November 2021

Here Are The Regulatory Changes In The Kenyan Pensions Industry

As of the end of 2020, the pension industry ranked second as the most preferred mode of saving with assets worth 1.4 trillion shillings after bank deposits at 4.0 trillion shillings. The graph below highlights the sizes of different saving channels and capital market products in Kenya as of December 2020: Despite the historical growth, there is still room for improvement given that the Kenyan Pension Schemes’ AUM was equivalent to 13.3 percent of the country’s GDP in 2020. Compared to other...

Chinese government push for better maternity leave met with shrugs or concerns it will promote discrimination against women

A dozen regional governments in China have lengthened maternity leave allowances in the past month to incentivise families to have more children amid concerns of an impending demographic crisis. However, many people questioned whether the policies would make any difference in China’s collapsing birth rate and pointed out that it could increase discrimination against women in the workforce. Some rule changes allow women to more than double their maternity leave, while others are making policies that increase maternity perks as families...

New EU rules pose problems for institutions

European asset owners and money managers expect to be challenged when it comes to aligning their investment strategies with the new European Union sustainable finance rules that go into effect in 2022 as regulatory requirements appear inconsistent. That's because investors and fund managers are still having to source the data to determine the environmental impact of their portfolio companies so they can disclose the degree to which their holdings — and therefore their portfolios — contribute to a carbon-intense economy. They...

Retirement Confidence Survey

By Employee Benefit Research Institute & Greenwald Research   The RCS is the longest-running survey of its kind, measuring worker and retiree confidence about retirement, and is conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and Greenwald Research. The 2021 survey of 3,017 Americans was conducted online January 5 through January 25, 2021. All respondents were ages 25 or older. The survey included 1,507 workers and 1,510 retirees — which includes an oversample of roughly 500 completed surveys among Black Americans (252 workers and 253 retirees) and roughly...

Consultation outcome. Government response: The Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Conditions for Transfers) Regulations 2021

By Department for Work and Pensions A key ambition of this government is to drive better outcomes for pension savers and help ensure they achieve the best possible retirement. This can only be achieved by putting the members’ interests at the heart of policy. I previously set out my commitment to protect savers from pension scams. An important part of that is to make it as hard as possible for criminals to carry out their malevolent intentions. We know that individuals...

UK. Personal pension providers told to warn of inflation risks

Personal pension providers are to be required to send inflation warnings to customers holding large amounts of cash in their funds, under new proposals unveiled by the regulator. In a move aimed at the fast-growing personal pensions market, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is forcing providers to do more to help unadvised customers make better investment decisions. About 125,000 people who do not have the help of an adviser are opening non-workplace pensions every year. These schemes mainly comprise personal pensions...

El gasto en pensiones roza los 20.300 millones de euros en noviembre sumando la extra

España. El gasto en pensiones roza los 20.300 millones de euros en noviembre sumando la extra

El gasto en pensiones toca un nuevo máximo en noviembre y roza los 20.300 millones de euros sumando la paga extra. En total, la Seguridad Social abonará 10.280 millones de euros para pagar la nómina de las pensiones contributivas, un 3,27% más que hace un año, a los que se suman otros 10.017 millones de la extra de noviembre, según los últimos datos del Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones. La mayoría del gasto, el 72,13%, se destinará a...

Brazilian bill seeks to make infrastructure bonds appealing to global pension funds

Stakeholders in Brazil’s infrastructure sector are hoping for the senate to approve a bill that extends tax breaks on infrastructure debentures, in order to attract global players to invest in financing long-term projects. The country's lower house approved the bill in July and it is now being considered by the upper house. "We’re carrying out several bidding processes that can’t be financed solely with bank financing. We’ll need deep engagement from the capital market, and infrastructure debentures will play a key...

Carestía, otro riesgo para las pensiones: experto

México. Carestía, otro riesgo para las pensiones: experto

La elevada inflación es uno de los dos principales riesgos para enfrentar el retiro, pues puede mermar de manera importante las pensiones de los jubilados, advirtió Sébastien Page, director global de T. Rowe Price. Al participar en el Encuentro Digital 2021, organizado por la Asociación Mexicana de Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Amafore), el experto de la firma global de inversiones indicó que el otro riesgo es la longevidad de las personas. Page indicó que sin duda es bueno que...

An Overview of Retirement Income Planning

By Wade D. Pfau Retirement income planning has emerged as a distinct field within financial planning with the realization that risks change dramatically in retirement. The combination of longevity risk, increasing market risk triggered by taking distributions from assets, and spending shocks create new challenges. Wealth management has traditionally focused on accumulating assets without applying further thought to these differences happening after retirement. Retirees experience reduced capacity to bear financial market risk once they have retired. This calls for different...