October 2021

Israel’s Holocaust survivors to be supplemented NIS 20 million

The government has secured an extra NIS 20 million in annual payments for Holocaust survivors living in Israel following negotiations with the German Finance Ministry. The cabinet approved the agreement on Sunday. Some 3,700 Holocaust survivors who receive pensions from the German government will be eligible for the increased payments. The negotiations were conducted by the Social Equality and Pensioners Ministry and the Authority for the Rights of Holocaust Survivors. All those eligible for German pensions will receive an extra €100...

‘We are worried!’ Number of EU citizens claiming benefits doubled during pandemic

The number of EU citizens claiming benefits has doubled during the pandemic, with around 780,000 EU citizens receiving working-age benefits, according to new data from the Department for Work and Pensions. In comparison, the figure stood at just 380,000 in November 2019. Claims from migrants from some nations that acceded into the Brussels bloc in 2004 and 2007 stood even higher than the overall average. Claims from Romania and Bulgaria more than trebled - taking the figure from 66,00 to 190,000 among...

Effects of COVID-19 early release of pension funds: The case of Chile

By Miguel Lorca Amid the extraordinary economic effects of COVID-19, some policymakers have turned to retirement accounts to support individuals in financial hardship. Given the haste, the long-term impacts and their heterogeneity have scarcely been analyzed. Using Monte Carlo simulations on the Chilean Social Protection Survey linked with administrative data, this study quantifies the effects of a 10% early release of pension funds. Each withdrawn dollar brings losses of 1.59 dollars in future retirement savings, reducing monthly pension benefits by...

México. Cambios en comisiones podrían generar fusiones o ventas de Afores: Banorte

La iniciativa que busca cambios en la metodología con la que se determinará el cobro de las comisiones de las Afore en 2022 podría provocar algunas fusiones en el mercado mexicano e incluso la venta de algunas carteras, estimó Banorte. El director general de Banca de Ahorro y Previsión del Grupo Financiero, Fernando Solís Soberón, consideró que es previsible que las afectaciones serán mayores para aquellos que con la reducción de comisiones y dada su escala, el monto de activos...

República Dominicana. ¿Cuáles han sido las propuestas planteadas para reformar el sistema de pensiones?

Los fondos de pensiones han sido uno de los temas más cuestionados en la opinión pública tras las consecuencias económicas y sociales derivadas de la pandemia de covid-19. Más allá de quienes defienden o no su retiro anticipado en casos de emergencia, los requisitos a completar para acceder a los ahorros de retiro, el tiempo de espera o la cantidad de dinero recibido han sido algunas de las preocupaciones ciudadanas que han aflorado a raíz de los debates. Esto ha...

US Public Pension Fund Invests In Bitcoin For The First Time

NYDIG facilitated the purchase, representing "a watershed moment for bitcoin and its place in public pensions," its global head said. A U.S. public pension fund has invested in bitcoin for the first time. The Houston Firefighters' Relief and Retirement Fund acquired an undisclosed amount of BTC through institutional bitcoin services provider NYDIG. The investment "represents a watershed moment for bitcoin and its place in public pensions," the global head of asset management at NYDIG said. Read also US. Allianz, Calpers...

UK. 39% of DC schemes failing to take account of ESG in default strategies

Around 39 per cent defined contribution (DC) pension schemes do not include environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in the design of their default investment strategies, research from LCP has found. The survey showed that whilst 50 per cent of schemes were taking account of ESG investing "to some extent" in the design of their default investment strategy and 11 per cent were taking account "explicitly so", others were lagging behind. In addition to this, around 49 per cent of DC...

Greece on its Way to Becoming Fastest Aging Country in the EU

The population decline in Greece, which has been steady since 2011, will lead the country to having the oldest people in the EU by 2030. That is the conclusion of a report by Eurostat, the EU statistics agency, about the declining population in the Union. If the report’s predictions come true, Greece will take the aging lead over Italy in the EU. With half of Greeks already over 50 years old, EU Commission estimates that the country’s population will decrease...

EEUU. Más de dos tercios de los latinos no ahorran para la jubilación

Más de dos tercios de los hogares hispanos en el país no están ahorrando para el retiro a través de los planes de jubilación que se ofrecen en los sitios de trabajo, como el 401(k), reveló un estudio de la empresa de servicios financieros Morningstar. “En general vemos que los latinos-estadounidenses tienen menores tasas de ahorro en comparación con los hogares blancos”, dijo este martes a Efe Samantha Lamas, una de las autoras del reporte, titulado “Una mirada más cercana...

Costa Rica. Caja inició consulta pública de reformas al Reglamento IVM

El viernes 15 de octubre la Gerencia de Pensiones inició la consulta pública a las reformas del Reglamento del Seguro de Invalidez, Vejez y Muerte, por un periodo de 15 días, es decir, hasta el 4 de noviembre. Tras la publicación de las reformas en el diario La Gaceta número 198 del 14 de octubre, la gerencia, en atención a lo instruido por la Junta Directiva de la Caja, somete a consulta pública la reforma de los artículos 5, 23...