February 2022

Kenya. Pension returns up five percentage points on stocks gains

Pension fund returns rose by five percentage points in 2021 on improved performance of equities and offshore investments, signalling higher interest earnings for savers. Pension fund administrator Zamara said that in 2021, the median return for schemes stood at 12.4 percent compared to 7.3 percent in 2020. The higher returns were mainly driven by a rebound in equities, where returns stood at 18.4 percent in the year compared to a decline of 10.4 percent in 2020. This asset class accounts for...

Can aging population trends tame inflation?

By Larry Berman The Economist, one of my favourite weekly reads (or listens these days with audio features), highlights a recent paper examining the effects of demographic change on saving, Etienne Gagnon, Benjamin Johannsen and David López-Salido of the Federal Reserve Board suggest that aging in America may account for about one percentage point of the drop in interest rates since the 1980s. Other research has suggested it could be as much as three per cent. One thing is fact,...

AstraZeneca moves to terminate U.S. pension plan

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, Wilmington, Del., has announced plans to terminate its U.S. defined benefit plan. The company informed participants in its AstraZeneca Defined Benefit Plan on Jan. 25 of its intention to terminate the plan, according to a statement emailed by AstraZeneca's media relations team. The termination "involves transferring the responsibility for payments, recordkeeping and asset management to a qualified, carefully selected insurance company with expertise in the long-term management of pension benefits," according to the statement. The U.S. defined benefit plan...

México. Banorte, Banco Azteca, Santander e Inbursa, así va la lista de interesados en Banamex

México. Banorte, Banco Azteca, Santander e Inbursa, así va la lista de interesados en Banamex

Tras la sorpresa inicial de la venta de Banamex por parte de Citi, varios bancos que operan en el país han levantado la mano para participar en el proceso de adquisición que comenzará en primavera. En su momento, el banco estadounidense analizará las ofertas por sus negocios de crédito de consumo, seguros, afore, acervo cultural, sucursales, así como la licencia y la marca Banamex, transacción que Bank of America Global Research estima entre 12,500 y 15,500 millones de dólares. Al cierre...

ESG Vs. Impact Investing–Understanding Their Different Goals

The movement of investment capital into funds that seek to effect positive change has been substantial in recent years. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) assets rose to more than $35 trillion in 2020 to account for more than one-third of total global assets under management, according to the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance. This figure is expected to rise above $50 trillion by 2025. Despite this rapid growth, there remains deep skepticism about the effectiveness of the ESG framework. Some of...

Fondos de pensiones, principales compradores de TES en Colombia

Fondos de pensiones, principales compradores de TES en Colombia

El director de Crédito Público de Colombia, César Arias, dio a conocer que, en enero de 2022, los fondos de pensiones fueron los mayores compradores de Títulos de Tesorería (TES). Estos, según el reporte, suman un total de $1,87 billones. En segundo lugar aparecen las aseguradoras y los Fondos de Inversión Colectiva, con un monto total de $1,41 billones. Arias explicó que los bancos comerciales y “el resto del sector financiero” se quedaron con montos cercanos a los $944.000 millones y...

Chile. Presidente Piñera anuncia el inicio del pago de la Pensión Garantizada Universal

Chile. Presidente Piñera anuncia el inicio del pago de la Pensión Garantizada Universal

El jefe de Estado destacó que "empezamos a cambiarle para mejor la vida a nuestros adultos mayores". Piñera además indicó que la recibirán "todos los adultos mayores de nuestro país, excluyendo solo al 10% de mayores ingresos". Leer también Chile. Fondos de pensiones se hunden en enero: el A, B y C sufren su mayor caída mensual en casi dos años Este lunes, el presidente Sebastián Piñera se dirigió hasta el Centro Comunitario de Nontuela, en la localidad de Futrono, para...

UK. Nearly half of savers in the dark when switching providers

More than four in 10 pension savers said they would not know what to look for when switching providers. More than two in five of the 2,104 savers surveyed by B&CE, the provider of The People’s Pension, would be likely to transfer their savings between providers if they could use a website that allowed them to see their pensions in one place. The findings are the latest in a flurry of research conducted into consumer behaviour surrounding the pensions dashboards, which...

The Silver Economy Gets a Covid Reality Check

French care-home operator Orpea was once a bet on better retirement. In an aging society, demand for long-term care would only rise — and so would demand for long-term returns, hence why Canada’s top pension fund bought a 15% stake in 2013. It was going to be the virtuous circle of the “silver economy” in action — retirement as an asset class. The virtuous circle now looks like a vicious one. After years of growth, some 3.4 billion euros ($3.9 billion) has been wiped...

GPIF, World’s Top Pension, Has Record Seventh Quarterly Gain

The world’s largest pension fund posted a record seventh straight quarter of gains in the three months ended December, as stocks outside Japan helped the fund boost returns. Read also U.S. public pension funds may turn to more ‘aggressive’ investment, report says Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund gained 2.8% in the quarter, with assets climbing to a record 199.3 trillion yen ($1.73 trillion), the fund said in Tokyo. Read also China rolling out perks to encourage couples to have 3rd child amid...