December 2022

2022 Natixis Global Retirement Index. Danger Zone. Global retirement security challenges come home to roost in 2022

By Natixis When we introduced the Natixis Global Retirement Index in 2012, the world had just emerged from the global financial crisis: Memories of market turmoil were still fresh. Inflation was low, but so was growth. Central banks had slashed interest rates to all-time lows. Balance sheets had ballooned from asset repurchase programs. And public debt had swelled to record highs around the globe. On top of it all, the first wave of the Baby Boom generation had just reached retirement...

OECD Pensions Outlook 2022

The OECD Pensions Outlook discusses how to introduce, develop and strengthen asset-backed pension arrangements, the role that employers can play in their provision, and the implication of different fee structures on individuals saving for retirement and on providers. The 2022 edition focuses on describing best practices for developing mortality tables and providing policy guidance on how to design, implement and continue the operation of non-guaranteed lifetime retirement income arrangements. Get the report here

November 2022

La jubilación, un asunto por reflexionar desde la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo.

Por Ingrid Ayrin Luna Novoa & Alba Idaly Muñoz Sánchez Esta investigación realizada desde el grupo de investigación salud y trabajo de la facultad de enfermería ha permitido contribuir a la visibilización de un asunto de interés y determinante para la calidad de vida de las personas durante y después de la finalización de la vida laboral. Lo anterior teniendo en cuenta que, en el escenario mundial, se experimenta un cambio demográfico conforme al cual se espera para el año...

México. Jubilación femenina: trabajan más, cotizan menos

Durante años, el sistema de pensiones en México (IMSS) se ha transformado y ha sido objeto de diversas reformas con el fin de garantizar que los trabajadores y sus familias cuenten con protección a lo largo de su vida para que, llegado el momento de la jubilación, puedan tener un retiro digno y tranquilo. Sin embargo, no todos los mexicanos tienen acceso a ella. Datos de la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (CONSAR) señalan que en...

Chile. Presidente Boric obtiene un 61% de desaprobación y un 56,5% quiere eliminar las AFP

Este domingo, Activa Research entregó los resultados de su última encuesta Pulso Ciudadano y evidenció que el presidente Gabriel Boric obtuvo una aprobación de un 24,6% y una desaprobación de un 61%, mientras que un 14,4% de las y los encuestados no sabe cómo evaluar su gestión. La encuesta reveló que un 40,1% de la población está muy de acuerdo/de acuerdo con la reforma previsional presentada por el Gobierno presidente Boric. Un 27,7% está muy en desacuerdo/en desacuerdo y un...

Malaysia. Concerns over raising the retirement age

THE call for Malaysia to increase the retirement age, due to its ageing population and high number of citizens with insufficient savings, has grown louder as the Covid-19 pandemic has further eroded their savings. There are also suggestions to offer fixed term contracts, incentives for higher contributions towards savings as well as to increase the overall remuneration for employees and improve their financial literacy. Most Malaysians rely on their Employees Provident Fund (EPF) savings to sustain their expenses after retirement. The recent...

U.K. Pension savers ‘lost £1.7 billion on retirement transition

New research from HSBC Tomorrow Master Trust shows workplace pension scheme members are losing around £1.7 billion a year during their transition into and in retirement, due to savers choosing costly pathways to access their money. While some of this loss comes from scheme members withdrawing more than the 25% tax-free lump sum, exposing them to hefty tax penalties, many are potentially buying products that are not the optimal solution for their circumstances. The research was commissioned for a report Converting...

Global top 300 pension funds

By Thinking Ahead Institute and Pensions & Investments Pension fund industry trends Growth headwinds test financial and sustainability mandate resilience Has the macro reality shifted from ‘lower-for-longer’ to ‘end-of-cheap-money’? The last decade’s fear of deflation has been replaced by significantly higher inflation. A steep rate hike cycle has led to more interest rate volatility and is placing pressure on pension funds to deliver sufficient risk-adjusted returns. Pension funds are expected to face elevated macro uncertainty over the short term. The industry has...

PEPP: Catalyst for Pension Innovation?

By Hans van Meerten & T.J.B. Hulshoff In the past two decades, several traditional markets have been 'disrupted' by parties with new business concepts, new technology and, above all, a big focus on consumer experience. Music, video, books, taxi, hotels, banks, meal delivery; examples abound. Is the personal pension savings market up for grabs? If it is up to the EU, yes. Through new PEPP legislation. But will this actually happen? Are providers and consumers ready for this? And what...

Average Retirement Savings: How Do You Compare?

By Amelia Josephson If you’re wondering what’s a normal amount of retirement savings, you’re probably one of the 60% of Americans who either don’t think their savings are on track or aren’t sure, according to the Federal Reserve’s “Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2019.” Among all adults, median retirement savings are $65,000, according to the Federal Reserve’s most recent data. The Federal Reserve also estimated that by retirement, that number would grow to an average...