November 2021

La dimensión de género: ausente en la reforma de pensiones en México

Por María Ascensión Morales Ramírez Las mujeres, en la vejez, manifiestan con especial crudeza la acumulación de las desventajas a las que se enfrentaron durante años. Ellas tienen perspectivas considerablemente más negativas que los hombres con relación al valor de sus pensiones futuras, y son más propensas a pasar sus últimos años de vida en la pobreza. Un conjunto de factores diferenciadores directos e indirectos se concatenan en su perjuicio: las diferencias entre mujeres y hombres en el empleo se...

México. Amafore pide a Consar tiempo para adecuar su modelo de negocio

La Asociación Mexicana de Afores (Amafore) exhortó a la Comisión Nacional del Sistema del Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) a que dé más tiempo para que las administradoras de fondos para retiro (afores) puedan ajustarse al nuevo modelo de negocio que originó la reducción de 23 puntos base a la comisión promedio que cobrarán las afores en el 2022. “Cualquier empresa que tenga una disminución de la mitad de sus ingresos en tan sólo unas semanas, desde luego implica una...

Chile. Cuarto Retiro AFP: cuándo se vota en la comisión mixta, qué pasó hoy

El proyecto del Cuarto Retiro AFP será discutido este miércoles 17 de noviembre en la Comisión Mixta, según informó durante esta jornada la presidenta del Senado, Ximena Rincón. "Se va a dar cuenta hoy en la Sala y vamos a pedir convocar a senadores y diputados para que se constituya la comisión mixta mañana (miércoles)", afirmó desde el Congreso la senadora demócrata cristiana. Será la nueva instancia para el proyecto que aprobado en la Cámara de Diputados y rechazada en el...

España. Sánchez escenifica el acuerdo sobre el MEI con los sindicatos: “Pensiones dignas para hoy y mañana”

El presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, se ha reunido este martes en el Palacio de la Moncloa con el secretario general de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO), Unai Sordo, y el de la Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT), Pepe Álvarez, para escenificar el acuerdo sobre el Mecanismo de Equidad Intergeneracional (MEI) alcanzado la tarde del lunes. Al desayuno de trabajo celebrado en Moncloa también han acudido los ministros económicos del Gabinete de Sánchez. Entre los asistentes se encontraban la vicepresidenta primera y...

US. Major Pension Fund Adds Leverage As Assets Push Half A Trillion

The CalPERS Pension Fund, has resolved to change its investment allocation next year. The new asset mix reduces public equity exposure adding exposure to private equity, fixed income and real assets. However, the more interesting angle is that total exposure for the fund is now 105% rather than 100%. That is to say, the fund will borrow to fund its investment portfolio. Read also US. For a workforce in flux, retirement plans and benefit options may be increasingly important Leverage Though the fund...

UK. Investment consultants publish ESG metrics for consistent reporting

A group of investment consultants working in the UK has come up with a list of environmental, social and governance (ESG)-related metrics for all public equity and public credit asset managers to report on, or work towards being able to report on, as soon as possible. The Investment Consultants Sustainability Working Group (ICSWG) said the list was based on metrics that institutional investors were increasingly seeking to collect from asset managers. Anthony Soothill, chair of Telefonica UK Pension Plan Trustees, is...

Bangladesh. Guardian Life launches “Ajibon Pension Plan” – A Complete Retirement Solution

Believing in "Insurance for All", Guardian Life has been at the forefront of innovation in terms of products, services and business models to minimize financial risks of customers. As Guardian Life believes in customer-first policy, the company has always been committed in meeting the diverse needs of the customers. To cover more people under the shade of Guardian Life, a new product- "Ajibon Pension" plan has been launched which is a first of its kind in Bangladesh, states a press...

Nigeria. Pension schemes subscribers increased by 3.6% year-on-year in 2020 – PenCom

The National Pension Commission, PenCom, has disclosed that the total membership of the pension Schemes increased by 3.6% from 8.95 million from December 2019 to 9.3 million in December 2020. This is according to the Commission’s recently released 2020 Annual Report. Growth in the industry is said to have been triggered by factors such as increase in the level of compliance by the public and private sectors owing to steps taken by the commission to improve compliance and coverage, as well...

Milliman: Pension risk transfer premiums more competitive

Pension risk transfer premiums became more competitive in October as deal volume is set to increase in the fourth quarter, a study by Milliman showed. The estimated buyout cost as a percentage of accounting liabilities (accumulated benefit obligation) was 102.5% as of Oct. 31, down from 102.7% as of Sept. 30, according to a report of the Milliman Pension Buyout index. September's premium was up significantly from 102.2% as of Aug. 31. Meanwhile, the average annuity purchase rates among the most competitive rates...

The State of Retirement Income: Safe Withdrawal Rates 

What’s a safe withdrawal rate for retirees? We estimate 3.3%. However, there are various factors that could affect this percentage, resulting in the retiree withdrawing a significantly higher amount. This report explores ways that retirees can make their savings last longer without compromising their standard of living. Source @Morningstar