October 2021

México. ¿Viene el final para la Afore en donde está tu pensión? Esto dice experto

Al aplicarse el tope de 0.57 por ciento a las comisiones que cobran las Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Afores), estas corren el riesgo de fusionarse o desaparecer, pues la nueva cuota, impuesta por la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) limita la competencia, dijo Jorge Sánchez Tello, director de Investigación Aplicada de la Fundación de Estudios Financieros (Fundef). Leer también México. Las Afores sopesan los riesgos de poner un tope en el cobro de...

Perú. Proyecto de ley propone que afiliados a las AFP pueden ahorrar fondo de pensiones en dólares

De aprobarse un proyecto de ley presentado ayer en el Congreso, los afiliados a las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP) podrán elegir que su ahorro previsional se haga en moneda nacional o extranjera, básicamente dólares, como parte de la libertad de elección sobre la naturaleza de su fondo. Leer también El FMI advierte de que la retirada de fondos de pensiones en Chile y Perú rebajarán las tasas de reemplazo Se trata de un proyecto de ley presentado por Podemos...

Chile. La estrategia de las AFP para navegar la tormenta: en qué están invirtiendo y en qué no

LA ESTRATEGIA DE LAS AFP PARA NAVEGAR LA TORMENTA Voto sin fecha. Incertidumbre es lo que rodea la discusión sobre el cuarto retiro de las AFP y un segundo anticipo desde las rentas vitalicias. Esta semana la comisión de Constitución aprobó en general la iniciativa por un estrecho margen de 3 votos a favor y 2 en contra, con lo que fue despachada al Senado para su votación en una fecha por definir. Los votos aún no están y la...

The Long Shadow The Long Shadow of Informality Edited by Challenges and Policies

By Franziska Ohnsorge and Shu Yu In emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs), far too many people and small enterprises operate outside the line of sight of governments—in a zone where little help is available to them in an emergency such as the COVID-19 crisis. This “informal” sector constitutes more than 70 percent of total employment in these countries and roughly one-third of output. Policy makers have long had good reasons to worry about this sector: Its participants are vulnerable even...

World Employment and Social Outlook Trends 2021

By ILO The pandemic has brought unprecedented disruption that – absent concerted policy efforts – will scar the social and employment landscape for years to come The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unparalleled disruption worldwide through its devastating impact on public health, employment and livelihoods. Governments and workers’ and employers’ organizations everywhere have taken immediate measures to tackle the crisis, preserve jobs and protect incomes, though these measures have differed in scope and generosity. While such measures have been crucial in mitigating...

Health and Aging Before and after Retirement

By Ana Abeliansky & Holger Strulik We investigate health and aging before and after retirement for specific occupational groups. We use five waves of the Survey of Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) and construct a frailty index for elderly men and women from 10 European countries. Occupational groups are classified according to low vs. high education, blue vs. white collar color, and high vs. low physical or psychosocial job burden. Controlling for individual fixed effects, we find that,...

U.S. Pension Risk Transfer Market Hits an Estimated $16 Billion in Q3, Second Largest Reported Quarter to Date

Legal & General Retirement America (LGRA), a leading provider of pension risk solutions in the US, today released its third quarter Pension Risk Transfer (PRT) Monitor. The Monitor, which examines PRT transaction volume in the United States, estimates more than $16 billion in sales occurred over the past three months. Fueled by strong equity returns and rising interest rates, third quarter transaction volume was nearly twice the combined $8.8 billion recorded during the first two quarters of 2021. The third quarter...

Denmark. Pension major ATP aims for $31 billion of green investments by 2030

Denmark's ATP, one of Europe's largest pension funds, aims to have 200 billion Danish crowns ($31 billion) worth of green investments by 2030 and half that in 2025, it said in a statement on Thursday. "Reaching 100 billion DKK in green investments in just three years is - even for an investor of ATP's size - an ambitious challenge," ATP's chief executive Bo Foged said in a statement. "We want to spend the money where the return is attractive and a...

UK. PensionBee Partners with Plaid to Leverage Open Banking

PensionBee, a Fintech offering pension services, has integrated Plaid – a leading open banking provider. According to PensionBee, the partnership will expand the remit of Open Banking to include pensions, transforming the traditionally complex process. PensionBee previously offered open APIs but this will be an improvement on their services. PensionBee and Plaid’s collaboration is predicted to see pension contributions become easier and significantly faster. The legacy path of the pension process could be a two-week process. Now it will be turned...