October 2021

U.K. pensions will be greener and DC plans more consolidated, minister says

U.K. pension funds are on a journey to be "safer, better and greener," and defined contribution plans are headed for consolidation, U.K. Minister for Pensions and Financial Inclusion Guy Opperman said Tuesday at the P&I World Pension Summit in The Hague. Last year, the U.K. was the first G-7 country to commit to mandatory climate disclosures under the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, and pension funds will have to disclose how climate change impacts their investment portfolios as part...

Reconciling population and social expectations in Japan

Japan has been declared the world’s first ‘super-aged’ society and a ‘pioneer shrinking society’, rapidly inverting the demographic pyramid upon which the modern state has been built. Since 1989, when the low fertility rate of 1.57 became a major social concern, numbers have continued to trend downward. In June 2020, the Japanese government announced the preliminary results of the 2020 census revealing that the number of births in that year was the lowest on record. Government efforts since the mid-1990s...

Canada. Ontario Teachers’ Announces Agreement to Acquire Majority Stake in Vantage Elevator Solutions

Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board ("Ontario Teachers'"), today announced an agreement to acquire a majority stake in Vantage Elevator Solutions ("Vantage"), a leading North American designer, manufacturer and distributor of elevator components and systems. As part of the transaction, Vantage's current owner, Golden Gate Capital, will retain a significant minority ownership stake in the company. Terms of the transaction are not being disclosed. Vantage is a leading North American elevator component manufacturer, providing a broad portfolio of parts and components...

Superannuation gives Australians a stake in nation’s prosperity: Minister

Superannuation Minister Jane Hume has told a world summit on retirement incomes Australia’s compulsory saving system has helped the nation weather financial shocks and given people a stake in its prosperity. The federal government has resisted a fierce push from within its ranks during the past two years to overhaul the system by scrapping a legislated increase to the superannuation guarantee and give Australians greater access to their savings for housing deposits. Speaking to the World Pension Summit in The Hague...

¿Qué es el expediente biométrico y por qué es importante para tu Afore?

¿Eres trabajador asalariado y tienes una cuenta de ahorro para tu retiro en una Afore? Esta información te sirve. Tener un expediente biométrico de identificación no es estrictamente obligatorio, por lo que se puede tener una cuenta en una Afore sin ese documento, peeero si requieres hacer algún trámite en tu cuenta no podrá realizarlo hasta haber generado el documento, de acuerdo con una nota informativa de Afore SURA. Al cierre de agosto había poco más de 69 millones de trabajadores...

Reforma de las pensiones: la propuesta del Gobierno supone una pérdida de hasta 8.000 euros al año en la jubilación voluntaria

La primera parte de la reforma de las pensiones, acordada el pasado mes de julio entre Gobierno, sindicatos y patronal, tiene entre sus muchos objetivos acercar la edad efectiva de jubilación a la edad legal mediante la revisión del modelo de jubilaciones anticipadas. Para ello, el ministro de Seguridad Social, José Luis Escrivá, decidió maximizar los coeficientes reductores para así reducir al mínimo el número de jubilados anticipados. En concreto, este proyecto supondrá una pérdida de hasta 8.000 euros...

US. Milliman analysis: Corporate pension funded ratio holds steady at 97.3% in September

Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Milliman 100 Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. A rise in discount rates during September countered a 1.68% investment loss for corporate pensions, leaving the funded status of the Milliman 100 PFI nearly flat for the month. The market value of assets declined by $38 billion while the monthly discount rate climbed from 2.65% in August to...

DC execs think U.K. government should raise mandatory contribution rates

U.K. executives that oversee defined contribution plans think the government should increase mandatory contribution rates and did not change their approach to running their plans as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Read also UK. Govt launches consultation on NHS pension scheme changes A joint survey by Mercer and the Confederation of British Industry, which represents U.K. businesses, also showed that although businesses support an expansion of automatic enrollment, a significant minority currently can't afford higher minimum contribution levels. Read also U.K....

WTW and Qontigo launch climate transition indices

Willis Towers Watson (WTW) and Qontigo have announced the launch of the STOXX WTW Climate Transition Indices (CTI), which utilise a new methodology to quantify the impact of a Paris-aligned climate transition on equity valuations. The CTI are expected to help investors, governments and companies to manage the risk and opportunities in their portfolios, looking "beyond carbon emissions” with a forward-looking, bottom-up evaluation of transition risk and opportunity for each company. The proprietary Climate Transition Value at Risk (CTVaR) measure analyses...

México. El IMSS y las plataformas colaborativas

La firma del convenio entre el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) y las plataformas de movilidad y entrega de alimentos Beat, DiDi, Rappi y Uber debe entenderse como un primer paso que oficialmente reconoce tanto la importancia y los beneficios de la economía colaborativa como la necesidad de que conductores y repartidores tengan información y accedan a la seguridad social. Las plataformas colaborativas han sido disruptivas y han modificado el concepto tradicional de trabajo, según el cual un empleado...