March 2023

Las Pensiones y las Finanzas Públicas en México, 1997 – 2030

Por Centro de Estudios de las Finanzas Públicas En la actualidad el tema sobre las pensiones es de vital importancia, debido a las proyecciones que se han realizado por diferentes instituciones tanto nacionales como internacionales (ASF, Consar, Amafore, CIEP, OECD, CEPAL, BID, FIAP, etc.) que evidencian la problemática en su estructura y en su futuro sostenimiento financiero, así como la cobertura en su población objetivo. El sistema actual está conformado por dos grandes tipos de pensiones, aquellas que son...

February 2023

Buenas prácticas en torno a la inversión sostenible

Por Consejo Coordinador Empresarial  La transición hacia una economía sostenible requiere aumentar el financiamiento a través de proyectos e iniciativas que brinden beneficios tanto económicos como no-económicos y que estén direccionados hacia empresas que contribuyan positivamente a la sostenibilidad. La inversión sostenible combina la inversión tradicional con conocimientos relacionados a la sostenibilidad al integrar consideraciones ASG (ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza) en la toma de decisiones de inversión. El financiamiento sostenible permite reorientar los flujos financieros hacia inversiones sostenibles, al incentivar al...

Envejecimiento en América Latina y el Caribe: Inclusión y derechos de las personas mayores

Por José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Raúl García-Buchaca, Simone Cecchini & Sally Shaw El envejecimiento poblacional es uno de los principales fenómenos demográficos en América Latina y el Caribe y el mundo. En 2022, viven 88,6 millones de personas mayores de 60 años en la región, que representan el 13,4% de la población total, proporción que llegará al 16,5% en 2030. Asimismo, la esperanza de vida para ambos sexos ha aumentado de 48,6 años en 1950 a 75,1 años en 2019. No...

Gig economy report 2022

By Pascale Moreau The balance between flexibility, autonomous working and social protection has been a long time discussion within the gig economy and its complexities have kept legislators busy in recent years. As a result, the draft European Directive on Platform work is one of the most discussed topics of the year. It introduces various criteria which - if applicable - could result in a legal presumption of employment for the worker. In this year’s PwC Legal’s 2022 Gig Economy...

Brechas de género en el sistema previsional argentino. Impacto de las desigualdades en el mercado de trabajo y en el sistema de cuidados.

Por  Natalia Guinsburg Este trabajo analiza las desigualdades de género entre las personas mayores como correlato de la acumulación de (des)ventajas a lo largo del curso de vida y de los diseños de los sistemas previsionales bajo distintos modelos de acumulación entre los años 1994 y 2019. Para ello, a partir de microdatos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH) de INDEC y datos de registros administrativos de ANSES, se estimaron y analizaron los indicadores de tasa de cobertura previsional...

Pension Withdrawals Drain Savings in Chile and Peru

By Richard Francis, Kelli Bissett-Tom & Christopher Dychala Peru, Chile and Bolivia have allowed early withdrawals from their funds as a source of relief for households and to support recoveries during the pandemic and the global price shock. But these have had negative financial and confidence ramifications, contributing to downgrades of Peru in 2021 and Chile in 2020. Longstanding private pension funds have been important supports for sovereign creditworthiness where they exist in Latin America. Pension fund assets have supported sovereign...

Financial Inclusion: Annual Monitoring Report 2022

By Stephen McKay, Karen Rowlingson & Adele Atkinson  This report is the tenth, and final, in a series of annual monitoring reports supported by the Friends Provident Foundation and Barrow Cadbury Trust to monitor progress towards, or indeed, away from, financial inclusion in Britain. To aid comparisons and provide a comprehensive picture, it uses the same framework as the previous reports and updates figures, where available, to give the most recent data and trends. Read book "here"

New Evidence on the Demand for Advice within Retirement Plans

By Jonathan Reuter & David P. Richardson We study demand for advice by retirement plan participants using administrative records from defined contribution retirement plans offered by 23 institutions where TIAA is the sole recordkeeper. We distinguish advice on asset allocation from advice on retirement income levels, and between participants who are and are not eligible for TIAA’s wealth management services. We find that advice seeking increases with age, account balance and annual contribution level, and is highest among those eligible for wealth management services. However, we...

Enhancing Investors’ Trust

By CFA Institute Investor Trust Study Investors must have confidence in the financial system overall, and trust is especially important for investment management, since client outcomes manifest only over a future horizon. Industry leaders must understand the drivers of investor trust so they can deliver the most value. In the 2022 CFA Institute Investor Trust Study, the fifth in our biennial series, we found that trust levels in financial services among retail and institutional investors have increased significantly since 2020....

Healthcare Technology International Perspective Report

By Dr. Michael Twomey THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC is putting vast pressure on the worldwide health care sector’s labour force, infrastructure, and supply chain, and revealing social inequities in health and care. Moreover, COVID-19 is hastening transformation throughout the ecosystem, requiring public and private health systems to acclimatise and innovate swiftly. A number of key changes are appearing from and being worsened by COVID-19’s expanse. For instance, consumers’ growing participation in healthcare decision-making; the swift embracing of virtual health and other digital...