February 2022

Retirement age to be progressively raised in China

This is the government’s first step in gradually raising the retirement age under its five-year plan through 2025, with other provinces expected to follow suit later. As Jiangsu calculates pensions partly based on how long each individual has worked, those who choose to defer could end up with higher monthly payments when they retire. Read also Hungarian pension funds made record income from insurance premiums Amid staunch opposition against a blanket increase in retirement age, the province has opted for a voluntary...

AFP en el Perú: datos que necesitas saber sobre los fondos de pensiones

AFP en el Perú: datos que necesitas saber sobre los fondos de pensiones

Las AFP (Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones) se encargan de rentabilizar el fondo de pensiones de los trabajadores de la empresa privada que mensualmente aportan un porcentaje de sueldo y de los independientes que desean contar con un apoyo económico para su vejez. Aunque, este sistema funciona desde hace varios años y hay muchos afiliados, en Perú algunos aportantes y aquellos que están por afiliarse tienen algunas dudas que a continuación te ayudaremos a resolver. ¿Cómo afiliarse a una AFP? Trabajador dependiente -Presentar...

Nigeria. Stakeholders advocate micro pension to secure financial future

The Pension Fund Operators Association of Nigeria have urged those in the informal sector to embrace micro pension as a means of securing their future financially. The Chief Executive Officer of the Association, Mr. Oguche Agudah made the call at the maiden Retreat and Unveiling of Magazine, THE PENSIONER for the Pension Correspondents Association of Nigeria in Abuja. Mr. Agudah said Contributory Pension Scheme should be embraced by all, because of its flexibility and safety of funds as it was a...

Owning a Dog Could be Key to “Succesful Aging”- Study

Every dog owner knows and sometimes bemoans the daily ritual of taking your pup out for a walk. But as it turns out, those strolls around the block with Fido may be the key to a healthy life, especially as we get older. A study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS ONE examines the relationship between pet ownership, disability, and death among seniors in Japan, providing new insights into the connection between dog ownership and successful aging. The researchers discovered dog...

Russian actions vs. Ukraine have European investors on alert

Geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine is making institutional investors in Europe nervous, with some pension funds reducing their Russian holdings, and others watching closely. Read also Investors, governments act on Russia’s escalation in Ukraine The political situation that has been brewing since late 2021 escalated dramatically Feb. 24, when Russian troops invaded Ukraine. That prompted other countries, including the U.S. and the U.K. to impose increasingly strict sanctions against Russia, and the prospect of more from Canada, Japan and Australia. European...

Canadian Pensions Bankrolling Elder Abuse and Misappropriation of Public Money by French Long-term Care Multinational: CUPE

A new report by the Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research (CICTAR) reveals that Europe’s largest long-term care home operator, Orpea, has been building a property empire while facing allegations of elder abuse and misappropriation of public money. Orpea is 15 per cent owned by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), which also holds two seats on Orpea’s board of directors. CUPE is reiterating its call for Canadian pension funds to stop bankrolling suffering and abuse...

República Dominicana. Médicos denuncian irregularidades en el cobro de pensiones

El Colegio Médico Dominicano (CMD) denunció el incumplimiento del decreto 127-21 promulgado en febrero del año pasado, que otorga una pensión en base al 100 de su salario a los profesionales de la medicina. Leer también República Dominicana. Trabajadores mueren sin poder conseguir sus fondos de pensiones Al encabezar una protesta en las afueras del Ministerio de Hacienda, el presidente de la agrupación sanitaria, Senén Caba, informó que el ente gubernamental está dejando fuera de la resolución a cientos de galenos...

Panamá. CSS: Una propuesta sobre el tapete

El primer paso para resolver un problema es entenderlo y eso implica identificar su causa raíz. La quiebra técnica del subsistema de beneficio definido se debe a la gran irresponsabilidad de haber permitido la existencia de su programa de Invalidez, Vejez y Muerte (IVM) sin contar con los recursos necesarios. Cuando se sancionó la Ley 51 del 2005 se sabía que tarde o temprano los fondos se iban a acabar para dicho subsistema. Fue equivalente a decir “me jubilo...

The political economy of pension reform in Argentina

Technical design for pension reform Argentina has more than two hundred different retirement bases at the national, regional, municipal and private levels. In general, subsystems other than SIPA provide a better relationship between effort to contribute during active life and perception of benefits during passive life. However, in most cases, these discrepancies do not reflect disparate risks in related work activities (strenuous, risky or unhealthy), but rather reflect the ability of these groups to achieve more beneficial rules than those implied...

Retirees Depleting Retirement Plan Lump Sums Faster than Five Years Ago

When approaching retirement, employees are faced with a decision that can have lifelong implications: take a lump sum payment or a guaranteed monthly annuity from their employer-sponsored defined contribution (DC) plan. According to MetLife’s 2022 Paycheck or Pot of Gold Study℠, a growing proportion of retirees are depleting their lump sums at faster rates than previously seen. The full report is available at metlife.com/paycheckgoldstudy. Today, one in three retirees (34%) who took a lump sum from their DC plan, depleted...