November 2021

India's fertility rate falls below replacement level. What it means.

India’s fertility rate falls below replacement level. What it means.

India's national Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has fallen below 2.0 for the first time, as per the latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS). The findings covered 11 states and three union territories that were not included in the first set of data released in December 2020. The latest set of findings of the NFHS 2019-21 survey released by the Union Health Ministry on Wednesday revealed that the average number of children born to a woman over her lifetime has dropped...

Population Aging and Worklife Duration: Myths and Realities in the Canadian Context

By Gilbert M., Yves Carrière & Marcel Mérette Population ageing is raising concerns about labour shortage and public finance sustainability, on the assumption that increased age-based dependency ratio is a synonym of shrinking working lifespan for financing expanding lifespan consumption. However, such assumptions usually omit an appropriate account of changing labour force participation and hours worked (behavioural components) which could be playing toward or against the tides of populating ageing (structural components). This paper estimates worklife duration in Canada between...

Preventing Reforming Unequally

By Axel H. Boersch-Supan, Klaus Härtl, Duarte Nuno Leite & Alexander Ludwig Population aging has forced policy makers in most developed countries to reform pension systems with the aim to maintain or re-establish financial sustainability. This usually involves cost-cutting measures like later pension eligibility ages and lower replacement rates. Such reforms face harsh trade-offs with the objective of providing adequate pensions. Social welfare and inequality have emerged as crucial concerns about recent pension reforms, stressing that the lack of 'social...

Longevity, the uncertainty and managing the risks

A key to any plan is knowing how long the plan is needed. For retirement, the plan is often based on life expectancy, which has been steadily increasing over the past 100 years. While the concept of life expectancy appears simple enough, some common misunderstandings can create problems for financial advisers and their clients. Today’s retirees are now typically living into their late 80s; 10 years longer than they did in the 1990s. In 2020, the most common age of...

México. La primera generación Afore comienza a jubilarse entre incertidumbre y bajas pensiones

Sara López empezó a trabajar formalmente cuando ya tenía 36 años, por lo que quedó inscrita en el Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (SAR) bajo el régimen de 1997, cuando el Estado mexicano creó las Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Afores). Hoy, a sus 59 años, está a punto de jubilarse, siendo parte de la primera generación de trabajadores que podrá acceder a una pensión bajo este esquema. “A diferencia de mi madre, que se pensionó casi...

US. How The Pandemic Has Impacted Retirement Confidence

In the 2021 Retirement Confidence Survey conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and Greenwald Research, 50% of workers and 72% of retirees say the COVID-19 pandemic has not changed their confidence in achieving a secure retirement. Still, 33% of workers and 25% of retirees say it’s made them somewhat or significantly less confident they will have enough to live comfortably throughout retirement. Among workers who feel less confident, 3 in 10 say the pandemic has negatively impacted...

Existe círculo vicioso que arrastra a bolsa de valores de México

El mercado de valores de México está atrapado en una espiral descendente que nadie sabe cómo detener. Los mercados locales ahora negocian más acciones extranjeras que las de empresas nacionales, mientras que la cantidad de acciones con un volumen de negociación diario de US$10 millones, un umbral informal para los fondos internacionales, se ha reducido casi a la mitad desde fines de 2018. Eso fue posterior a un declive de dos décadas durante el cual la ponderación de México en...

Ghana. Parliament asked to address imbalance in SSNIT finances

The Africa Centre for Retirement Research (ACRR), a research institute with focus retirement and pension, has called on Parliament, policymakers and stakeholders to take steps to address the “imbalance” in the finances of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT). It said that must be done through parametric and legislative reforms to safeguard SSNIT, claiming the Trust might not be able to pay full scheduled benefits on a timely basis by 2037 if nothing was done. ACRR said the examination...

China publishes guidelines to enhance the sense of happiness and security of the aging population

In order to effectively address China's aging population, the country issued a set of guidelines on Wednesday on strengthening work on the senior population to enhance the sense of happiness and security of the elderly. According to the Seventh National Population Census, as of November 1, 2020, the elderly population aged 60 and above in China was 264.02 million, accounting for 18.7% of the total. It is estimated that during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, the elderly population in...

Barreras a la formalización del trabajo en Paraguay: Análisis cualitativo de las percepciones de trabajadores y empleadores

By Guillermo Montt, Gustavo Setrini & Lucas Arce. Este informe analiza las barreras y oportunidades existentes para la formalización del empleo en las PYMEs y los trabajadores por cuenta propia en Paraguay, con el fin de proponer posibles orientaciones para las políticas dirigidas a promover el acceso a la seguridad social, como una herramienta para avanzar hacia los otros derechos que se resguardan gracias a la formalidad laboral. Consigue el libro aquí 159 views