August 2024

The world’s largest pension fund is profiting from tech stocks

The world's largest pension fund is profiting from tech stocks Nearly 9,000 companies across dozens of countries have the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund as a shareholder. Alongside other investments, this contributed to a substantial gain in the first half of the year. Tech stocks' value increase was particularly notable. The Norwegian sovereign wealth fund saw a triple-digit billion gain in the first half of the year, totaling around 1.5 trillion kroner (125 billion euros), according to Norway's central bank. This corresponds...

Boomers Are at Higher Risk of Running Out of Retirement Money Than Younger Workers

The kids really are all right, at least when it comes to saving for retirement. New research finds that younger American workers are actually positioned to have greater financial security in their post-work years than older generations. Just over a third of Gen Z workers and 44% of millennial workers are projected to run out of money in retirement, compared to 47% of Gen X and 52% of baby boomers, according to Morningstar's model of retirement outcomes. “The results for baby boomers and...

República Dominicana. El 72% de fondos de pensiones está invertido en bonos de Hacienda y BC

El superintendente de Pensiones, Francisco Torres, informó que el 72% de la cartera del sistema de ahorro de la seguridad social de República Dominicana está invertido en bonos del tesoro del Ministerio de Hacienda y en certificados de deuda del Banco Central (BC). Durante su participación en el foro “Pensiones: pilar del bienestar y motor de desarrollo”, Torres señaló que cerca del 12% de los activos de pensiones están en fondos de inversión, mientras que un 10% está depositado en bonos y certificados...

Perú. Los retiros de la AFP pasan factura al Gobierno: ahora se endeuda a mayor costo

El Gobierno peruano emitió el jueves pasado US$3.000 millones en el mercado internacional. Ello, para cumplir con los requerimientos financieros del 2024 y el 2025. La emisión consistió en dos tramos. Uno al 2035 (bono 2035) por US$1,25 mil millones con tasa cupón de 5.375% y otro de US$1,75 mil millones a 30 años (bono 2054) con tasa cupón de 5.875%. Es decir, al salir al mercado, el bono 2054 pagó una tasa mayor que el bono 2051, emitido al mismo plazo,...

IMSS Digital: ¿Qué es y a partir de cuándo empieza el cambio para las pensiones?

La tecnología avanza todos los días y hoy se dio a conocer un cambio que impactará a millones de personas. Se trata de una modificación del IMSS Digital con respecto a la entrega de pensiones para todos los derechohabientes jubilados. A continuación te compartimos toda la información sobre el tema. ¿Cuántos jubilados tiene el IMSS? De acuerdo con la información oficial, hasta enero del 2024 el Seguro Social contaba con poco más de cuatro millones de pensionadas y pensionados. ¿Cuál es el mayor cambio del...

México. Comisiones de Afore: cuál es la más CARA y la más BARATA

En México 71.1 millones de trabajadores tienen una cuenta individual de Afore en donde se guardan con ahorros de toda su vida laboral y este dinero es entregado en la jubilación. Son las Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Afores) las instituciones financieras encargadas de administrar, invertir y cuidar los recursos que se depositan en las cuentas individuales, por este servicio, las empresas cobran una comisión. ​Por eso, es importante comparar las tarifas de comisiones que cada una de las Afores cobran, lo que ayuda a estimar el total de...

Canadian pension plans facing unexpected taxes in EU countries: PIAC

Canadian pension plans are facing unforeseen taxation of dividends in European Union countries like Germany and the Netherlands, said the Pension Investment Association of Canada. In an open letter, the PIAC said its members have endured a discriminatory dividend taxation relative to settled European tax law and the free movement of capital within the EU over the last decade. “Canadian pension plans are seeing discriminatory and distortive taxation, resulting in penalties from broad applications of the ‘free movement of capital provision’...

Europe’s pension crisis: How can it be solved?

Europe's demographic time bomb has been ticking for decades, with societies of European Union countries growing older and people living longer. More than a fifth of the European Union's population is now aged 65 or older. That figure is expected to reach a third by 2050. The World Health Organization warned last year that 2024 would mark the first time that over-65s would outnumber Europe's under-15 population. Despite large increases in immigration over the past two decades, the continent still needs to attract enough workers...

Zimbabwe. Formalisation key to enhanced social security cover for female workers

URGENT measures should be taken to promote formalisation of the economy to facilitate increased social security cover for female workers who are disproportionately represented in the informal sector when compared to their male counterparts, resulting in their exclusion from available social security benefit schemes. As Zimbabwe pushes the momentum towards attainment of an upper middle income economic status by 2030, experts have stressed the need to widen social security cover as part of efforts to alleviate poverty and cushioning ordinary...

UK’s Just Group beats first-half profit estimate as demand for pension insurance soars

Just Group (JUSTJ.L), opens new tab's first-half profit beat estimates on Tuesday, and the British insurer now expects full-year earnings to surpass its previous expectations on demand for pension insurance, sending shares up as much as 18% in early trading. The stock hit its highest since June 2018 on Tuesday at 139 pence after the London-listed company said it expects to "substantially" exceed its 2024 operating profit forecast in March - of over 420 million pounds - twice its profit in...