October 2021

Pensions Should Stop ‘Hibernating’ Investments, JPMorgan Says

Equities, hedge funds, real estate and emerging-markets sovereign debt are among the investment categories that can help pensions “fine-tune the level of risk relative to the expected return,” the asset manager said Thursday in its report. Defined-benefit employee retirement plans have leaned on long-duration fixed-income securities for too long, according to the report. Pensions should change the de-risking strategies they’ve pursued since the 2008 financial crisis to embrace a wider array of investments, JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s asset-management unit said...

How Chile’s Pension System Became a Covid Piggy Bank

Chile’s love-it-or-loathe it private pension system has long served as a pillar of the nation’s capital markets. Since the pandemic hit, it’s been serving another role, that of national piggy bank. Congress has passed three bills allowing savers to withdrawal billions of dollars. It’s now considering a fourth drawdown, a move that is worrying investors, pulling both the finance ministry and the central bank into the fray. The proposal is also spurring fresh political debate ahead of November’s presidential...

México. Las Afores sopesan los riesgos de poner un tope en el cobro de comisiones del ahorro para el retiro

Las Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Afores) ahora tendrán un límite para el cobro que hacen a los ahorradores. La Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación las políticas y criterios para calcular el monto máximo que pueden cobrar por concepto de comisiones, y que tendrán un tope de 0,57% del saldo administrado en estas cuentas. Hasta este año, solo una de las diez administradoras activas en el...

Chile. Cuarto retiro: AFP revelan montos, los que quedarían sin saldo y los que sacarían menos de $100 mil

De seguir avanzando en el Congreso el proyecto de cuarto retiro de fondos, las AFP reiteraron "alarmantes efectos en los hogares chilenos". Detallaron cuántas personas sacarían menos de $100 mil y los que quedarían sin saldo. La Comisión de Constitución del Senado aprobó este martes por mayoría (3 votos contra 2) en general el proyecto del cuarto retiro del 10% de los fondos de pensiones. Previo a la votación, la Comisión escuchó a la presidenta de la Asociación de AFP, Alejandra...

UK pension schemes are funding more emissions than the entire UK’s carbon footprint

The analysis suggests pension schemes invest an estimated £112 billion in fossil fuels. That means for every £1,000 invested around £60 supports the fossil fuel industry. Richard Curtis, Co-Founder at Make My Money Matter, commented: “While we’ve seen green shoots of progress with voluntary net zero commitments, £2 trillion remains in schemes which have failed to act, undermining the UK government’s own net zero targets.” Last week, new research found that almost 70% of leading UK schemes have not made robust net...

Pandemic Offers This Silver Lining For Retirement Savers

From doctors visits to business meetings, the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted so many of our everyday interactions from in person to online. One silver lining of this dramatic change has been increased engagement when it comes to people learning about their retirement savings. Transamerica, an investment solutions, retirement and insurance company, has seen a significant uptick in the number of retirement plan participants meeting virtually with plan consultants since the start of the pandemic. From doctors visits to business meetings, the...

Puerto Rico debt-restructuring bill advances amid criticism

Puerto Rico’s Senate and House approved a bill Tuesday that would slash the central government’s debt by half but has also sparked protests and led to fiery exchanges between lawmakers and a federal control board that oversees the U.S. territory’s finances. Read also  U.S. Pension Risk Transfer Market Hits an Estimated $16 Billion in Q3, Second Largest Reported Quarter to Date The bill aims to end a bankruptcy-like process that began after Puerto Rico announced in 2015 that it could not...

Market-led Sustainability is a ‘Fix that Fails’… but It May Have Been the Necessary ‘Defence at First Depth’

By Duncan Austin Humankind is a complex system suddenly pitched into adaptive crisis. From this bigger perspective, our ‘first response’ to the crisis has overwhelmingly been a voluntary market-led response under various banners – SRI, CSR, ESG, ‘impact’ etc. While this voluntary market-led (VML) meta-strategy has been a beneficial, and possibly inevitable, first response, it is becoming clear it is insufficient as an adaptive solution and that its pursuit now forestalls deeper changes required. We need to graduate from a VML...

Limitaciones de la garantía de rentabilidad mínima de los fondos privados de pensiones en Colombia

Por Flor E. Salazar En los planes de pensiones de capitalización indi-vidual la rentabilidad es un factor que influye no solo en el beneficio pensional sino también en el manteni-miento del capital de los fondos de pensión. Algunos sistemas involucran ciertos mecanismos de garantía como es el caso de la garantía de rentabilidad míni-ma en la inversión de fondos. Este artículo analiza el modelo utilizado por las autoridades de supervisión y regulación de los fondos de pensiones privados en Colombia...

Senadores de la Comisión de Constitución aprueban idea de legislar el cuarto retiro de AFP solo con votos de oposición

Por tres votos a favor y dos en contra, los parlamentarios aprobaron en general la iniciativa. Ahora deberá ser votada en general por la Sala del Senado, para que luego vuelva a la Comisión para su votación en particular. Pero nada de eso ocurrirá esta semana dada la apretada agenda legislativa del Senado. Leer también Chile. Asociación de AFP: “Necesitamos que la gente contribuya por más tiempo con ayuda de los empleadores y el Estado” Este martes los senadores de la...