March 2025

Fondos generacionales en el nuevo sistema de pensiones: Recomendaciones de regulación

Por Daniel Mantilla García, Oscar Reinaldo Becerra Camargo, Manuel García Huitrón & Marc Hofstetter Gascón  La reforma pensional aprobada el año pasado es de profundo calado y se encuentra en pleno proceso de reglamentación contrarreloj. Uno de los aspectos a reglamentar es la nueva estructura de “fondos generacionales”, así como los mecanismos que garantizarán que estos fondos cumplan el objetivo de optimizar la mesada pensional, como lo manda la ley que se aprobó. Explicamos en qué consisten estos fondos y...

February 2025

2025 Employee Sentiment Study

By AON Successful organizations recognize the critical importance of their people and what is valuable to them. Investing in their potential, aspirations and resilience, and providing them with choice and flexibility that caters to their diverse needs is not just a necessity — it is the foundation for delivering long-term sustainable growth. This study is based on findings from Aon’s Employee Sentiment survey and insights from Aon’s team of human capital specialists. It equips senior business, human resources, and people leaders...

Multiemployer Pension Funding Study: Year-end 2024

By Tim Connor,Timothy Herman,Rex Barker & Nina Lantz The amounts in Figure 1 reflect the $70 billion in SFA granted to 97 plans that received the funds by December 31, 2024, including $16 billion paid during 2024. Without the SFA program, the aggregate funded percentage would be approximately 89%. The liabilities in Figure 1 are projected using discount rates equal to each plan’s actuarial assumed return on assets. Assumed returns generally fall between 6.0% and 8.0%, with a weighted average interest...

Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: The Effects of Reforms on Retirement Behavior

By Axel Börsch-Supan & Courtney Coile Employment among older men and women has increased dramatically in recent years, reversing a downward trend in the closing decades of the twentieth century. Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World examines how changing retirement incentives have reshaped labor force participation trends among older workers. The chapters feature country-specific analyses for Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. They find that while there is significant heterogeneity...

2025 Asset Allocation Return & Risk Assumptions

By Wilshire Wilshire’s long-term inflation forecast is 2.35%, which is up 10 basis points from last year’s assumption. Our practice since 2003 has been to derive our inflation forecast by observing the market’s breakeven inflation rate – the spread between the yield on a 10-year Treasury and the real yield on a similar maturity Treasury Inflation Protected Security (TIPS). During periods of market stress, TIPS pricing may be affected by liquidity demands or a high level of inflation uncertainty, as...

Places versus People: The Ins and Outs of Labor Market Adjustment to Globalization

By David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon H. Hanson, Maggie R. Jones & Bradley Setzler This chapter analyzes the distinct adjustment paths of U.S. labor markets (places) and U.S. workers (people) to increased Chinese import competition during the 2000s. Using comprehensive register data for 2000–2019, we document that employment levels more than fully rebound in trade-exposed places after 2010, while employment-to-population ratios remain depressed and manufacturing employment further atrophies. The adjustment of places to trade shocks is generational: affected areas recover primarily by adding workers to...

Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (ENOE) Indicadores de Ocupación y Empleo

Por INEGI  La Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (ENOE) muestra el comportamiento del mercado laboral mexicano. Esta ofrece datos mensuales de la población económicamente activa (PEA), la ocupación, la informalidad laboral, la subocupación y la desocupación.1 En esta ocasión, no se realizó un comparativo de los resultados entre noviembre de 2024 y noviembre de 2023, porque las cifras de este último periodo no incluyen información de Guerrero. Lo anterior es consecuencia de las afectaciones que originó el huracán Otis. En noviembre...

Informe sobre el futuro del empleo 2025

Por Foro Económico Mundial El Informe sobre el futuro del empleo 2025 reúne la perspectiva de más de 1000 empleadores líderes a nivel mundial, que en conjunto representan a más de 14 millones de trabajadores en 22 grupos industriales y 55 economías de todo el mundo, para examinar cómo las macrotendencias impactan los empleos y las habilidades, y las estrategias de transformación de la fuerza laboral. Los empleadores planean emprender en respuesta, a lo largo del período de 2025 a...

January 2025

NIRS’ Pensionomics 2025 Report

By Andrew Clark Earlier this month, the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) released its bi-annual Pensionomics report, which details how spending from defined-benefit pensions boosts economies in communities nationwide and continues to be a reliable economic driver for millions of people. The report examines the impact of pensions on local economies nationwide by calculating the benefits paid to retirees and the subsequent spending generated by these benefits. This analysis includes tax revenue and local expenditures, which stimulate the broader economy, leading...

Allianz Global Pension Report 2025: Time to walk the talk

By Allianz Research  Allianz published the third edition of its “Global Pension Report”, which analyzes 71 pension systems around the globe with the help of the company's own “Allianz Pension Index” (API). The indicator consists of three pillars: analysis of the demographic and fiscal situation, and an assessment of the sustainability (e.g. financing and contribution periods) and adequacy (e.g. coverage and pension levels) of the pension system. A total of 40 parameters are taken into account, with scores between 1...