June 2024

LGBTQ+ people still face discrimination and economic inequality. These policies could help.

By Emma Ockerman LGBTQ+ people have long been subjected to economic inequality, including higher poverty rates, a greater likelihood of experiencing homelessness, and lower median earnings. Though economic policies that would broadly uplift low-income people and workers in the U.S. — including access to better-paying jobs, a higher minimum wage, paid family and medical leave, paid sick days, child-care support, and quality healthcare — would similarly benefit LGBTQ+ people who might lack such resources, experts and advocates say, LGBTQ+ people face the additional burden of...

Providing inclusive services and care for LGBT people

By National LGBT health education center A visit to a health care facility can make people nervous for any number of reasons. Some people may be uncomfortable revealing sensitive information to health care professionals who need it to provide certain services. Others find it difficult to talk about private health concerns. Creating an environment in which these conversations are more comfortable for the patient is an important goal for all health care staff. Because health care is for everyone, we...

How planning for LGBT retirement differs

By UBS Wealth Management  The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision on same-sex marriage in 2015 made marriage equality the law of the land, giving same-sex partners spousal inheritance rights, survivor social security, tax credits, second-parent adoption rights and other benefits accrued to married couples. Yet as momentous as that decision was, “the right to get married doesn’t fix all the other problems out there,” says David Mietty, Wealth Management Consultant at UBS. He notes, individuals may still encounter workplace and housing...

Discriminación de las personas trans y lgbti en el ámbito laboral en España en 2023. Retos y Soluciones

Por Toño Abad & Marieta G. Gutiérrez  A principios del año 2020, UGT realizó una encuesta para estudiar la discriminación de las personas en el ámbito laboral y proponer medidas para erradicar la LGTBIfobia de los entornos laborales. Partiendo de la realidad de que numerosas personas trans y LGTBI sufren discriminación en los centros de trabajo por motivos de su orientación sexual, expresión e identidad de género, que se percibe de forma variable entre las personas trans y LGTBI y quienes no...

Retroceso Democrático y Aceptación LGBTI

By Andrew R. Flores, Miguel Fuentes Carreño & Ari Shaw La democracia enfrenta cada vez más amenazas a nivel mundial. La tendencia es sorprendente: 80 por ciento de la población global vive ahora en un país que experimenta alguna restricción en libertades, la proporción más alta desde 1997' Al mismo tiempo, el retroceso democrático en el mundo ha venido acompañado de un aumento en la retórica estatal sancionadora y la formulación de políticas estatales dirigidas directamente contra personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales,...

Oportunidades, desafíos y retrocesos para la comunidad LGBTI en América Latina y el Caribe

Por Ayat Soliman, Julia Braunmiller & Phoebe Ishak La comunidad LGBTI en América Latina y el Caribe, como en muchas otras regiones, enfrenta numerosos desafíos que impiden su inclusión socioeconómica. Las personas LGBTI sufren peores resultados educativos debido a la discriminación, el acoso y, en ocasiones, la violencia en las escuelas. Fuente Banco Mundial Blogs 

Health Equity & LGBTQ+ Older Adults of Color. Engaging individuals, communities and organizations

By National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging This report highlights how state, local community organizations, funders and healthcare providers can make innovative impacts in health equity. We are living in a vastly different world than that of 2013, and this section highlights some of the present-day context within which we are doing this work. The United States is becoming older and more diverse. Yet, how we often talk about and intervene on issues related to diversity in aging continues to fall short...

LGBTQ and finance

By Sanjukta Brahma, Konstantinos Gavriilidis, Vasileios Kallinterakis, Thanos Verousis & Mengyu Zhang Recent changes in workplace and corporate board diversity policies and a series of court rulings have signalled a fundamental change in the treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (henceforth LGBTQ) people in the corporate world. In this paper, we survey the burgeoning literature on the role of sexual orientation in finance. Studies show that there is a positive relationship between the adoption of LGBTQ-friendly policies and...

May 2024

Global top 300 pension funds. A Thinking Ahead Institute and Pensions & Investments joint study

By The Thinking Ahead Institute and Pensions & Investments The global top 300 pension funds is an annual study conducted by the Thinking Ahead Institute, in conjunction with Pensions and Investments. The research highlights high-level trends in the pension fund industry and provides information on how the characteristics of these top funds have changed. Get the report here

Brechas de género en las encuestas de capacidades financieras de CAF: Panamá, Uruguay y Paraguay.

Por Diana Mejía, María Alejandra Saavedra, Barbara Auricchio, Edgar Lara & Meyly Valdez La educación financiera impacta de forma positiva el bienestar de los individuos, el desarrollo económico y el desarrollo social de los territorios, a través de las herramientas que brinda a las personas para tomar decisiones adecuadas frente a sus finanzas (Banco Mundial, 2015). En este orden de ideas, varios estudios se han enfocado en identificar las diferencias entre personas que cuentan con una mayor comprensión de conceptos...