February 2022

Impact Investing Ghana receives RISA funding to support Research and Industry

Impact Investing Ghana (IIGh) has received GBP 109,536 from the Research and Innovation Systems for Africa (RISA) fund to foster research-industry connections in Ghana. The project aims to ‘strengthen synergies between research and industry to unlock pathways to financing innovation that will improve integration and coordination, as well as support demand for the financing by supporting Enterprise Support Organisations (ESOs). Strengthening the connections between research and industry is essential for innovation, commercialisation, and dissemination of research results. While Ghana has research...

US. Investment Opportunities for DB Plans Moving Forward

As corporate defined benefit  (DB) plans consider market volatility, interest rate movements and cash flow needs, there are certain investments and strategies that investment managers suggest they consider. Adam Levine, investment director of abrdn’s Client Solutions Group in New York City, says funded ratios for corporate DB plans improved quite a bit in 2021 both because of returns and discount rate movements, so more plans are moving into fixed income to protect their funded statuses. Closed or frozen plans, especially,...

México. CONSAR promoverá que Afores aprovechen flexibilidad e inviertan en PyMEs e infraestructura

La Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) busca hacer más flexible el régimen de inversión para que las Afores obtengan mejores rendimientos. Dentro de esta medida, contempla la opción de destinar recursos a pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes) y a diversos proyectos de infraestructura. El presidente del órgano regulador, Iván Pliego Moreno, explicó que las Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro están acostumbradas y limitadas a realizar grandes inversiones, pero tienen claro que hay más opciones...

Chile. Fondos de pensiones se hunden en enero: el A, B y C sufren su mayor caída mensual en casi dos años

Enero fue definitivamente malo para los fondos de pensiones. Es que todos los multifondos se despidieron del primer mes del año con abultadas caídas en su rentabilidad, especialmente los más riesgosos del sistema. Con datos valor cuota al 31 de enero, el Fondo A sufrió una contracción de 8,92%, mientras que el B bajó un 6,87%. En el Fondo C la contracción alcanzó el 5,02%. De acuerdo a los registros de la Superintendencia de Pensiones, la caída de estos tres multifondos...

Perú. AFP: mira que desempeño podrían tener los fondos previsionales en el 2022

Los activos internacionales contribuirán con un mejor desempeño en la rentabilidad de los fondos previsionales de las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP) en el 2022, luego del impacto favorable verificado el año pasado, señalaron especialistas. “En términos generales el 2021 ha sido bastante bueno a pesar de la coyuntura que se ha tenido en el Perú, claramente lo que ha marcado la diferencia ha sido el rendimiento de los activos internacionales”, declaró el managing partner de Valoro Capital, Jorge...

EU ropes in pension funds to boost post-Brexit clearing capacity

Mandatory clearing of derivatives contracts by pension funds in the European Union should start in June 2023, helping the bloc to cut reliance on London, the EU’s securities watchdog said on Tuesday. Brussels wants to reduce reliance of EU financial services companies, including pension funds, on clearing euro denominated derivatives in London after Britain left the bloc’s regulatory framework. The mandatory clearing by the pensions funds could help to build up EU capacity in derivatives clearing. London still dominates clearing, with...

​Pension funds neglect human capital when setting investment policy, say experts

Pension funds should always take into account human capital, or the career perspective of their members, when determining how much risk they can take with their investments. But they too often fail to do this, according to experts. The degree of certainty of future labour income affects the risk capacity of pension participants; the more predictable and stable their income, the more risk they can shoulder, argued Thomas Pistorius, a risk manager at Pensioenfonds Vervoer, the €37bn fund for the...

Iranian Teachers Demand Fair Pay, Pension Adjustment

Hundreds of teachers are protesting across Iran to demand a fair pay, adjustment of pensions, and the release of their detained colleagues. The protests in dozens of cities follow two days of sit-ins in schools where teachers had reportedly gone on strike. On January 31, teachers staged a protest outside the parliament building in Tehran and in front of Education Ministry offices in other cities, including Shiraz, Isfahan, and Ahvaz, to present their demands. Last month, Iran's parliament passed legislation to raise...

Malaysia. We need a wholesome approach to retirement

For an individual, especially one who is not pensionable, retirement planning is rightly a 30-year consideration but, in reality, most would only start to look at their financial circumstances in the last five to ten years to retirement. While we should be concerned that 6.1 million out of the nearly 15 million Employees Provident Fund (EPF) members have less than RM10,000 in their EPF accounts, simplistic proposals to tinker with the dividend rate based on the amount held in one’s...

México. Planes de ahorro y de retiro están exentos del ISR en 2022: SAT

México. Planes de ahorro y de retiro están exentos del ISR en 2022: SAT

Las rentas vitalicias, los planes de ahorro u otras formas de retiro provenientes de la subcuenta del seguro de retiro o de la subcuenta de retiro de un jubilado estarán exentos del pago del Impuesto Sobre la Renta (ISR) durante el ejercicio del 2022, informó el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT). Leer también México. Avanza cultura de jubilación y ahorro con las Afores Para ser acreedor de este beneficio fiscal, la persona sólo tiene que cumplir con un requisito: que los...