February 2022

Extending pension policy in emerging Asia: An overlapping-generations model analysis for Indonesia

By George Kudrna, John Piggott & Phitawat Poonpolkul This paper examines the economy-wide effects of government policies to extend public pensions in emerging Asia - particularly pertinent given the region’s large informal sector and rapid population ageing. We first document stylized facts about Indonesia’s labour force, drawing on the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). This household survey is then used to calibrate micro behaviours in a stochastic, overlapping-generations (OLG) model with formal and informal labour. The benchmark model is calibrated...

Reforming the Greek Pension System

By Daehaeng Kim, Alvar Kangur & Niki Kalavrezou The Greek pension system has been costly, complex, and distortive, which has contributed to Greece’s fiscal problems and discouraged labor force participation. Several attempts to reform the system faltered due to lack of implementation, pushback by vested interests, and court rulings leading to reversals. A series of reforms introduced throughout 2015–17 unified benefit and contribution rules, removed several distortions and reduced fragmentation and costs. If fully implemented throughout the long-term, these reforms...

US. New York’s public pension fund to divest from 21 companies over transition risk

New York’s public pension fund has announced it will divest from nearly two dozen stocks involved in shale oil and gas production. The New York State Common Retirement Fund, which manages around $280 bn on behalf of more than one million individuals, says the 21 companies have ‘failed to demonstrate they are prepared for the transition to a low-carbon economy’. ‘As market forces and new policies drive the energy transition, we must align our investments with a profitable and dynamic future,’...

UK. Force pension funds to align with net zero goal, says Richard Curtis

Pension funds should face legal obligations to bring their investments in line with the net zero greenhouse gas emissions goal, the film-maker Richard Curtis has said. Curtis, a co-founder of the Make My Money Matter campaigning group, urged ministers to follow up the UK’s legal commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050 by making it mandatory for pension schemes to align their portfolios with the target. He told the Guardian: “The moment has arrived. Why not invest in sustainable investments?...

Tunji Andrews is Building Awabah, a Pension Platform for Nigeria´s Informal Sector

The world’s population is expected to grow by 2 billion people from 7.7 billion in 2019 to 9.7 billion in 2050. The report suggested that nine countries would make up over half the projected growth of the global population, five of which are African countries – Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Tanzania and Egypt. In agreement, Cities Alliance reported that about 95 per cent of this growth will happen in low and middle-income countries globally. Africa is...

Argentina. Jubilaciones, pensiones y asignaciones aumentarán 12,28% desde marzo

Argentina. Jubilaciones, pensiones y asignaciones aumentarán 12,28% desde marzo

El Presidente aseguró que "todas las jubiladas y jubilados empezarán el año ganándole a la inflación", al precisar que el aumento "supera en 2,4 puntos porcentuales al que se hubiese otorgado en el mismo período con la fórmula de la gestión anterior". Leer también Argentina. Cuánto aumentarán las jubilaciones, pensiones, AUH y otras asignaciones de Anses El presidente Alberto Fernández anunció que el primer aumento en jubilaciones, pensiones y asignaciones del año será de un 12,28% y alcanzará a más de...

Latin America lags on decarbonization financing, report says

Decarbonization efforts in Latin America are being held back by lack of policy and private sector financing, according to a report released Wednesday by Janus Henderson Investors. Read also UK. Force pension funds to align with net zero goal, says Richard Curtis The Janus Henderson Latin America Decarbonization Report found that climate bond issuance in Latin America, at $45 billion in 12 countries at the end of 2021, is relatively small compared to the size of the region and to the...

Puerto Rico. Miles de empleados públicos marchan por justicia salarial

Puerto Rico. Miles de empleados públicos marchan por justicia salarial

Miles de empleados del sector público de Puerto Rico, encabezados por los maestros y los bomberos, marcharon este miércoles en San Juan con rumbo a La Fortaleza, sede del Ejecutivo, para exigir mejoras salariales y un retiro digno. Leer también Puerto Rico afronta la mayor reestructuración de deuda municipal de la historia de EE.UU. tras aprobar la Justicia su plan La primera marcha, convocada por los principales sindicatos de maestros, comenzó en el parque Luis Muñoz Rivera y se dirigió a...

Should Ghana raise compulsory retirement age to 65?

Authorities in Ghana are calling for a national dialogue for a review of the country’s pension regulation to increase compulsory retirement age from 60 to 65. Would this move worsen the employment situation or help the state meet its retirement obligations? Since 1992, the compulsory retirement age in Ghana has been pegged at 60. At the time, the average life expectancy was 57.4 years. 30 years down the line, life expectancy has increased to 64.4 years and the compulsory retirement...

Argentina. Cuánto aumentarán las jubilaciones, pensiones, AUH y otras asignaciones de Anses

Argentina. Cuánto aumentarán las jubilaciones, pensiones, AUH y otras asignaciones de Anses

De cuánto será el aumento que beneficiará aproximadamente a 18 millones de personas y quiénes no recibirán la suba prevista por Anses. Desde la Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social (Anses) activaron el calendario de pagos de febrero de este año y a partir del 1.º de marzo de este año habrá un aumento trimestral de las jubilaciones (así como pensiones y el resto de las prestaciones sociales) rondará entre el 11% y el 12%. La suba prevista por Anses beneficiará...