March 2022

Labour Ministry launches ‘Donate-a-Pension’ initiative: Check details

India. Labour Ministry launches ‘Donate-a-Pension’ initiative: Check details

Union Labour and Employment Minister Bhupender Yadav launched the 'Donate-a-Pension' program under Pradhan Mantri Shram on Monday. This move is to make the process of creating and contributing to a pension fund for support staff easier. Union Labour and Employment Minister, Bhupendra Yadav tweet, “Launched ‘Donate-a-Pension’ programme at my residence by donating to the gardener. It is an initiative under (PM-SYM) pension scheme where citizens can donate the premium contribution of their immediate support staff such as domestic workers, drivers,...

Desafíos que enfrentan las mujeres: ahorro voluntario en tiempos de pandemia y cómo preparar el camino hacia su retiro: SURA

El marco del Día Internacional de la Mujer representa una oportunidad para reflexionar sobre el gran desafío que han enfrentado las mujeres en los tiempos de pandemia en materia de ahorro, así como el reto que encaran hoy las mujeres de más de 45 años para ir preparando el camino hacia un retiro exitoso que les permita disfrutar un futuro en condiciones óptimas. Si bien es cierto que la crisis económica a nivel mundial generada por la pandemia de Covid-19...

UK pension funding levels prove resilient in February despite the crisis in Ukraine

UK pension funding levels prove resilient in February despite the crisis in Ukraine

UK pension funding levels prove resilient in February despite the crisis in Ukraine XPS's DB:UK funding tracker reveals that total scheme assets fell by £25bn over the month to 28 February 2022 reflecting the significant impact on global markets of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. UK pension scheme deficits against long-term funding targets increased relatively modestly by £7bn over the month to 28 February 2022. Liabilities fell as gilt yields continued to rise for the first half of February after the Bank...

Perú. Congreso: proponen ampliar bono de reconocimiento por traslado a la AFP

Perú. Congreso: proponen ampliar bono de reconocimiento por traslado a la AFP

La bancada de Fuerza Popular, a iniciativa del legislador Víctor Flores Ruiz, presentó un proyecto de ley que amplía el bono de reconocimiento para los trabajadores que se hayan trasladado Sistema Privado de Pensiones (SPP) después del 2002. La iniciativa establece un plazo máximo de redención del bono de todos los afiliados que hayan aportado al Sistema Nacional de Pensiones (SNP) y que se hayan trasladado al SPP. Asimismo, sincera el valor nominal del bono de reconocimiento. La propuesta alcanza a...

IMF Sees ‘Severe Impact’ on Global Economy From War, Sanctions

The International Monetary Fund warned Russia’s war with Ukraine and the subsequent sanctions imposed upon President Vladimir Putin’s country will have a “severe impact” on the global economy. “While the situation remains highly fluid and the outlook is subject to extraordinary uncertainty, the economic consequences are already very serious,” the Washington-based lender said in a statement on Saturday. Food and energy prices have surged in recent days and supply chains have frayed, adding to the inflationary pressures that policy makers were...

The Complex Formulas Of Responsible Investing

By William Baldwin Distinguishing good from evil on Wall Street is a challenge. Be grateful there are analysts doing most of the homework for you. An ethical portfolio excludes the shares of irresponsible companies. Which ones are those? Once upon a time that was a fairly simple matter. A handful of mutual funds had portfolios omitting certain industries, such as weapons, alcohol and tobacco. Today, separating good equities from sinful ones is an industry unto itself. There are thousands of analysts at work...

México. Afore XXI Banorte reajusta salarios de colaboradoras en pro de la equidad de género

Afore XXI Banorte informó que como parte de sus sus acciones e iniciativas en favor de la equidad, la no discriminación y la disminución de la brecha salarial, reajustó el salario de 391 colaboradoras para homologarlo con puestos de responsabilidad similar ocupados por varones. Leer también México. Conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania impacta en afores, ¿qué hacer cuando hay minusvalías? La institución señaló que a un año de la implementación de su Programa Institucional de Equidad y Género, XXI Banorte implementó...

Target date retirement funds work up to a point. Here’s when you may want to reconsider

A retirement-savings option that can be smart at the outset of your career probably needs to be reexamined down the road. Target-date funds, as they’re called, offer a way to put your savings on autopilot: Holdings gradually shift away from riskier assets like stocks and toward more conservative investments (bonds and, perhaps, cash) as you approach retirement. While they are designed to be a “set it and forget it” way to save for retirement, these funds may make sense only for...

Nigeria. PTAD saves N7 billion through BVN verification of pensioners

Nigeria. PTAD saves N7 billion through BVN verification of pensioners

The Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate (PTAD) has said that over N7 billion has been saved through the use of Bank Verification Number (BVN) in its verification of pensioners under the Defined Benefit Scheme. According to the agency, the N7 billion hitherto went to settling dead or uncertain pensioners from the federal government account. The exercises got rid of 19,018 retirees who had been receiving monthly pension benefits from the Federal Government. Speaking on the development at a workshop for media in...

You Quit Your Job, but You Still Need a Retirement Plan

When she realized she wanted to quit her job at a San Francisco software company, Anna Rider was taking care of two babies: a food blog that she wanted to grow, and her actual child — the son she had five months ago. So Ms. Rider left, becoming one of the tens of millions of Americans who gave their notice in the past year and joining the cultural moment that has come to be known as the Great Resignation. She not...