September 2021

The Golden Paper to Fix Pension Systems in MENA Region

By Ebrahim K Ebrahim All Arab countries, except for three, have deficits in their pension funds exceeding 50%. As for the three countries, two of them started their social insurance relatively late and the third one had to significantly recapitalize its fund early last decade. Likewise, these three countries are not immune from deficits of similar proportions during the next two decades if they end up doing the same thing. Up until now, there is one thing all Arab countries...

México. Primera generación Afore integrará a 14,807 trabajadores

Al cierre del primer semestre de 2021, un total de 14 mil 807 mexicanos comenzaron el trámite para jubilarse mediante el esquema de cuentas individuales que entró en vigor en 1997. Se trata de los primeros pensionados de la llamada generación Afore, informó el gobierno en los Criterios Generales de Política Económica. Según el documento, dichos trabajadores accederán a una pensión mínima garantizada de 4 mil 673 pesos mensuales, la cual gracias a la reforma al sistema de pensiones que...

Perú. SBS: educación financiera registró avance en el país

La superintendenta adjunta de Conducta de Mercado e Inclusión Financiera de la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS), Mariela Zaldívar, señaló que la educación financiera mejoró en el país. Leer también La sobrevivencia en la vejez en Chile: lo que muestra la pandemia sobre la protección social Los componentes de la educación financiera que impulsaron el avance fueron el conocimiento y el comportamiento financiero de los peruanos, explicó. Leer también La pensión como una medida de protección social para reducir la...

Japan’s older population hits record high

The estimated number of people aged 65 or older in Japan stood at a record high of 36.4 million as of Wednesday, an increase of 220,000 from a year before, the internal affairs ministry said Sunday. Read also Saving govt pensions by encouraging citizens’ savings The share of those aged adults in the nation’s total population rose to a record 29.1%, the highest among 201 countries and regions across the world. Read also Changing energy landscape fuels infrastructure investing Older men totaled 15.83...

UK. Dipping into pension could cost savers their benefits

People using pension freedoms to dip into their retirement pot at 55 could end up losing their benefits, Sir Steve Webb, partner at LCP and former pensions minister, has warned. According to Webb, as furlough schemes finish and the additional £20 on universal credit payments comes to an end, people who are over 55 and still working might become concerned about their jobs or might find themselves made redundant. This could put a strain on people's finances, and lead to them...

Saving govt pensions by encouraging citizens’ savings

All Arab countries, except for three, have deficits in their pension funds exceeding 50%. As for the three countries, two recapitalize its fund early last decade. Likewise, these three countries are not immune from deficits of similar proportions during the next to decades if they end up doing the same thing. Up until now, there is one thing all Arab countries have in common in addition to the Arabic language, which is their so governments on a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) basis....

Texas pension funds receive lessons on cryptocurrency

Although cryptocurrencies aren't a common asset found within pension plan portfolios, a non-profit educational organization for Texas-based retirement fund officials and service providers is keen to show plan sponsors how digital assets could become a staple in their investment pools. At its annual Summer Educational Forum held in August, the Texas Association of Public Employee Retirement Systems featured two panels discussing the basics of institutional investors allocating to digital assets. In addition to holding a "Cryptocurrency 101" session hosted by Mannik...

The Ageing & Development Report: a summary Poverty, Independence & the World’s Older People

By Help Age International What is The Ageing & Development Report? The Ageing & Development Report is the first extensive survey of the roles and needs of older people in developing countries. The report examines the major social and economic implications of the rapid growth in numbers of older people in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Russia, Eastern and Central Europe. It covers the impact on economies, health systems, housing, working patterns and family relationships. The report draws on HelpAge...

Retirement Benefits Sector Report 2020

By URBRA URBRA’s supervisory approach is focused on the particular characteristics of each supervised entity. The approach has key and consistent underlying themes focusing on: • a detailed understanding of the strengths, weaknesses and major risks facing supervised entities through rigorous off-site and on-site analysis, and strategic discussions with trustees and service providers; • ensuring that supervised entities are effective in their operations, and constantly demonstrate that they are financially sound and prudently managed.   Get the book here 280 views

The Impact of Public Pension Deficits on Households’ Investment and Economic Activity

By Jinyuan Zhang US public state pension deficits are very large, accounting for 18.5% of an average state's GDP and up to 50% in Illinois. In principle, households should respond to this heavy future burden by increasing current savings, particularly in safe assets, since pension deficits are countercyclical. Comparing households residing on opposing sides of states' borders, I document that households in larger-deficit states save more, investing more in safe bank deposits and less in risky stocks. Specifically, households hold...