January 2023

Un repaso a la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) en América Latina y el Caribe

Un repaso a la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) en América Latina y el Caribe

Por: Clayson Cosme Da Costa Pimenta & José Alberto Goicochea Calderón Este trabajo parte del paradigma de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) para examinar críticamente el impacto que ha tenido en las empresas, citando y analizando algunos casos de estudio destacados dentro del área de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). El objetivo principal es analizar el estado actual y las perspectivas de la RSC ejemplificándola con distintas empresas referenciales de países latinoamericanos. La metodología utilizada es cualitativa, a partir...

Here’s why we must not lose sight of the importance of ESG, despite the recent backlash

The consideration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions has never faced such a profound period of negative scrutiny. After years of increasing attention and capital allocated to ESG investments, which have made substantial strides forwards in terms of technical substance and implementation expertise, 2022 proved to be a point of reflection. There are several drivers behind this wave of criticism. The combination of the impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, inflation and pockets of populism emerging...

Índice global de pensiones de Mercer y CFA Institute 2022

Por: Mercer & CFA Institute Mercer y el CFA Institute publican hoy la decimocuarta edición anual del Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index (MCGPI). Una vez más, el sistema previsional de Islandia encabeza la lista, mientras que Holanda y Dinamarca conservan el segundo y tercer lugar, respectivamente. Teniendo en cuenta que más empleadores han dejado de utilizar los planes de beneficios definidos, el estudio también investiga los desafíos y las oportunidades que plantea este cambio global hacia planes de contribución...

December 2022

5 Threats to Sustainable Investing in 2023

A term that went from euphoria to criticism. That has been the parabolic path of sustainable investing in recent years. Now, investors wonder what’s in store for environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing in 2023, and more importantly, what the threats to ESG might be. “Sustainable investing and the consideration of ESG factors have become part of the investment mainstream over the past few years. The rapid growth has been spurred by the need for investors to consider nonfinancial risks...

U.K. Investors must innovate to stay ahead of FCA’s SDR proposal

The FCA’s new sustainability disclosure requirements may prove to be a defining moment for financial services, the chief project officer at the Global Returns Project has said. Jack Chellman told FTAdviser the FCA’s rules, which are currently being consulted on, cannot come soon enough. “Investors are increasingly concerned about greenwashing,” he said. “Looking ahead to 2023, asset managers must embrace innovative approaches to demonstrate their sustainability credentials if they are to satisfy their clients and rise to the challenge of constructing attractive, competitive...

Finnish pension fund manager Varma to monitor human rights impact

Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Co., Helsinki, said Thursday that it will incorporate human rights as sustainability risks in its investments, operations and supply chain. Varma, which managed €56.4 billion ($54.9 billion) at the end of September, said in a news release that after assessing the human rights risks and impacts of its operations, it established principles for human rights and a commitment to address violations that could impact investments. "Human rights have become increasingly important in the past few years. Russia's...

How schemes can enjoy the blooming of biodiversity bonds

Analysis: With the world’s nations reaching a historic agreement to preserve global biodiversity at COP15 in Montreal, attention is inevitably turning to how businesses can uphold the commitment to protect 30 per cent of the planet’s land and sea. Financing biodiversity projects has long been a sticking point for institutions. The International Finance Corporation describes a “lack of guidance in the market on criteria for projects eligible for this kind of financing”, resulting in a “gap” between investors’ ambitions and...

5 Takeaways on the State of ESG Investing

ESG investing is hot. But what does it actually deliver for society and for shareholders? For the past several years or so, major funds, managers, and institutional investors have been stocking their portfolios with investments in firms that claim to be engaged in positive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activities. On the websites of actively managed funds, investors show giant banners touting a commitment to invest in firms working to make the world a better, safer place, says Aaron Yoon, assistant...

Swiss pension fund association lays out ESG reporting standards

The Swiss pension fund association ASIP has published reporting guidelines for Pensionskassen investments following ESG standards that will apply from 1 January. The ESG reporting guidelines include the disclosure of qualitative information on how pension funds deal with this topic, and quantitative information on individual investments. According to the guidelines, Pensionskassen would publilsh qualitative statements on the goals and principles of their sustainability strategies, underlining for example if they are anchored to investment rules, and the investment approaches for different asset...

Financial institutions call on world leaders to adopt Global Biodiversity Framework

World leaders have been urged by 150 financial institutions representing more than US $24trn in assets to adopt a post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework at the UN Biodiversity Conference COP15. As reported by our sister publication, European Pensions, the statement is led by the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative and the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, and calls on governments from around the world to adopt the framework for economic players, including financial institutions. The framework aims...