April 2024

Reforma al sistema de pensiones y elementos del dictamen para la creación del Fondo de Pensiones para el Bienestar

Por Instituto Belisario Domínguez La presente nota estratégica tiene como finalidad describir en qué consiste la reforma al sistema de pensiones que presentó el Ejecutivo Federal al Congreso de la Unión el 5 de febrero de 2024, así como destacar los principales elementos del dictamen para la creación del Fondo de Pensiones para el Bienestar que aprobó la Comisión de Seguridad Social de la Cámara de Diputados el 15 de abril de 2024. Libro completo aquí

Iniciativa de reforma a las pensiones contributivas en tiempos electorales en México

Por Maria Ascención Morales Ramírez  El presidente de México, el 7 de enero de 2024 anunció una serie de iniciativas, entre ellas, en materia de pensiones. En este tema señaló que pretendía revertir las reformas neoliberales de 1997 y 2007 que introdujeron el sistema de capitalización individual en las dos leyes federales más importantes del país: la Ley del Seguro Social (LSS) y la Ley del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (LISSSTE), esto es,...

Propuesta de reforma al sistema de pensiones en México, cuatro expertos a favor y en contra

Por Antonio Sandoval Este contexto sirve para conocer la esencia del debate que pronto se iniciará en México sobre la propuesta presidencial de reforma constitucional, misma que ha levantado polémica desde antes de su discusión formal en el Congreso mexicano. Funds Society platicó con 4 expertos en el sistema de pensiones mexicano para conocer cuáles son los puntos a favor y en contra de la propuesta. Fuente Revista Funds Society América

Pension Fund Trustees and Fiduciary Duties: Decision-making in the context of Sustainability and the subject of Climate Change

By Financial Markets Law Committee For pension funds, setting investment strategy, principles and policies and making investment decisions have all become more challenging in the context of sustainability and the subject of climate change.  This has given rise to renewed uncertainty over what the “fiduciary duties” or trust duties owed by trustees of pension funds require in this context. Since the pensions sector is a major allocator of capital, legal uncertainties affecting pension fund trustees have the potential to adversely affect...

The Importance of Reviewing the Pension Scheme in Albania. Benefits and Challenges of Applying for Private Pensions in Albania

By Valbona Cinaj  The pension system faces many problems and challenges. Social security in general is the system of social protection in Albania, as in other countries, is influenced by the country's economic power, labor market developments, demographic situation, employment situation and unemployment, GDP growth, macroeconomic stability, etc. These indicators will serve not only as a starting point for the analysis of the system, achievements, and problems, but also the level of these indicators will serve as a starting point...

Strength in Diversity: What We Can Learn from BC’s Target-benefit Plans

By Barry Gros With the significant decline in single-employer defined-benefit (DB) pension plans in the private sector, it’s important to understand other alternatives. One such alternative is the target-benefit plan. The regulation of target-benefit plans (TBPs) in all provinces across Canada can be made more straightforward and effective using lessons learned from real-life experiences. With target-benefit plans currently being more prominent in the province of British Columbia than any other province, it is useful to take a closer look at these...

“Safe” Annuity Retirement Products and a Possible US Retirement Crisis

By Thomas E. Lambert & Christopher B. Tobe This paper examines a looming possible crisis in many Americans’ retirement plans due to the proliferation of annuity products in their retirement investment portfolios. As defined benefit pension plans have almost completely disappeared as a means of retirement savings and have been replaced by defined contribution retirement plans over the last 40 to 50 years, a great number of private and public sector defined contribution retirement plans have become laden with insurance...

Fondo de pensiones para el bienestar

Por Centro de Investigación en Política Pública  Con el propósito de contribuir al debate público acerca de las implicaciones de la creación de un fondo de esta naturaleza para las finanzas públicas y los trabajadores mexicanos, el Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad (IMCO) analizó el proyecto de dictamen de la iniciativa de reforma legal presentada por los diputados Mier y Cisneros. Fuente IMCO

The Race/Ethnicity Gap in Retirement Plan Participation: More than Just Demographics

By David Blanchett American companies have been actively shifting away from defined benefit (DB) plans towards defined contribution (DC) plans for decades. This shift places more burden on workers to make decisions like whether to participate in the retirement plan, how much to save, and how to invest those savings. This analysis explores how participation in a workforce retirement plan varies by race and ethnicity leveraging data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) to the 2023 Current Population...