October 2021

Values at Work: Sustainable Investing and ESG Reporting

By Daniel C. Esty, Todd Cort Sustainable investing is a rapidly growing and evolving field. With investors expressing ever greater interest in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics and reporting, companies face a sustainability imperative and the need to remake their business models to respond to an array of pressing issues including climate change, air and water pollution, racial justice, workplace diversity, economic inequality, privacy, corporate integrity, and good governance. From equities to fixed income and from private equity to...

September 2021

Do Tax Deferred Accounts Improve Lifecycle Savings? Experimental Evidence

By John Duffy, Yue Li Tax deferred accounts (TDAs) are an increasingly popular method of saving for retirement, and have become common across many developed countries. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether TDAs actually improve a household's lifecycle savings behavior and retirement preparedness because it is difficult to perform a counterfactual analysis. Households always have other means of savings so there is no guarantee that a TDA, with its inflexible restriction that funds cannot be drawn until retirement, will be attractive...

Progressive Pensions as an Incentive for Labor Force Participation

By Fabian Kindermann, Veronika Pueschel In this paper, we challenge the conventional idea that an increase in the progressivity of old-age pensions unanimously distorts the labor supply decision of households. So far, the literature has argued that higher pension progressivity leads to more redistribution and insurance provision on the one hand, but increases implicit taxes and therefore distorts labor supply choices on the other. In contrast, we show that a well-designed reform of the pension system has the potential to...

Chile. Ley corta de pensiones: comisión aprueba ampliar más aún la cobertura del Pilar Solidario y que las AFP respondan por caídas de fondos

Con controversia partió la votación en particular de la ley corta de pensiones y la eliminación o restricción de exenciones tributarias para financiar mayores prestaciones estatales, luego de que la comisión de Trabajo de la Cámara aprobara una serie de indicaciones pese a la oposición del Ejecutivo. La primera enmienda validada por el grupo parlamentario fue la presentada por un conjunto de legisladores de oposición, que busca reducir desde 65 a 60 años la edad mínima para que las mujeres...

República Dominicana. Protestan con tambores frente al Congreso Nacional en rechazo al retiro 30 % fondos de pensiones

Decenas de personas, lideradas por la Central Nacional de Trabajadores Dominicanos (CNTD), protestaron por las inmediaciones del Centro de los Héroes, este miércoles, con tambores y vociferando consignas en rechazo a que sea autorizada, por ley, la entrega del 30 por ciento de los fondos de pensiones. El grupo, liderado por Jacobo Ramos, presidente de la Central Nacional de Trabajadores Dominicanos (CNTD), se apostó frente al Congreso Nacional y previamente frente a la sede del Ministerio de Trabajo. Al hablar con...

Colombia. AFP lanza programa de educación financiera en zonas rurales

La educación financiera en el campo colombiano se ha convertido en un renglón de importancia para el fondo de pensiones y cesantías Porvenir, al anotar que solo 66% de las zonas rurales en Colombia alcanzan cobertura en esta materia, según el reporte de la Banca de Oportunidades publicado en 2019. Cifras que sin duda, ha impulsado a la compañía a buscar alternativas de mitigación como lo es su programa de Clases Radiales en Zonas Rurales, a través del cual, en...

Chile. Cuarto retiro: mujeres de 45 años tendrían que cotizar hasta un 33% más para recuperar fondos de pensiones

Ayer, la Cámara de Diputados le dio el visto bueno al cuarto retiro del 10% de los fondos de pensiones y pese a que la Asociación de AFP no ha querido referirse a la materia, continúa entregando datos con el objetivo de dar a conocer las consecuencias que puede tener el proceso. Según el último reporte que realizó el gremio de las administradoras previsionales, un nuevo rescate de los ahorros para las pensiones golpeará a las personas de más bajos...

Should regulators take the lead on ESG in pensions?

The extent to which financial regulators should get involved in setting environmental, social and governance requirements is a hot topic, with some experts arguing that involvement could stifle innovation. In a recent twitter poll, Pensions Expert asked its readers whether or not regulators should take the lead on ESG within asset management. The result reflected how divisive the issue is in the industry. The poll revealed 53.6 per cent of respondents felt regulators should intervene to meet demand for standardisation across...

Japan’s GPIF won’t buy China’s sovereign debt

Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund, the world's largest pension fund, said it won't include yuan-denominated Chinese sovereign debt in its portfolio. The decision comes as FTSE Russell is set to start adding Chinese debt to its benchmark global bond index, which the GPIF follows, starting in October. The pension fund will instead use a version of the World Government Bond index that excludes Chinese government bonds, Hiroshi Nagaoka, an official at the pension fund, told Bloomberg News. Minutes from a July...

UK. Pensions department faces ‘serious questions’ over non-payments

By Kevin Peachey A saga over unpaid state pensions means the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) should face "serious questions" about its work, a leading MP has said. Thousands of people reaching the state pension age of 66 have applied for their state pension, but have not received any money. The backlog has been blamed on pandemic workload and staffing issues. Stephen Timms, who chairs the Work and Pensions select committee, said the issue would be raised with ministers. "There are clearly serious...