September 2021

UK. Dipping into pension could cost savers their benefits

People using pension freedoms to dip into their retirement pot at 55 could end up losing their benefits, Sir Steve Webb, partner at LCP and former pensions minister, has warned. According to Webb, as furlough schemes finish and the additional £20 on universal credit payments comes to an end, people who are over 55 and still working might become concerned about their jobs or might find themselves made redundant. This could put a strain on people's finances, and lead to them...

México. Retiro de afores por desempleo alcanza pico más alto en agosto, con 1,954 millones de pesos

Los retiros parciales por desempleo de las administradoras de fondos para el retiro (afores) alcanzaron su cifra más alta en lo va del año con 1,954 millones de pesos. Los retiros tuvieron un incremento mensual de 2.7% ya que en julio se retiraron del Sistema del Ahorro para el Retiro (SAR) 1,903 millones de pesos. Sin embargo, aunque se alcanzó el pico más alto, los retiros parciales por desempleo de las afores disminuyeron 4.3% real anual en el mes agosto,...

UK watchdogs team up to gauge value for money in DC pensions

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) have published a joint discussion paper on developing a common framework for measuring value for money in defined contribution (DC) pension schemes. The aim is “to drive a long-term focus on value for money across the pensions sector”, they said in a statement. Read also UK. Dashboard will not have accurate DB quotations DC savers can only maximise their retirement income if their scheme delivers value for money and the regulators said...

Chile discute cuarto retiro de fondos de pensiones y advierten de riesgos para su economía

Gabriel Guzmán tiene 27 años y como miles de trabajadores jóvenes cruza los dedos para que el Congreso chileno apruebe un cuarto retiro anticipado de los fondos de pensiones, una opción surgida en la pandemia, que atiza la inflación. "Yo estoy de acuerdo en sacar mi cuarto retiro porque hoy en día el dinero me vale más teniéndolo yo, porque lo puedo invertir, y eso me va a traer retribución en el futuro", dice a la AFP Guzmán, quien se...

US. The State Pension Funding Gap: Plans Have Stabilized in Wake of Pandemic

The nation’s state retirement systems finished the 2021 fiscal year in their best condition since the Great Recession of 2007-09. According to projections by The Pew Charitable Trusts, the gap between the cost of pension benefits that states have promised their workers and what they have set aside to pay for them dropped in 2021 to its lowest level in more than a decade. Pew estimates that state retirement systems are now over 80% funded for the first time...

OCDE Perspectiva del empleo 2021

Por OECD La carga de la crisis de COVID-19 ha recaído de forma desproporcionada en grupos ya vulnerables La conmoción inicial derivada de la crisis deCOVID-19 se dejó sentir en amplios sectores de la economía, ya que el miedo al contagio y las estrictas restricciones a la proximidad social frenaron duramente la actividad económica en los países de la OCDE. A medida que las personas y los gobiernos han aprendido a convivir con el virus, se han adaptado los comportamientos y...

Korea’s aging population to sap fiscal health: Fitch

The fast-paced aging of South Korea’s population is likely to undermine the fiscal health of Asia’s fourth-largest economy in the long run amid soaring debt, credit ratings agency Fitch Ratings said Monday. The aging population, coupled with a declining fertility rate of fewer than one child per woman, could leave Korea exposed to higher risks as rising government spending could become a less effective means of boosting nationwide productivity. Read also Australia. Most vulnerable excluded from Disability Support Pension Fitch urged Korea...

Millions of older people in the U.S. live on the economic edge—evictions will send them into homelessness

In late August, the Supreme Court ruled that evictions can resume, despite an effort by the Biden administration to temporarily ban them due to the pandemic. The impact of this ruling could have dire consequences for many older adults already on the financial brink. In fact, the number of homeless people who are 55 and older is rising at an alarming rate. I have seen this first hand as the CEO of Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS), a 470-bed homeless...

Germany. Pensioners can expect significantly higher pensions

Pensioners in Germany can expect a significant increase in their pay next year, according to the pension insurance fund. "I assume that the missed increase will be made up for to a certain extent next year and that pensioners will get a decent plus in 2022," Gundula Roßbach, President of the German Pension Insurance Association, told the newspapers of the Funke Media Group."How much more it will be, we won't know until next spring, because we have to look...

República Dominicana. Propone creación del Instituto de Seguridad Social para Trabajadores de la Construcción

El abogado y político, Jose Antonio Trinidad, propuso la modificación de la Ley 6-86 para hacerla más efectiva y permitir que la mano de obra dominicana pueda volver a ocupar el sitial que tenia en la industria de la construcción. Trinidad planteó la necesidad de esta modificación para mejorar la Ley, modernizarla e introducirle cambios profundos, entre los que señaló la conversión del Fondo de Pensiones de los Trabajadores de la Construcción en el Instituto de Seguridad Social y Desarrollo...