Global: “uniendo empresas por un mundo mejor”. Dentro de estos grupos de trabajo se encuentra el Grupo de Inversión Sostenible, cuyo objetivo...

At world’s biggest asset managers, ESG fund launches quietly stalling

At some of the world’s biggest asset managers, ESG fund launches are quietly stalling. BlackRock, Deutsche Bank's DWS Group, Invesco and the asset management arm of UBS Group are among firms that have cut the number of new funds with environmental, social and governance mandates, according to data provided by Morningstar Direct. This year through the end of May, just over 100 ESG funds were launched globally, putting the industry on track to fall well short of levels seen in recent years, the...

México. Afore XXI Banorte alinea sus actividades de operación e inversión al Acuerdo de París

Los objetivos basados en la ciencia (Science Based Targets Initiative, SBTi, por sus siglas en inglés), son metas alineadas a nivel mundial, basadas en la ciencia del clima, para reducir las emisiones de carbono y limitar la temperatura del mundo en línea con el Acuerdo de París. Empresas financieras como Afore XXI Banorte están comprometidas. Esta iniciativa se enmarca en el Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas, el Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), el World Resources Institute (WRI) y el World...

Sustainable Investing in Pensions: Top Tips for Sponsors of Pension Schemes

 By Accounting for Sustainability This top tips guidance is written for organizations that sponsor a pension scheme on the why and how to engage with your pension trustees on sustainable investing. Just as more and more companies are embedding social and environmental risk and opportunity into strategy and decision making, it is vital that their pension schemes follow suit. The impact that climate change and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks can have on value and returns is driving changes across...