January 2023

Reforma pensional: Gustavo Petro prefiere renunciar antes de subir la edad de pensión

Luego de que el ministro de Hacienda, José Antonio Ocampo, afirmó que el Gobierno nacional no descarta un aumento en la edad de jubilación en la próxima reforma pensional, lo que generó la polémica a nivel nacional, el presidente Gustavo Petro contradijo al funcionario y desestimó la idea. Por medio de Twitter, el mandatario aseguró: “primero renuncio antes de subir la edad pensional”. Exactamente, Ocampo dijo en una entrevista con El País de Cali, al ser consultado por el impacto de...

The Effect of Required Minimum Distributions on Intergenerational Transfers

By: Jonathan M. Leganza How do households use retirement savings accounts in retirement? The answer to this question is important for tax policy pertaining to retirement savings. I shed light on this question by studying how households respond to Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) regulations, which mandate withdrawals from retirement accounts upon reaching a specified age. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study and a regression discontinuity design, I estimate the causal effects of aging into RMD regulations. First, I...

Long-Term Real Dynamic Investment Planning

By Russell J. Gerrard, Munir Hiabu, Jens Perch Nielsen & Peter Vodička When long-term savers plan for retirement they need to know their investment prospects in terms of real income (Merton, 2014). While inflation has traditionally been considered as a complication in financial analysis and financial practise, we obtain enhanced predictability and model fit if the real returns are targeted in conjunction with earnings-by-price minus inflation as predictor. For this latter case, we propose an investment strategy of updating the...

Secure Act 2.0: A Missed Opportunity to Enhance Retirement Equity

By Albert Feuer SECURE Act 2.0, which was enacted on December 29, 2022, represents a missed opportunity to enhance retirement equity. The Act’s 92 provisions provide small new tax incentives to those American workers struggling to save for a comfortable retirement, larger tax incentives to those with few retirement concerns, more complex retirement tax rules, and weaken compliance rules that are primarily applicable to those with few retirement concerns. Source @Papers

Pension Fund Statistics – Q3 2022

By Central Bank of Ireland Total assets of the Irish pension fund sector fell by 2.5 per cent (€3 billion) over Q3 2022 to stand at €117 billion. This continues a trend across the year to date with assets down 14.9 percent on the series high of €137 billion at end-2021. Technical reserves relating to pension entitlements of Irish pension funds decreased in Q3 2022. 1 Defined contribution (DC) technical reserves fell as a result of falls in corresponding asset values. Defined benefit...