December 2022

Intergenerational Solidarity

By Alan Gutterman Aging is a natural progression of the life cycle and society will always have persons of different ages who need to learn to live alongside one another. One of the most consistent themes in the debate regarding the realization of the human rights of older persons is the need to strengthen “intergenerational solidarity” between and among all levels of families, communities and nations in order to achieve social cohesion and a society for all ages and build...

Can Investors Save the Planet? – NZAMI and Fiduciary Duty

By Tom Gosling & Iain MacNeil Asset manager signatories of the Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative, part of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, have committed to investing in line with the Race to Zero goal of limiting global warming to 1.5oC with limited or no overshoot. Given that a recent report from United Nations Environment Programme says that there is “no credible pathway” in place to 1.5oC, we explore the implications for asset managers, as fiduciaries, of investing...

Inclusión financiera en México: retos y perspectivas

Por  Irina Alberro, Max Henderson,  Antonio Yúnez Naude El libro reúne una serie de análisis y estudios que se han venido desarrollando en México sobre el tema de la inclusión financiera y los alcances que ésta ha tenido dentro de la población en condiciones de pobreza. Es una investigación que persigue presentar un panorama de la oferta y demanda de servicios financieros en el país, analizando las localidades y así demostrar que los niveles de inclusión financiera en México son sumamente...

Inteligencia artificial y finanzas: Una alianza estratégica

Por Andrés Alonso-Robisco y José Manuel Carbó Recientes avances tecnológicos, como el almacenamiento masivo de datos y la computación en la nube, están dando lugar a un mayor uso de la inteligencia artificial en la economía y las finanzas, y modificando aspectos fundamentales tanto para entidades como para supervisores. En este documento revisamos las principales tendencias de esta transformación, especialmente el uso de algoritmos de aprendizaje automático para la predicción en entornos de incertidumbre, y detallamos algunos de los casos de...

El Mercado Laboral y el Sistema de Pensiones: Evidencia de Chile

Por Alejandro Astudillo Jiménez & Dabor Olate López En el cambio de la política pública previsional de Chile llevado a cabo en 1980, que lo convirtió en el primer país con un sistema de pensiones privado, para la estimación de la tasa de reemplazo se utilizaron supuestos rígidos para evaluar el comportamiento del mercado laboral, los cuales se han mantenido pese a las reformas realizadas desde el año 2000. Esta investigación evidencia un desacople inmediato de la realidad laboral chilena de...

From Financial Development to Informality: A Causal Link

By Salvatore Capasso, Franziska Ohnsorge & Shu Yu Financial development reduces the cost of accessing external financing and thus incentivizes investment in higher-productivity projects that allow firms to expand to the scale needed to operate in the formal economy. It also encourages participants of the informal sector to join the formal sector to gain access to credit and financial services. This paper documents two findings. First, countries with less pervasive informality are associated with greater financial development. Second, the impact...

Are Retirement Planning Tools Substitutes or Complements to Financial Capability?

By Gopi Goda, Matthew Levy, Colleen Flaherty Manchester, Aaron Sojourner, Joshua Tasoff & Jiusi Xiao We conduct a randomized controlled trial to understand how a web-based retirement saving calculator affects workers' retirement-savings decisions. In both conditions, the calculator projects workers' retirement income goal. In the treatment condition, it also projects retirement income based on defined-contribution savings, prominently displays the gap between projected goal and actual retirement income, and allows users to interactively explore how alternative, future contribution choices would affect...

Inequities in the Golden Years: How Wealth Shapes Healthy and Work-Free Life

By Hessam Bavafa, Anita Mukherjee & Tyler Welch Recent work has established that the gradient of life expectancy with respect to wealth is large and widening. We make three contributions to build on that result using two recent decades of data from the United States. First, the additional years are in healthy, disability-free years, indicating substantial gains for the wealthy. Second, the return to wealth in achieving these healthy years is increasing over two recent decades for all but the...

2022 Natixis Global Retirement Index. Danger Zone. Global retirement security challenges come home to roost in 2022

By Natixis When we introduced the Natixis Global Retirement Index in 2012, the world had just emerged from the global financial crisis: Memories of market turmoil were still fresh. Inflation was low, but so was growth. Central banks had slashed interest rates to all-time lows. Balance sheets had ballooned from asset repurchase programs. And public debt had swelled to record highs around the globe. On top of it all, the first wave of the Baby Boom generation had just reached retirement...

OECD Pensions Outlook 2022

The OECD Pensions Outlook discusses how to introduce, develop and strengthen asset-backed pension arrangements, the role that employers can play in their provision, and the implication of different fee structures on individuals saving for retirement and on providers. The 2022 edition focuses on describing best practices for developing mortality tables and providing policy guidance on how to design, implement and continue the operation of non-guaranteed lifetime retirement income arrangements. Get the report here