October 2022

Material del XIX Seminario Internacional FIAP “Desafíos y soluciones para las pensiones de hoy y mañana”

Este 6 y 7 de octubre se llevó a cabo el XIX Seminario Internacional FIAP “Desafíos y soluciones para las pensiones de hoy y mañana”, organizado en forma conjunta por la Federación Internacional de Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (FIAP) y la Asociación Dominicana de Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (ADAFP), en el hotel Barceló Bávaro Palace, República Dominicana. Los objetivos principales del seminario fueron analizar los desafíos que enfrentan los sistemas de pensiones por la creciente longevidad de la...

Una Propuesta de Revalorización de las Pensiones más justa para los más Vulnerables y para los Jóvenes

Por José Ignacio Conde-Ruiz, Manuel Díaz Mendoza En el debate de la revalorización de las pensiones se están mezclando dos cuestiones que habría que tratar por separado. Por un lado, la sostenibilidad de las pensiones que es un problema estructural aun no resuelto y, por otro lado, la revalorización de las pensiones por el IPC en un momento tan excepcional como el actual, con la inflación disparada. El primero va a requerir una reforma en profundidad de nuestro sistema de...

P&I Research Center. Pension Risk Transfer

By Valerie Ge Over the past 12 months through June, $57.4 billion in liabilities were involved in pension risk transfer deals. Pension buyout transactions reached $25.3 billion, or 44.1% of the total, followed by buy-ins of $23.2 billion, 40.4%, and longevity swaps of $7.5 billion, or 13.1% of the total. Buyout transactions increased 93.3% from $2.9 billion in the fi rst quarter but buy-in transactions declined to $2.4 billion from $7.3 billion. Source: @s3 prod pionline 264 views

Individual Investors’ Housing Income and Interest Rates Fluctuations

By Antonio Gargano & Marco Giacoletti Little is known about the participation of small individual landlords in the rental market, and about rental income earned by households. Using unique tax filings data from Australia, we show that 20% of middle and retirement age median-income individuals are landlords. This fraction has risen over the last 20 years, increasing by 80% for the retirement age group. We provide evidence linking this change to cuts in interest rates, which have led older individuals...

Older Workers’ Employment and Social Security Spillovers through the Second Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Gopi Shah Goda, Emilie Jackson, Lauren Hersch Nicholas & Sarah Stith The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a large and immediate drop in employment among US workers, along with major expansions of unemployment insurance and work from home. We use Current Population Survey and Social Security application data to study employment among older adults and their participation in disability and retirement insurance programs through the second year of the pandemic. We find ongoing improvements in employment outcomes among older workers in...

The politics and economics of pension privatization in latin america

By Raúl Madrir This research note seeks to explain 'lvhya large nUl11ber of Latin Atnerican countries have privatized their pension systel11s in recent years. It argues that the privatization schelnes are a response to the severe capital shortages that have plagued their countries intennittently in recent years rather than to the financial problelns facing son1e of the pension systelns. The likelihood of pension privatization, 1 argue, is determined in large part by the vulnerability of countries to capital shortages as...

Desigualdades estructurales y crisis superpuestas en América Latina y el Caribe. ¿Hacia una recuperación transformadora con igualdad?

Por Simone Cecchini Las múltiples desigualdades económicas y sociales que caracterizan a los países de América Latina y el Caribe conspiran en contra de su desarrollo sostenible y tienen una relación directa con la actual crisis económica, social y sanitaria. La pandemia de la COVID-19 y la guerra en Ucrania, sumadas a las brechas estructurales, están dibujando una tormenta perfecta de bajo crecimiento, desocupación, elevada inflación, aumento de la pobreza, el hambre, la desigualdad, el malestar social y la polarización...

El impacto de la Gig Economy en el sistema de pensiones peruano: ¿más desigualdad y exclusión previsional?

Por Javier Paitán Martínez Con la llegada de las plataformas digitales o “Gig” economy nace un trabajo invisibilizado a nivel mundial. Este, al no ser objeto del derecho laboral, tampoco tiene la cobertura del sistema de protección social, fundamentalmente, en el acceso a una pensión de jubilación ante la vejez; como es el caso de los trabajadores de las plataformas digitales con fines de lucro de bienes (Amazon, eBay, Mercado Libre, App Store, Netflix, Airbnb, etc.) y servicios (Tinder, Facebook, Google,...

Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2022

By Mercer & CFA Institute Mercer and the CFA Institute released its 14th annual Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index (MCGPI). Iceland’s retirement income system has once again topped the list, with The Netherlands and Denmark retaining second and third places respectively in the rankings. As more employers have stepped away from defined benefit (DB) plans, the study also investigates the challenges and opportunities with the global shift towards defined contribution (DC) plans where individuals bear increased financial responsibility. The MCGPI...

Bounded Rationality and Optimal Retirement Age

By Hyeon Park This paper explores a lifecycle model of labor supply and endogenous retirement behavior for households whose planning window is truncated and who will reoptimize as extra information on productivity is revealed over time. This short horizon model internalizes the restriction on rationality for temporal resource allocation and the labor supply is closely dependent on the degree of productivity changes in view. With the model, the endogenous retirement timing---the moment at which the marginal utility from the intended...