September 2021

UK. How to give pension advice to same-sex couples in divorce

It is not uncommon for pension rights to represent a significant proportion of the matrimonial assets. Therefore, dealing with these rights in a way that ensures that both parties’ interests are best served may lead to some difficult and acrimonious discussions. The circumstances of each party may be such that finding a solution that suits both is elusive. Advisers are likely to be approached by the legal representatives of one party with a view to reaching an optimal solution for that party. In...

Avanza en Chile polémico proyecto para retirar 10 % pensiones por cuarta vez

El Parlamento chileno avanzó este lunes en la discusión de un proyecto de ley que permitiría a los chilenos retirar el 10 % de sus fondos de pensiones por cuarta vez desde el inicio de la crisis sanitaria, una iniciativa envuelta en polémica que enfrenta una semana clave en la Cámara Baja. Leer también Chile. Cuarto retiro 10% AFP: qué pasará ahora tras la votación y próximas noticias Con 8 votos a favor y 4 en contra, la Comisión de Constitución...

Argentina. El recorte del gasto en jubilaciones financió este año un cuarto del pago de intereses de las Leliq y pases del Banco Central

“Voy a dejar de pagar intereses de las Leliq para aumentar 20% las jubilaciones”. Fue una de las primeras promesas de campaña de Alberto Fernández, días antes de las elecciones primarias. Más de dos años después de esa declaración de intenciones, la realidad terminó siendo distinta: en lo que va del año el Estado recortó cerca de $200.000 millones del gasto previsional y pagó más de $800.000 millones de intereses de esas Letras de Liquidez y de pases del...

España. Escrivá desata la polémica: pide “un cambio cultural” para trabajar hasta los 75 años

El ministro de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, José Luís Escrivá, considera que "hace falta un cambio cultural en España" para seguir la tendencia europea de trabajar cada vez más entre los 55 y los 70 o 75 años. En una entrevista al diario 'Ara', ha asegurado: "En estas edades, por razones demográficas y de calidad de vida, se puede trabajar más. Y España es una anomalía europea: no solamente no seguimos esta tendencia sino que reducimos la proporción de...

US. Hidden In The Reconciliation Bill: A Retirement Plan Mandate That Will Take Most People By Surprise

By Elizabeth Bauer Readers, I am embarrassed to admit that a radical change to our retirement system, tucked into the “Build Back Better” Budget Reconciliation bill, wholly escaped my notice until just recently. As explained by Ashlea Ebeling, also at Forbes, “Under the proposal, starting in 2023, employers with five or more employees would have to offer a retirement plan and automatically enroll employees, diverting 6% of their pay to a retirement account. An automatic escalation clause would increase the automatic...

Jamaica. The nation is facing a retirement crisis

A social pension is a non-contributory cash income that is given by the Government to the elderly. In July of this year, the Jamaican Government launched an $800,000,000 social pension geared at providing guaranteed income to senior citizens 75 years and older who don't have retirement income or disability benefits. Recipients are entitled to a monthly payout of $3,400. But, can this paltry sum suffice in an economy of rising prices? The nation is indeed facing a retirement crisis. With...

UK. The trillions in our pension pots could be key to tackling the climate crisis

By Richard Curtis Someone said something really striking to me the other day – that weather used to be the last thing on the news, but now it’s the first. And it’s not good news. Fire, floods, drought – climate change in terrible and obvious action. It made me think of something I’ve been increasingly obsessed by – unexpectedly – which is pensions. Pensions used to be the last thing on our minds, certainly not something to talk about at...

Ghana. Cocoa farmers pension scheme takes off October 2021

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD), Joseph Boahen Aidoo, has announced that the much-anticipated cocoa farmers pension scheme will start in October 2021 for cocoa farmers in Ghana. He said that the scheme, once fully operational, would help farmers enjoy a decent retirement benefit after years of active farming, adding, “This adds to the several fantastic strides this government hopes to leave behind.” Mr Boahen Aidoo made this announcement at the signing ceremony of a $1.5 billion...

Progressive Pensions as an Incentive for Labor Force Participation

By Fabian Kindermann, Veronika Pueschel In this paper, we challenge the conventional idea that an increase in the progressivity of old-age pensions unanimously distorts the labor supply decision of households. So far, the literature has argued that higher pension progressivity leads to more redistribution and insurance provision on the one hand, but increases implicit taxes and therefore distorts labor supply choices on the other. In contrast, we show that a well-designed reform of the pension system has the potential to...

The Affordable Care Act After a Decade: Its Impact On The Labor Market And The Macro Economy

By Hanming Fang, Dirk Krueger The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one of the most important reforms of the US health insurance system since the introduction of Medicare. Since employment is a main source of health insurance for the working age population in the United States, this sweeping health insurance reform also has important implications for the labor market and the macro economy. In this paper, we survey the prototype models that are used in the macro and labor literature,...