October 2021

Mujeres deben velar por su ahorro para el retiro: especialistas

Las mujeres también deben preocuparse por ahorrar para el retiro y obtener una pensión digna, señalaron especialistas en el tema. Durante la conferencia: “Mujeres, ¿Cómo obtener una pensión si trabajan por su cuenta o en casa?”, que fue presentada en el marco de la Semana Nacional de Educación Financiera, la VP de Vinculación de Amafore, comentó que es importante que las mujeres destinen una parte de sus ingresos al ahorro para el retiro. Sin importar si se dedican al hogar o...

More Holocaust survivors to receive pensions from German government

The Claims Conference, which negotiates payments for Holocaust survivors with the German government, announced Wednesday it had secured pensions for an additional 6,500 Holocaust survivors who endured the siege of Leningrad, as well as other groups who were able to flee Nazi terror in other parts of Europe. In its annual negotiations with the German government, the NGO works to expand the number of people eligible for compensation. The 6,500 survivors who will benefit from the latest announced payments will...

Assembly candidate: New Jersey should mine Bitcoin to pay off its debts

New Jersey ranks 50 out of 50 when it comes to its financial state. According to Truth in Accounting, New Jersey has accumulated $189.6 billion (as of September 2020) in debt. Ballpark best guess, we each owe $57,900 — and we have Trenton insiders to thank for this ever-escalating burden. The state’s financial grade is an F and we are going to have to get creative to settle our accounts. I’ve not even mentioned the over $225 billion in retirement...

BlackRock Adds Annuity Product to Meet Participant Demand

BlackRock’s annuity product just got a lot more popular. The New York-based investment management company announced that five plan sponsors, representing $7.5 billion in target date investments, are electing to use BlackRock’s annuity product as their default investment option in company retirement plans. BlackRock is anticipating a 2022 adoption by the plans of its LifePath Paycheck, which will affect 120,000 U.S.-based 401k plan participants, including those in the Tennessee Valley Authority Retirement System. The announcement comes on the heels of its...

Hong Kong Policy Address: MPF offsetting – allowing employers to dip into pensions – will be scrapped

Hong Kong’s controversial Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) offsetting mechanism will be scrapped, Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced on Wednesday in her policy address. The mechanism allows employers to dip into workers’ pension funds to make long-service and severance payments, a system which has come under fire for years from unions and fundholders themselves. The offsetting will be fully scrapped as early as 2025, when the launch of an electronic management platform for the MPF (eMPF) is completed. According to a government source,...

Ros Altmann: Could pensions be used to boost more sustainable investing?

As we rebuild the economy after Covid-19 and pursue the government’s aims to ‘Level up’ and ‘Build back better’, the greening of finance has become increasingly important. With the impacts of climate change ever more apparent, politicians seek to appeal to the ‘green vote’. The legislative measures to boost the battle against climate change include: mandating the UK’s main financial regulators to factor in climate-related issues; statutory requirements for pension schemes to address the international Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures...

México. Reforma de pensiones ayudará al mercado de valores: Banxico

La reforma al sistema de pensiones en el país ayudará al crecimiento del mercado de valores nacional, aseguró Alejandro Díaz de León, gobernador del Banco de México (Banxico). El principal beneficio será a través de las Siefores, los fondos de inversión donde las Afores invierten los ahorros de los trabajadores, y para los propios usuarios del sistema de ahorro para el retiro, señaló el banquero central al participar en la inauguración de la segunda convención virtual de la Asociación Mexicana...

AFP Modelo ya pagó la histórica multa de la Super de Pensiones y regulador sanciona ahora a ProVida y Capital

Fue a mediados de agosto cuando la Superintendencia de Pensiones resolvió aplicar la sanción más alta en su historia a AFP Modelo, con UF 10.080 ($ 300 millones) a beneficio fiscal. Ello, luego de que el regulador detectara una serie de infracciones relacionadas a la entrega oportuna de información exigida mediante medios oficiales. En concreto, la administradora ligada al empresario Andrés Navarro incumplió los plazos de respuesta de 1.164 Oficios Ordinarios y Reservados, lo que equivale al 71% de los...

German occupational pension execs call on next govt to ease rules

Executives of company pension schemes in Germany are calling on the country’s political parties, which are discussing to form a coalition for the next government, to tackle the complexity surrounding occupational pensions in favour of opting-out solutions, according to a survey conducted by Willis Towers Watson (WTW). The research – carried out last week during the annual WTW’s occupational pension conference bAV-Konferenz – showed that 44% of respondents believed the decision by the next government to simplify occupational pensions schemes...

Will South Africa’s social security reforms impact HNWs?

In September 2021, The South African Department of Social Development withdrew its Green Paper on Comprehensive Social Security and Retirement Reform. The paper proposed to introduce a government-run social security fund that would have allowed people to receive retirement, survivor, disability and/or unemployment benefits. Contributions would have been based on a person’s income and wealth, with different bands and benefits provided accordingly. But the government gazetted the green paper to “provide better clarity on some of the matters entailed [in it]”...