March 2022

Exponential Growth Bias and the Law: Why Do We Save Too Little, Borrow Too Much, and Fail to React on Time to Deadly Pandemics and Climate Change?

Exponential Growth Bias and the Law: Why Do We Save Too Little, Borrow Too Much, and Fail to React on Time to Deadly Pandemics and Climate Change?

By Doron Teichman & Eyal Zamir Many human decisions, ranging from the taking of loans with compound interest to fighting deadly pandemics, involve phenomena that entail exponential growth. Yet a wide and robust body of empirical studies demonstrates that people systematically underestimate exponential growth. This phenomenon, dubbed the exponential growth bias (EGB), has been documented in numerous contexts, across different populations, using both experimental and observational methods. Despite its centrality to human decision making, legal scholarship has thus far failed to...

Allowing Early Access to Retirement Savings: Lessons from Australia

Allowing Early Access to Retirement Savings: Lessons from Australia

By Nathan Wang-Ly & Ben Rhodri Newell In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments around the world introduced policies aiming to provide citizens with financial relief through early access to their retirement savings. In Australia, the Early Release of Super (ERS) scheme allowed eligible citizens to withdraw up to A$20,000 in funds between April and December 2020. Using data provided by a large Australian bank, we examine the characteristics of the individuals who withdrew, how they used the withdrawn...

Los efectos de los factores demográficos sobre las políticas de empleo, el mercado de trabajo y la exclusión social

Por Carlos Arroyo Abad Tanto la crisis económica vivida a partir de finales de la primera década del siglo XXI, como los efectos derivados por la crisis sanitaria del COVID, han expuesto a la sociedad a un clima de tensiones de la que se han derivado profundos efectos económicos negativos acentuados por procesos paralelos de índole demográfico, así como de reformulación social. Todo ello, impone la necesidad de un replanteamiento en políticas que incidan en el ensanchamiento del mercado de...

February 2022

Overpaying and Undersaving? Correlated Mistakes in Retirement Saving and Health Insurance Choices

Overpaying and Undersaving? Correlated Mistakes in Retirement Saving and Health Insurance Choices

By Leora Friedberg & Adam Leive Not everyone makes wise financial choices. A large body of research documents behavior inconsistent with well-informed consumers maximizing their expected utility of consumption. It remains unknown, however, whether such behavior is correlated across domains. This paper uses two novel datasets to test whether the quality of health insurance and retirement saving decisions are correlated. Using administrative panel data from a large employer, we find that people who overpay for health insurance by choosing a...

How the Pandemic Altered Americans’ Debt Burden and Retirement Readiness

How the Pandemic Altered Americans’ Debt Burden and Retirement Readiness

By Andrea Hasler, Annamaria Lusardi & Olivia S. Mitchell This paper analyzes Americans’ perceptions of being debt constrained. We focus on which population subgroups reported feeling most debt constrained, how this perception was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it relates to financial literacy and retirement readiness. To this end, we analyze two datasets, namely the 2020 and 2021 TIAA Institute-GFLEC Personal Finance Index files (P-Fin Index). The evidence shows that, prior to and during the pandemic, one in...

The Silver Economy Gets a Covid Reality Check

French care-home operator Orpea was once a bet on better retirement. In an aging society, demand for long-term care would only rise — and so would demand for long-term returns, hence why Canada’s top pension fund bought a 15% stake in 2013. It was going to be the virtuous circle of the “silver economy” in action — retirement as an asset class. The virtuous circle now looks like a vicious one. After years of growth, some 3.4 billion euros ($3.9 billion) has been wiped...

El Mercado De Trabajo En México: Una Aproximación a Su Comportamiento a Partir de la Irrupción De La Emergencia Sanitaria Por La COVID-19

Por Valeria Judith Montoya García El presente documento tiene como objetivo analizar de forma aproximada los efectos inmediatos que tuvo la pandemia de COVID-19 sobre el mercado laboral mexicano. En primera instancia, por medio de información cuantitativa se analizan las características estructurales de los mercados de trabajo en México como la heterogeneidad laboral y la precariedad del empleo, para así poder entender las consecuencias de la implementación de las medidas sanitarias. Posteriormente, utilizando los Indicadores Estratégicos de las encuestas de...

​Virus has created different economic system, says Finnish pensions chief

The chief executive officer of the State Pension Fund of Finland (Valtion Eläkerahasto, VER), said the economic conditions brought about by the pandemic will stay with us, and with digitalisation and medicine as the key drivers of this new system, that is where governments need to allocate resources. Timo Löyttyniemi, CEO of VER, the €22.9bn fund which balances central government’s staff pension spending, said in a blog: “COVID has given birth to a different economic system where only change is...

UK. DWP publishes draft dashboard regulations

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched a consultation on the draft pensions dashboards regulations. The consultation seeks views on the draft regulations which make provision for requirements to be met by pension dashboard services or the providers of these services, and by trustees or managers of relevant UK occupational pension schemes. Read also UK. Prudential reports itself to regulator over AVC failings The regulations - which the DWP said will apply to all registrable UK-based occupational pension schemes with...

January 2022

Chile. Primeros pagos de la Pensión Garantizada Universal comenzarán el 18 de febrero

Chile. Primeros pagos de la Pensión Garantizada Universal comenzarán el 18 de febrero

Durante la jornada de este viernes, el presidente de la República, Sebastián Piñera, promulgó la ley de Pensión Garantizada Universal (PGU), la cual busca beneficiar a dos millones y medio de personas. Leer también Las AFP en Chile: la reforma urgente que enfrenta Gabriel Boric El beneficio asegura $ 185 mil adicionales a los ahorros previsionales de los adultos mayores de 65 años, sin importar si trabajan o son pensionados. Además, este beneficio no considera a las personas pertenecientes al 10%...