August 2024

South Africa. Should government use pensions to fund it projects?

Government forcing pension funds to invest in its projects have long been a discussion in South Africa and the ANC promised to implement it after the elections to pay for economic development and industrialisation. Dr David Masondo, deputy minister of finance, said at an Old Mutual event on Tuesday that government is committed to respect the investment mandates of pension funds to increase investment turnover based on acceptable risk. Then he referred to Regulation 28 of the the Pension Funds Act that...

UK. Retirement planning issues for women

All federal employees need education, and most would benefit from some experienced assistance when planning for retirement. This is true at every stage of their careers, regardless of age or gender. Today I want to highlight some issues unique to federally employed women. According to the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement, there are five retirement challenges that many women face when planning for their future. Here is a modified version of this list as it may impact you, as a...

US. Few Plans for Retirement Are Weatherproofed for Extreme Events

Most Americans are fretting over the risks extreme weather events can pose to their plans for retirement, according to Allianz Life Insurance’s annual retirement study. “As natural disasters become more frequent, more intense and more costly, Americans are waking up to how this could pose a risk to their retirement nest egg,” said Lorinda Niemeyer, Allianz Life’s head of sustainability, in a statement. “For many, extreme weather is increasing daily costs of living, insurance costs and other ongoing expenses. And those...

UK. Aegon launches digital pension transfer comparison service

Aegon has launched a ‘Red Amber Green’ pension transfer comparison service, expanding its partnership with The Pension Lab. The tool, part of a larger digital bulk transfer service, enables workplace members, particularly those without advisers, to find and compare old pension pots. Members can access pension information classified as red, amber, or green (RAG) based on characteristics and prices. The service contains a price comparison tool that highlights features to assist users in making transfer decisions and allows for paperless...

Paraguay. Congreso sanciona Ley de pensión de adultos mayores, pero sin incremento del subsidio

Por 36 votos a favor, la Cámara de Senadores sancionó el proyecto de ley que establece la pensión universal para adultos mayores, con las modificaciones introducidas por Diputados en la sesión del pasado 8 de agosto. En la ley sancionada se específica que el monto de la pensión –que actualmente es de G. 698.000– será del 25% del salario mínimo vigente. El subsidio será reajustado conforme a la variación del salario mínimo. También se dispone el ingreso de los adultos mayores...

Colombia. Corte Constitucional admitió demanda contra la Reforma Pensional

La Corte Constitucional admitió este miércoles, para su estudio, la primera demanda que se radicó contra la Reforma Pensional que impulsó el presidente Gustavo Petro y que logró ser aprobada por el Congreso al cierre del pasado período legislativo. La demanda había sido interpuesta el 17 de julio pasado por la senadora del Centro Democrático, Paloma Valencia. El magistrado ponente de esta demanda será Jorge Enrique Ibáñez. La senadora opositora argumentó que la Reforma Pensional es inconstitucional por tres razones: El debate legislativo no fue agotado en la Cámara de Representantes porque se acogieron a...

Condusef alerta a los cuentahabientes de afore con Profuturo

La Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros (Condusef) emitió una advertencia sobre la suplantación de identidad de varias instituciones financieras, entre ellas Profuturo Afore.Esta práctica fraudulenta tiene como objetivo engañar a los usuarios, haciéndose pasar por empresas legítimas para obtener datos personales y dinero de manera ilícita. Profuturo Afore y otras instituciones afectadas Hasta abril de 2024, la Condusef tenía reportes de 59 instituciones financieras afectadas por suplantación de identidad. Recientemente, se sumaron 49 instituciones...

México busca apoyo del BID para mejorar e impulsar uso de las herramientas tecnológicas del sistema de pensiones

El gobierno busca impulsar el conocimiento sobre el saldo de las subcuentas, así como el uso de la cuenta individual para ahorro voluntario y traspaso de cuentas. El gobierno federal buscó el apoyo del Banco Internacional de Desarrollo (BID) para lograr mejorar e impulsar el uso de las herramientas tecnológicas del sistema de pensiones, tales como AforeMóvil, AforeWeb y GanaAhorro. De acuerdo con el proyecto de cooperación técnica registrado en el BID, el cual está apenas en una etapa de implementación,...

UK. Government reportedly considering raising minimum pension contribution for employers – is it a good idea?

Experts say the change could be a ‘major boost’ to employees’ financial security but to minimise the impact on businesses, increases should happen gradually Chancellor Rachel Reeves is considering increasing the minimum level for employer pension contributions, according to a report by The Telegraph. The government has had discussions with pension providers and asset managers about how aspects of Australia’s pension system could be replicated in the UK, including employer contributions, the newspaper reported. Employers in Australia must currently contribute 11.5 per...

​Swedish municipal pensions debt surged amid inflation shock

Pension liabilities of Swedish municipalities and regions are continuing to increase, according to a new report from pension provider Skandia, with the collective obligations having grown by SEK42bn (€3.66bn) between the 2022 and 2023 financial years. In the report, which Skandia produces every year, the firm said that at the end of the financial year 2023, the total pension debt of municipalities and regions around the country amounted to over SEK543bn. This translated into a pension debt per resident of more...